United States History II

Final Exam Review


Because of the Neutrality Act of 1937, Americans could not?

Hitler made his first grab for territory by sending troops into what country?

In the 1930s, Japanese military officers believed that democracy was?

Roosevelt used the Lend-Lease Act to?

How did World War II help end the Great Depression? Was this a permanent fix for the American economy?

The turning point in the fight against Japanduring WWII was the Battle of?

How did the Allies fool the Germans during WWII into believing that the Allies would land at Pas-de-Calais instead of Normandy?

The Japanese resisted the American demand for unconditional surrender in WWII because?

A basic assumption of the American Cold War containment policy was that?

In the 1950s, the United States saw a rise in new media such as?

During World War II, the Office of Price Administration rationed goods such as gasoline, sugar, and meats as a way of ensuring that?

After the Korean War, Eisenhower believed that small wars were unpopular, expensive, and?

Many Jewish businesses and synagogues were destroyed inGermany during a night of anti-Jewish violence called?

The United States officially entered World War II when?

In the 1950s, many franchise (business) owners in the United Statesbelieved that?

Secretary of War Stimson during WWII in the U.S.declared most of the West Coast a military zone and ordered?

The Germans towards the end of WWII had few resources left to prevent the Allies from entering Germany after?

At the Potsdam Conference, Stalin and Truman argued over the issue of German reparations, but finally agreed that?

Choose the author of this famous quote. “. . . From Stettin in the Baltic to Trieste in the Adriatic an iron curtain has descended across the Continent.”

The Taft-Hartley Act was intended to?

President Kennedy’s goal in the space race with the Soviet Union was for the United States to be the first to?

The purpose of the Bay of Pigs invasion was to?

Rosa Parks was arrested in Alabama for?

Civil rights activists tried to integrate restaurants by using what tactic?

The Freedom Riders intended to draw attention to what situation in Alabama?

President Johnson did not order a full-scale invasion of North Vietnam for fear that it might?

Televised news coverage of the Vietnam War each night meant what to the war?

Describe Johnson’s Great Society?

The purpose of the Bilingual Education Act of 1968 was to?

What was true of President Eisenhower and civil rights?

Describe John F. Kennedy’s administration?

List events that helped to advance the civil rights movement?

Describe The Black Power Movement.

Describe the Vietnam War.

Describe 1968 America.

A leading figure in the women’s movement and editor of Ms. magazine was?

Describe the Equal Rights Amendment?

Where did the youth protests of the 1960s begin and reach their peak?

The majority of Puerto Rican immigrants to the United States settled?

Willingness to go to the edge of war to force the other side to back down?

Japanese suicide pilots?

Prewar border between North and South Korea in 1950?

Government agency that conducted covert operations during the Cold War?

Led the team that built the first American atomic bomb?

Early military computer?

First successful artificial satellite to orbit earth?

Tearing down slums to erect new high-rise buildings?

Truman’s policy that included increasing Social Security benefits by 75%?

Organization founded in 1945 to promote peace and security in the U.S.?

New technology that gave advanced warning of air attacks to the U.S. military?

Jellied gasoline used in firebombs?

New industrial region of the U.S.created during World War II?

Describe the foreign and domestic policy of President Eisenhower.

Enabled the miniaturization of radios and calculators?

Alliance of Communist nations after World War II?

A mutual defense alliance with Western Europe after WWII?

Overall commander of Operation Overlord in WWII?

Poets, writers, and artists who criticized 1950s American culture?

Agency created to improve war mobilization?

Young people of the 1960s counterculture?

Allowed segregation as long as equivalent facilities were provided for African Americans?

Describe the Nation of Islam’s role in the American Civil Rights Movement.

Who established the Peace Corps and what was its mission?

Describe the leader in the effort to improve the lives of Mexican American farm workers in the U.S.

Provision in the Fourteenth Amendment that ensures that all people are treated the same by the legal system?

Militant African American group that rose during the American Civil Rights movement?

President who declared a war on poverty?

Guerrilla army organized by Ho Chi Minh?

Describe the programs of the Great Society.

Movement to shift political power to urban areas?

Chief Justice during the Kennedy administration?

Kennedy’s policy against Communist movements?

Brilliant African American attorney who was very influential in the Civil Rights movement?

The unquestioned leader of the nonviolent civil rights movement?

Site of the first sit-in in 1960?

Shared living arrangements among members of the counterculture?

Money paid in order to vote?

Chemical that strips leaves from trees and shrubs and was used extensively in the Vietnam War?

Famous speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1963 in WashingtonD.C.?

Adolf Hitler blamed Germany’s defeat in World War I on the?

Explain the Nuremburg Laws?

The Nazis’ final solution referred to their plans to?

In the MunichConference, Britain and France?

The Nazi-Soviet nonaggression treaty contained a secret deal to?

Roosevelt sent destroyers in WWII to Britain in exchange for?

Roosevelt created the Fair Employment Practices Commission to?

The Bataan Death March occurred in?

Describe the Allied attack on Sicily in WWII and its outcome and results.

The Long Telegram resulted in?

When the United States, Britain, and France merged their zones in Germany post WWII, the Soviet Union responded by?

The development of the transistor made possible the?

Kennedy defeated this republican candidate in the 1960 Election, this candidate who was defeated in 1960 runs and wins the Presidency in 1968?

Describe the Major Cold War Issues that John Kennedy faced?

This institution in the African American community was the center of the Civil Rights Movement?

Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I have a dream speech” was delivered at this Civil Rights Event?

1968 was a pivotal year in the Vietnam War because?

Nixon used this phrase term to describe his goal in the Vietnam War?

Title IX of the Educational Amendments prohibited federally funded schools from?

In the 1960s young people known as hippies began this movement?