Romans 6: 17

"But God be thanked, that ye were the servants of sin, but ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered you."


I COR. 10:31

Date: Time:

Weekly memory verse - Romans 6: 17

Read - Romans 12: 1-2

Examine -

1. Define Beseech -

2. To whom does Paul address this?

3. By what is he asking you to do this?

4. What is he asking you to do?

5. What three things describe this body when we give it?

6. Define Reasonable -

7. Define Service - (think about the context)

8. What are we to be?

9. What are we not to be?

10. How does this happen?

11. What will you prove if you do these things?

12. How is this described in the later part of the verse?

Apply -

It is only when we do these things that we can find God's will! That will is good, perfect, and acceptable to us. Do you want to find God's will?

Then do what you know to do!Look at Psalms 119: 9-11 and begin to cleanse your mind!

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly Memory Verse - Romans 6: 17

Read - Romans 12:3-5

Examine -

1. To whom does verse three apply?

2. What are we to not do?

3. How are we to think?

4. Define this term!

5. How many members are there in one body?

6. Do all members have the same job?

7. What are we in Christ?

8. Who gives us our job in the body?

9. Should we brag about our part in the body?

10. How do you think this discussion deals with the last part of verse 3?

Apply -

All of us have a different function and we should be content with what job we have! What has God given you right now to do?

Can you do this better?Look at Luke 16:10! How does the things you do now effect you in the future?

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly Memory Verse - Romans 6: 17

Read - Romans 12: 6-8

Examine -

1. What is different about each of us?

2. How are the gifts given?

*You would do well to look up the meaning of each of these!

3. How should we prophecy?

4. What should the person who has ministry or teaching do?

5. How should you give?

6. How should you rule?

7. How should you show mercy?

Apply -

Although some of these are easier than others, all of them should be worked on all the time! Do you know what your gift is?

What is your weakest area in this list?

Ask God to help you conqueror this area!

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly Memory Verse - Romans 6: 17

Read - Romans 12: 9-13

Examine -

1. Define Dissimulation -

2. Based on this definition how should we love?

3. What should we abhor?

4. Define Abhor -

5. What should we do to good?

6. How should we treat one another (2 ways)?

7. How should we go about business?(one negative and one positive)

8. When we go about our normal day, who can we really be serving?

9. In what should we rejoice?

10. What do you think this hope is?

11. How should we respond to tribulation?

12. In what should we always continue?

13. Define Hospitality -

14. What should we do for the saints?

Apply -

What is a way that you could give to "saints" during this time of the year?

Come up with at least one good idea and talk with your parents about you as a family doing it!

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly Memory Verse - Romans 6: 17

Read - Romans 12: 14-17

Examine -

1. Define Persecute -

2. What should you do to those who persecute you?

3. What should we do instead of cursing them?

4. What should we do with those that rejoice?

5. What should we do with those that weep?

6. Which one of these would be harder for you?

7. What do you think the first part of verse 16 means?

8. Those who make themselves "wise" are really what? (Romans 1:22)

9. Define Recompense-

10. With whom should we deal honestly?

Apply -

This is a tough section. All of us want to lash out at someone who does wrong to us. God wants us to do good to them. List a specific area that you have struggled with on this!

What can you do for that person to help them? List some things!

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly Memory Verse - Rom. 6: 17

Read - Romans 12: 18-21

Examine -

1. How should we live with all men?

2. What does this verse not say but implies about people?

3. Should we avenge ourselves?

4. Why should we not avenge ourselves?

5. Is this a promise that we can claim?

6. What should we do when our enemy is hungry?


7. What will we do if we do this?

8. What does this mean?

9. What should not overcome us?

10. With what should we overcome evil?

Apply -

It is easy for us to read this passage and say O.K. but what if someone had hurt one of our loved ones? Could we go and do kind things for them?

If we are to treat our enemies this way, then how should we treat each other?

Praise -

Pray -

Date: Time:

Weekly Memory Verse - Romans 6: 17

Read - Romans 12

Examine -

Look at each day and write what spoke to your heart for that day!

Day 1-

Day 2-

Day 3-

Day 4-

Day 5-

Day 6-

Apply - Briefly list the areas you need work on, then list them in the things to do section of next weeks devotions!

Review your Memory Verse for tonight!

Praise -

Pray -