July's edition of the Ten-Minute Training Topics covers Pedestrian
Collisions. Why? July is the first full month after schools are out for
summer break, and it is prime vacation time (including our celebration of
the Fourth of July - Independence Day). Pedestrian collisions often involve
people who simply do not look out for oncoming traffic, or have consumed
alcohol which inhibits their judgment. There are several key things that
drivers can do to avoid Pedestrian Collisions - covered in our training
1) Manager's Supplement - We have been receiving great suggestions from many
fleets about this training program. One suggestion that we are implementing
with this edition of the series is to include a "Manager's Supplement" on
the main topic. We will include a "Manager's Supplement" with each topic
that is likely to inspire conversation, additional questions from drivers or
is focused on a very critical element of safety. The "Manager's Supplement"
includes additional facts about the issue, web sites that contain additional
information about the topic, and a story (summary) from the press about this
type of collision or safety issue to further bring home the topic's
importance to your drivers.
2) Sharing Topics? - Some managers have called asking for clarification on
sharing the bulletins with drivers from subsidiaries or other companies that
are not enrolled in the SafetyFirst program. We want to promote safety and
would love to share these topics freely, but there is a cost to us to
produce these training topics. The Ten-Minute Training Topics may be
printed or emailed to any driver or manager who is participating in the
SafetyFirst Driver Monitoring Program. If there are other folks who would
benefit from the program, please contact us before sending our copyrighted
material to them. We may be able to give permission for one-time
distributions or set up an account for a reasonable fee so that they get
them automatically each month. We are willing to work out a reasonable
solution as the need arises!
Some of you have participated in our NBC NEWS story that is in final
production - THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP! NBC Dateline produces short segments
of safety interest to run on local NBC NEWS affiliates. This piece will
celebrate the benefits of our program to consumers and promote the need to
be accurate when calling in a report so that managers can properly
investigate reports of risk taking. We expect that the story will air
during July on your local NBC station.
This month we've attached:
A "how to" guide for managers to prepare short safety talks or presentations
to groups of employees
A two page handout for drivers to read during or after a presentation on the
topic (these can be distributed to employees in lieu of a formal meeting,
but we strongly encourage face to face meetings whenever possible to assure
that the message is conveyed that management cares about safety and wants
safe performance from employees)
A safety poster for the company bulletin board (8.5 inches by 11 inches in
size). The poster is INCLUDED with the driver handout sheets in case these
are simply distributed to the employees, and to further reinforce the
essential elements of the topic.
A "Manager's Supplement" covering additional details about this months
Paul Farrell, CEO