CG Discussion Questions

Semper Reformanda

Rev Dr Andrew Peh

05 November 2017

Scripture:Judges 2:6-23

Summary:The reading passage focuses on ‘when Israel rebels, God disciplines;when Israel repents, God delivers. The incidents of themisery of God’s people when theydeviated from the ways that God has ordained them to live. The wretchedness of stubbornly seeking God only when they are oppressed, eventually falling into complacency and even belittling the covenant that they had with God, resulted in them being distanced further and further away from Him. This possibly mirrors the state of churches and even self at different stages of our spiritual walk with God. Hence, the importance of constantly reminding ourselves of the purpose of our being and the need to consistently align ourselves with God.

Scripture Reading & Discovery:

In the next few minutes, read Judges 2:6-23carefully. Annotate any noteworthyverses or words.

Insights into studying the Word together / Discussion Questions:

  1. In the Judges 2:6-23, identify the different stages that Israel went through.

1. Israel serves God / v.6-9 / Why did Israel believed can follow God’s commandments?
2. Israel’s sin / v.10-13 / What did Israel do?
Why did Israel depart from God?
3. Israel oppressed / v.14-15 / What did God do?
Why would God allow Israel to be defeated and oppressed?
4. Salvation / v.16, 18 / What did God do in response to Israel’s oppression?
Why did He do that?
5. Israel serves God / v. 17b. / How did Israel initially respond after being saved?
(return to Stage 2 in a recurring cycle) / v.17, 19 / How did Israel respond to God’s salvation?
Why would Israel respond in such a manner?
Israel oppressed
(return to Stage 3 in a recurring cycle) / v.20-23 / Is there anything interesting about these verses as compared to v.14 and 15?


  1. Looking at the different stages of highlighted in Judges 2:6-23, where do you think the churches of today are at now? What could be the possible reasons for these?

What is your own spiritual health like today? How is it likened to Israel in Joshua 2? Is there a need for reformation? Explain and share your answer.

  1. Share some ways we can help to ‘reform’ our spiritual life so that we are walking according to God’s purpose in us.

Prayer Requests:(Write down prayer requests, with prayer support for those who shared about their applications or struggles above)