Name of Project: / Creation of the American Red Cross: Clara Barton / Duration (hrs): / 2 weeks (A. History)
3 weeks (Health Science)
CTE Course: / Health Science 2 / Grade Level: / 11
Academic Course: / American History H / School: / NSBHS
Teachers: / Elizabeth Strople, Lindsay Posick
Project Idea:
Summary of the issue, challenge, investigation, scenario, or problem / Students will thoroughly explore important figures in medical history with emphasis on Clara Barton’s creation of the American Red Cross during the American Civil War.
Driving Question:
The question that both engages student attention and focuses their efforts / How did the American Red Cross begin and what significance does it serve in America’s history?
Content and Skill Standards:
Those taught and assessed in the project / CTE Performance Standards Health Service:
7.01 Perform basic communication skills
7.02 Develop basic observational skills and related documentation strategies in written form
7.05 Use appropriate medical terminology and abbreviations
7.13Locate, organize, and reference written information from various sources
9.02 Identify personal health practices and environmental factors which affect optimal function of each of the major body systems
Science Frameworks:
6.07 Explain the cause and effects of factors that influence the current delivery system of healthcare
6.08 Explain the impact of emerging issues including technology, epidemiology, bioethics and socioeconomics on the healthcare delivery system
17.01 Locate, comprehend, and evaluate key elements of oral and written information
17.02 Draft, revise, and edit written documents using correct grammar and punctuation
17.03 Present information formally and informally for specific purposes and audiences
Common Core Standards – Social Studies
SS.912.A.2.1: Review the consequences of the Civil War
21st Century Skills:
Those taught and
assessed in the project
For descriptions follow web links / Learning & Innovation Skills / Info. Media, & Tech. Skills / Life &Career Skills
Creativity & Innovation / X Information Literacy / Flexibility/Adaptability / X Productivity/Accountability
X Critical Thinking/Problem Solving / Media Literacy / X Initiative/Self Direction / Leadership/Responsibility
Communication/Collaboration / ICT Literacy / Social/Cross-Cultural
Culminating Products & Performances:
Elaborate on products
Discuss publication and presentation of projects / Products:
Creativity & Innovation Rubric / Class:
Health Science: Introduction and Paper
American History: Journal Reflection
Presentation Rubric / Group:
Health Science: Presentation / Presentation Audience
Individual: /
Entry Event/Project Launch:
Introduction/background information to set the stage / Health Science—Students will research and create a project on a Historical Figure in Medicine.
History—Read about Clara Barton’s achievements and reflect in your notebook
In-Depth Inquiry/
Need to Know
Discuss how the project engages students;
Develop student guidelines for each phase of project
Student Project Guidelines
Project Management Log/Group
Project Work Log/Individual
Creativity/Innovation Rubric
1.  Introduction and Team Planning:
Health Science introduce important historical figures in medical field; then History review historical importance of Clara Barton’s achievements
2.  Initial Research Phase - Gathering Information:
Health Science notes, History notes
3.  Creation and Development of Initial Artifacts, Product(s), and/or Prototype(s):
Rough draft for paper
4.  Second Research Phase - Additional Information & Revision:
Implement changes to rough draft
5.  Final Presentation Development:
Development of essays
6.  Publication of Product or Artifacts: Present to class.
Final Reflection
Discuss collaboration among colleagues in teaching the project
Discuss collaborative instructional strategies utilized by students
Collaboration Rubric / Teachers:
Teachers planned project during pre-service curriculum meeting. Before and during the implementation of the project, teachers will keep each other informed via e-mail and create similar guidelines/ rubrics for grading.
The project is introduced in the health science class with information on historical figures in the medical field. History H will follow with understanding the background of the American Red Cross and the impact Clara Barton had during the Civil War. Health Science will write a paper and decide on PowerPoint or poster board on their historical person/ impact they had on health care. Finally, History will reflect.
Voice & Choice:
Describe how students play a role in project design and implementation / Students will have complete freedom of choice in the development of the poster or PowerPoint presentation. They will contribute to development of the project rubric.
Instructional Technology:
Select and discuss the technology-based instructional options embedded in the project / / /
Students will post on blog forum about their progress.
Public Audience:
Describe how business partners contribute to project learning.
Assessments: / Formative Assessments
(During Project) / /
/ Poster
Summative Assessments
(End of Project) / / Other Product(s) or Performance(s) w/ Rubric:
Essay, Reflection / Presentation
Group Presentation /
Reflection Methods: / Individual
Whole Class / /
/ Blog
Revision & Reflection:
Scaffolded feedback and “check points” should be routinely provided by the teacher within the collaborative instructional process. Feedback can be based on either teacher and/or peer evaluations / /

