SSAA: ART4X jan’15


Sculpture Court, Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Laurieston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DF

ART4X is a special exhibition, and sale of artworks, organised by SSAA in conjunction with The University of Edinburgh, and Edinburgh College of Art to raise funds in support of the Patrick Wild Centre, which researches the neurological basis for Autism, Fragile X Syndrome, and Intellectual Disabilities.

TIMETABLE and FEES Pre-Registration Form to: I. S. Campbell, 19 Trinity Grove, EH5 3HB.

to arrive with cheque by:- 1st december 2014

key work for CATALOGUE: E-mail JPEG to:-

(* also to arrive by 1st December 2014).

HANDING IN: Deliver without packing to – Sculpture Court, ECA

Edinburgh College of Art, 74 Laurieston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DF

Saturday 17th January (10.30 am-4.30 pm) or (before 16th) to RIAS.

NB*ref: for Couriers: (SSAA@RIAS, 15 Rutland Square, Edinburgh EH1 2BE

tel: +44 (0)131 229 7545 Email

EXHIBITION PERIOD 2014: WEDNESDAY 21rd January to SATURDAY 24th January 2015

Exhibition open daily( 10.00 – 5.00pm ) sat:10 – 1.00pm

FINAL COLLECTION: SATURDAY 24th January 2015 (1.00 – 4.00pm)

SUBMISSION FEES: £8.00 for each work submitted <FOUR WORKS Max.fee :£24

£4.00 per work by Student or those seeking employment : max fee £12 .

Commission 40% on all works sold will be paid to Patrick Wild Centre.

Art Prints will be accepted where signed and numbered as limited edition: Additional unframed works – mounted with clear cellophane sheet protection may also be submitted for the ‘browser’.


All works should be delivered, and unsold work collected, within times stated.

Care will be taken but SSAA cannot be held responsible for losses or damage.


Acrylics, oils, water-colours, gouache, pencil, charcoal, pastels, pen and wash, collage and comparable media are acceptable, including screen prints, monoprints, unique computer generated and photographic images. Installations, and 3D works will also be accepted subject to conditions and prior arrangement: contact SSAA Secretary.


No size restriction applies for this exhibition. (*notify if you plan an unusually large piece)

All works to be subject to selection on basis of artistic merit.

* Works for exhibition will be accepted from all ‘paid up’ current members and by invitation from guests.


All pictures, unless a ‘box canvas’, must be properly framed with glass edges covered. All work to have hanging D-rings with cord or picture wire, fixed within top third of frame.

LABELS: (not provided)

All works must be labelled on the back of pictures, base of sculptures or plinth. The labelling to show:

Artist’s Name & Address, Title of work, Medium, Price, Contact Tel. & e-mail.

PRIVATE VIEW and CHARITY AUCTION: Tuesday 20 January, Artists and guests will be welcome to attend.

Any queries to:

SSAA Secretary - Tel:0131 552 2620 (message) Email