For Kids: Upcoming Kindergarten through upcoming 5th Grade

Cost: $45.00 per child

Dates: June 1-4, 2015

Time: 8:30-4:00pm

However EARLY pick up is needed on THURSDAY, 6/4/14 with camp from 8:30-12:00

Location: Union Grove High School Agriculture Department (410)

Ages: Rising Kindergarten-Rising 6th grade

Registration DUE BY: Monday, May 29 Money and Forms (Scroll to bottom of flyer) due on that day.

Please send Mrs.Crown a confirmation email stating your child will attend. We have a limited number of spots available for camp.

Do your kids love to play outside? Do they enjoy having fun with their friends and learning about plants and animals? Do they love water games? This summer camp is perfect for them! The Union Grove High School FFA members have designed a camp that is just for kids who love to have fun! We have planned four days packed full of awesome activities to get them excited about agriculture! The registration fee includes all materials for activities. They’ll also get to bring home several of the things that they make throughout the four days. Students will need to bring their lunch each day; however, water and snacks will be provided.

We will plant, play water games on our water day, play relay games, conduct science experiments, and learn about wildlife and many other things involved with agriculture. We are going to do so many fun things that we don’t have space to list them all on one sheet. If you’d like more information please feel free to contact UGHS FFA Advisor Sherry Crown at .

We hope to see you this summer at our Little Farmers Camp!

Teachers: If you will be attending pre-planning and need to drop off your children before 8:30 and/or pick up after 4:00, please let us know. We will be happy to accommodate your needs.

UGHS Little Farmers Camp Registration Form

Child’s Name: ______Age: ______

Grade Going Into in 2014-2015______

Food Allergies? (If yes, please list) ______

Is there anything else that we should know about your child? ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Other People who are allowed to pick up your child: ______

Address: ______

Home Phone: ______Cell Phone: ______

Work Phone: ______

Email Address: ______

I hereby give my permission for my son/daughter to participate in the 2014 Little Farmers Summer Camp and waive Henry County Schools and Union Grove FFA advisors and members of liability for accident and injury. I also give permission to obtain emergency first aid if necessary. I certify that my son/daughter is covered by insurance.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Please make all checks payable to UGHS FFA. Checks must have a phone number written on them. The preferred method of registration is to return this form to Union Grove High School. Please send Mrs.Crown a confirmation email to reserve your spot. Please include the child’s name.