Health Science 2

Historical Figures in Healthcare Project

Ø  Choose a historical figure from the list

Ø  Write a 1-2 page paper on the historical figure

o  Content of paper

§  Background information

§  Contribution to Healthcare

§  Summary/Opinion

§  Include more than 3 resources

Ø  Presentation

o  Length of presentation needs to be 3-5 mins

o  Visual Aid, such as a PowerPoint or poster board must be included in presentation

o  Pictures/Images also need to be included

o  Content information on historical figure must also be included

Ø  Outline on project needs to be submitted by the end of the class period on Friday Sept 19, 2014

o  Outline must include:

§  Historical figure’s name

§  Two pieces of background information

§  One brief statement regarding their contribution to healthcare

§  Include one resource that is being used

§  What type of presentation (poster board, PowerPoint, etc.) is being prepared

****Presentations will start on Monday, September 22!! This is for a Summative grade!

Reflective Journal Instructions

Now you have finished your Historical Figure project. Write a short journal to think about your project.

In your journal answer the following questions:

What I Did (explain what you did to finish your project.)

What I enjoyed (write about what you liked most about the project)

What I found difficult (write about any part of the project you found hard to do.)

What really worked (write about any part that you thought worked well).

Next time (write what you would do differently next time)

Grading Rubric for Reflection Assignments

Categories / Exemplary / Intermediate / Beginning
Self-disclosure /
Seeks to understand concepts by examiningopenlyyour own experiences in the past as they relate to the topic, to illustrate points you are making. Demonstrates anopen, non-defensive ability to self-appraise, discussing both growth and frustrations as they related to learning in class. Risks asking probing questions about self and seeks to answer these. / Seeks to understand concepts by examiningsomewhat cautiously your own experiences in the past as they relate to the topic. Sometimes defensive or one-sided in your analysis. Asks some probing questions about self, but do not engage in seeking to answer these. / Little self-disclosure, minimal riskin connecting concepts from class to personal experiences. Self-disclosure tends to be superficial and factual, without self-reflection.
Connection to outside experiences /
In-depth synthesisof thoughtfully selected aspects of experiences related to the topic. Makesclearconnections between what is learned from outside experiences and the topic. /
Goes intosome detailexplaining some specific ideas or issues from outside experiences related to the topic. Makesgeneralconnections between what is learned from outside experiences and the topic. / Identify somegeneral ideasor issues from outside experiences related to the topic
Connection to readings (assigned and ones you have sought on your own) /
In-depth synthesisof thoughtfully selected aspects of readings related to the topic. Makesclearconnections between what is learned from readings and the topic. Demonstrate further analysis and insight resulting from what you have learned from reading, Includes reference to at least two readings other than those assigned for class. /
Goes into more detail explaining some specific ideas or issues from readings related to the topic. Makes general connections between what is learned from readings and the topic. Includes reference to at least one reading other than those assigned for class. /
Identify some general ideas or issues from readings related to the topic.Readingsare only those assigned for the topic.
Connection to class discussions & course objectives /
Synthesize, analyze and evaluate thoughtfully selected aspects of ideas or issues from the class discussion as they relate to this topic. /
Synthesize clearly some directly appropriate ideas or issues from the class discussion as they relate to this topic. /
Restate some general ideas or issues from the class discussion as they relate to this topic.
Spelling & grammar errors /
No spelling or grammar errors. /
Few spelling and grammar errors. /
Many spelling and grammar errors, use of incomplete sentences, inadequate proof reading.