Case Study

Fahad Shakoor

Fahad Shakoor, 25, lives with his parents and 4 younger siblings in Sadiq Abad, Rawalpindi. While describing about himself he said, ‘Being the eldest son of my family, I have great responsibility to help my family and younger siblings. We belong to a poor family, where my mother and father both work hard to support us all’.

Even though he was a good student, Fahad decided to leave school and help his father, sacrificing his own education so that his younger siblings could good education. ‘I realized that I should not remain a burden on my father any longer and should find some sort of job to earn income honestly and legally. I decided to learn tailoring and embroidery work from a young man who lives in our neighborhood. I worked there for a year or so as a student to learn tailoring. Then I started sewing lady clothing and other articles. I was paid a small daily wage for my work by him, but I realized that I could earn more by purchasing a sewing/Peko machine and fabric and other items.

‘I talked with my parents about getting a sewing-machine for myself but they said that they could not afford to buy a new machine. I asked them to let me borrow some money from someone of your acquaintance and I will pay it back afterwards. But again my parents refused. Later on, one of my friends told me that he met with a credit officer from an organization called Islamic Relief. He told me about this organization and it’s Micro Finance Program. I was thrilled and interested. Immediately after this information I met with this credit officer and asked about different details. I discussed and consulted with my parents. My parents warmly welcomed this idea. Without wasting any further time I applied for a loan and with the help of my friend we filled in the financing documents’. He briefly informed about his story.

‘Islamic Relief purchased me the thread machine and with some other needed items like thread, fabric, scissors etc. The sun of luck started shining on the windows of our house! I developed good links with my customers who brought a lot of work for me. I worked hard and tirelessly to pay the installments for the machine and to contribute in the wellbeing of younger brothers and sister’ he further added.

Fahad has repaid most of his installments and his business is thriving. He is much happy with his new life and of being supporter to his family. ‘After finishing the installments I am planning to purchase one more Peko machine and one over lock machine from Islamic Relief in order to expand my business’ he told. Conveying his good wished for Islamic Relief he said, he said that he is much happy that Islamic Relief has started this programme providing him and hundreds of others like him the financing opportunities and letting fulfill their aspirations.