Inglés II
“A different childhood”
Nombre del alumno/a:

1. Read the text and complete these sentences with your own words:(2x2: 4 points)

a. Zaera thought that for Francisco Javier she was......

b. Zaera couldn't adopt him because......

2. Put these events in order according to the story you have just read: (12x1:12 points)

q  Zaera met Francisco Javier at court.

q  Francisco Javier's mum went off with a man and never came back.

q  Someone found him alone in his mother's apartment.

q  Francisco Javier got a grip on Zaera and didn't want her to leave.

q  Zaera was his foster mum and wanted to adopt him.

q  She used to take him to friends' houses and sing him Italian pop songs.

q  She had to hand him over.

q  She told him that he should never forget her and he should search for her.

q  Francisco Javier and his brothers were adopted.

q  When he saw his adoptive parents, he cried and thought of Yeny.

q  Yeny posted a message on Facebook looking for him.

q  In three days, she found him and they met.

3. Find in the text an example of the following tenses: (12x1: 12 points)

Present Simple / says / Past Simple / Past Perfect
Future will / Past Simple passive / Future with going to
Imperative / Past Perfect passive / Present Perfect Continuous
Imperative Negative / Conditional / Modal verb

4. Look at these sentences and put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense: (26 X 0.5: 13 points)

1. I ...... (not/see) him for the last two years. He ...... (work) in Ireland as a teacher. I ...... (hope) he...... (be) back before the end of the summer.

2. After he …………………(speak) to her, he left. Then, he …………….(remember) that he ………………(forget) his car keys and he ………………….(have to) go back. She ……….(beg) him not to leave and finally they ………………(make) up.

3. Last night, while ...... (walk) the dog, I ...... (see) a strange man that...... (start) to follow me. I...... (run)back home and...... (phone) the police. They...... (arrest) him and told me they...... (look ) for him for years.

4. This time tomorrow, some of the students in this class ...... (travel) to their home countries. We hope you ...... (have) a safe journey back home. We ...... ( like ) to see you again next year so that you ...... (tell) us what you are up to. If you...... ( be ) so kind as to fill in this questionnaire for us, we ...... ( appreciate ) it.

5. I’m sorry I...... (not/come) to your party tomorrow night. I...... (have) dinner with Susan and Dave. Maybe I ...... (come) along afterwards.

3. As you know, when doing a piece of writing in English, you need to connect your ideas with words called connectors. Here you have some of the most important ones. Put them in the correct sentences: (7x1:7 points)

1.  …………………… the students hadn’t worked enough, they got god grades.

2.  The film was interesting. ……………………, John fell asleep.

3.  ……………….. the weather, we stayed at home.

4.  She uses the DVD ………………… record TV programmes.

5.  Vegetables ………………… oranges or lemons are good for Vitamin C.

6.  …………….. rock music, she likes rap.

7.  She is a very good mountaineer. …………………, she goes to the mountains every summer.

4. It’s your turn to put in practice everything you’ve studied in this task:

Imagine that you have been selected to present a video where you explain Francisco Javier and Yeni’s life together back in the 1980’s and what it has meant for both. You need to include photos ( whether your own or from the web), text and you must record yourself talking about their lives. (you must talk, not read). Upload your video to YouTube. Then copy your link on the template. (40 points)

Remember to use.

-  Appropriate verb tenses: verbs in the different tenses: present tenses, past tenses and future tenses if you need them.

-  Connectors.

-  Give your video an appropriate order: introduction, body and conclusion.

-  Some ideas to talk about are:

·  Daily routines

·  Leisure time

·  School

·  Anecdotes…..