University Advisors and Counselors

Executive Board Meeting

October 4, 2006


Present: Summer Felton (President), Linda Windle ( President Elect), Jennifer Baker (Immediate Past President), Rebecca Hapes (VP Programs), Cathy Sperry (Secretary), Larry Marek (Treasurer & Student Business Services), Patrick Williams (Mays Business School), Sallye Henderson (General Academic Programs), Jeana Goodson (College of Engineering), Roxanna Russell (College of Geosciences), Terri Burger (College of Liberal Arts), Lydia Carrascosa (College of Veterinary Medicine), Tami Hawkins (Athletics), Kristie Orr (Student Affairs), Cynthia Hernandez (Student Affairs), Justin Smith (College of Education), Kristin Harper (UPAS), Joel McGee (Academic Affairs), Marcella Stark (Blinn College), Heather Haliburton (College of Agriculture & Life Sciences), Clint Crampton (College of Science), Bridgett Ingram for Delisa Falks (Student Financial Aid), Ben Petty (International Programs), Karen Price (Admissions - Office of the Registrar)

Not Present: Larry Perez (VP Communications), Mike White (College of Architecture), Anne Blum (Academic Affairs),

I.  Presidents Opening Remarks – Summer Felton


II.  Minutes – Cathy Sperry

Jeana Goodson moved that the previous minutes be approved. Motion seconded by Sallye Henderson. Minutes approved.

III.  Treasurer’s Report – Larry Marek

The UAC Budget for Fiscal Year 2007 and the Account Balances were distributed. Larry Marek moved that the budget be approved. Motion seconded by Linda Windle. Budget approved. Summer noted that UAC must submit a budget in order to receive continued funding from the Provost. The budget will now be forwarded to the Associate Provost who will then forward to the Provost for approval. Special thanks to Kristin Harper and Larry Marek for their hard work in compiling the budget.

IV.  New Business

a.  Introduction of New UAC Board Representatives – Summer Felton

The following new members were introduced: Karen Price representing Admissions – Office of the Registrar, Bridget Ingram for Delisa Falks, representing Student Financial Aid, and Ben Petty representing International Programs.

b.  University Studies Degree Committee – Jennifer Baker Kristin Harper

This new degree will be implemented Fall 2007 pending approval of the Coordinating Board. The committee has been working to identifying issues/questions with regards to the new degree. UAC Board members are encouraged to send additional questions/concerns to either Jennifer or Kristin. In addition, members are encouraged to recommend potential members to the larger group.

c.  Retirement Planning Email – Summer Felton

Several faculty members have received an email regarding a retirement planning seminar which appears to be sponsored by UAC – it is not. Summer will send a notice to UAC BULL to alert members.

V.  Old Business

a.  Bylaws – Summer Felton

The bylaws were approved during Advisor Briefing Days.

b.  Webinar – Kristin Harper

The Webinar was a success with 36 people in attendance. Ninety-five percent of those surveyed said the Webinar improved their knowledge of the subject. In addition, 95% would consider attending another one. The next Webinar will be on December 12, 2006 and will cover developing an Advising as Teaching Syllabus.

VI.  Officer & Committee Reports

a.  Membership – Cathy Sperry

The process for joining UAC is unclear. It was decided that the UAC Representatives will continue to make yearly updates to the membership list and encourage new advisors and counselors to become members. In addition, Cathy will compare current UAC BULL members to the current UAC membership and contact UAC BULL members who are not UAC members. Cathy will also ask Larry Perez to include a “Do You Want to Be a Member” link on the UAC website with instructions on joining.

b.  Programs – Terri Burger & Rebecca Hapes

·  Advisor Briefing Days Evaluation: Terri distributed the evaluations and reported that there were 69 respondents. Rebecca reported that there were 135 registrants and 118 participants. Packets were sent to no-shows.

·  University of Texas Advising Symposium: The Advisor Briefing Day Committee has submitted a proposal to present at the UT symposium in November. The subject will be how to do an Advisor Briefing Day and is entitled, “You Can Do It, We Can Help: DEbrief, DEstress, and DEvelop Advisors in 2 Days”. Presenters whose proposals are accepted for presentation will be notified by October 15.

·  Texas A&M Advising Symposium: Rebecca reported that Vida Wilhelm is the Chair and session ideas can be sent to either Vida or Rebecca. Symposium date is February 13, 2007.

·  Monthly Programs: The October program will be on the 16th at 3:30 p.m. in the Bright Athletic Complex. The topic is: Academic Probation: Best Practices and Available Student Services. This will be a panel discussion whose members are Lyle Slack, Joel McGee, Sallye Henderson, and Tonya Driver.

c.  New Student Conference Committee – Linda Windle

·  Evaluations from Summer 2006 were reviewed during the first committee meeting. The committee discussed whether or not to continue the Summer Admission Conferences held in May. Also, UAC Board should be prepared for changes to 2007 Summer Conferences due to construction in Rudder. It has been suggested that Reed Arena be explored for NSC use.

·  Cynthia Hernandez announced several staff changes in New Student Programs. Cynthia has accepted a position in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. Kate Harrigan has accepted a position in Oklahoma beginning October 13, 2006.

d.  AOC Meeting – Summer Felton

·  The Student Work History Study: The study will be presented in full at the symposium. One impact for advisors – study negates the myth that students who work have lower grades.

·  Academic Issues Related to Study Abroad: Suzanne Droleskey and Study Abroad are willing to do workshops on benefits of Study Abroad. They reported to the AOC that: (a) 70% of students say primary source of encouragement for Study Abroad is from other students, faculty, and academic advisors; (b) students can receive academic credit on their transcripts; and (c) 30% of TAMU students who do not go abroad do not know how the experience fits into the degree.

·  Tuition Rebates: There have been issues with students applying for the rebate who took High School enrichment courses (enrichment courses can count against students when applying for the rebate). Out of 237 undergraduates who applied for the rebate, only 114 were approved.

VII.  Announcements

  1. Marcella Stark announced that this Fall, Blinn instituted a new attendance policy. After three absences, students are referred to the PASS center which is staffed by volunteer faculty to discuss reasons for absences. After eight absences, the student is administratively withdrawn. This may impact A&M students who are not use to professors taking attendance. Advisors should encourage A&M students to file appeals because Blinn is automatically approving appeals for the time being.
  2. Marcella also announced that Blinn plans to offer a minimester this December and again in May. The December minimester will begin on the 18th.
  3. Summer announced that board members should consider presenting at the NACADA Regional Conference on March 8-10, 2007 in Austin, Texas. Funds have been allocated for travel expenses (possibly renting a van). In addition, board members should consider nominating someone for the South Central Region 7 Chair.
  4. The next UAC Board Meeting is Wednesday, November 1 at 9:30 a.m. in 206A Coke.
  5. The next UAC Monthly Program is Monday, October 16 at 3:30 p.m. in 225 Bright Athletic Complex. Parking is available via UB passes in nearby lots and the Central Campus Parking Garage; however the athletic department is unable to cover parking expenses for program attendees.

Meeting adjourned at 10:28 a.m.