Georgia’s Perfect Girl Preliminary Pageant 2008

The Perfect Pageant… For The Perfect Girl…

Optional Events:
One winner in every age division will receive a Silk-Screened
sash for each Optional event and $50.00 off you State entry fee.
* Best Party Wear*
*Prettiest Eyes*
*Best Smile*
Overall– highest score in each age division
in party wear, casual wear, personality 0-6
or talent (7 and up). Overall winners will
receive– full round crown, embroideredbanner
and $75.00 entry fee paid to the State Pageant.
2 alternates in each age division will receive a
crown, banner and $50.00 off your State entry fee.
****Pageant Schedule****
Deadline for entry is Wednesday
before the pageant. DOOR ENTRIES
Please allow 3-4 days for postal mail to reach us.
If you must enter at the door, please call
and let us know you will be attending.
03/28/09–Blue Ridge, GA
Registration 1:00 – 1:45
Pageant Begins @ 2:00
ADMISSION: Adults $5.00 Children 12 & under $1; Children under 3- FREE

Name: ______






Two words that best describe me are:

______& ______

Parents Names:


Sponsors (If Any):


_____Preliminary Entry Fee (Required) $75.00

(This fee includes formal wear, casual wear, and personality.)

_____Prettiest Eyes $10.00

_____Best Dress $10.00

_____Best Smile $10.00

Total Deposit (Date _________

Balance (Cash only on day of pageant)

Mail completed application and deposit

prior to deadline to:

Amanda Thomas

885 New Hope Rd.

Morganton, GA30560

For Email or Paypal :

Make Checks Payable to:Amanda Thomas

***Sponsor Ticket Sales***


(You may copy this ticket or make your own)

All sponsor tickets must be turned in one week before the pageant you plan to attend,by cash, money order, or cashier's check. Any sponsor money turned in after thisdatewill apply to free entry fees, but we cannot guarantee trophies will be ready by the day of the pageant. With a minimum of $375 in ticket sales per pageant, we will hold a drawing and award a $50.00 savings bond to one lucky sponsor.

Georgia’s Perfect Girl Preliminary Pageant 2008

The Perfect Pageant… For The Perfect Girl…

Liability Form

By submitting this signed application, I understand that alljudge's decisions are final and will not be disputed.

Any negative or inappropriate behavior: written, spoken, or observed, by contestant, parent or visitor of,

will result in contestant disqualification with all awards being forfeited. Any detrimental actions, spoken, written

or physical by any contestant, parent or visitor of, regarding this system, any individual associated with or a part of,

can be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. America’s Perfect Girl Pageant, Robyn Muller, Charlotte Lemons,

any APG State Director, any APG Preliminary Director or any volunteer, can not be held liable for damages or

injury to individuals before, during or after any event involving an appearance for the above systems. I understand

that no refunds are given for any reason. I further understand that if I register for this pageant and do not attend, a 10%

processing charge will be billed and I am responsible for paying the amount (if a deposit has not been paid).

Any and all photos taken including contestants, parents or visitors, received by mail or electronic submission,

are the property of America’s Perfect Girl, USA and can be used in promotional advertising. Parents name of

contestant if under 18. Contestant's name if over 18.



If you have any questions regarding pageant requirements, attire, other preliminary dates, Directors, or if you just want to sign the guest book, please feel free to visit our website at