Local Rural Partnership Meeting

Notes of Meeting

9 December 2014 at 10.00am

DGC Chambers, Dumfries


Sam Johnston (Chair), DAGCAS

Stevie Carr, Stewartry CVS

Roana Clark, DGC

Heather Hall, ICET

Iain Howie, Stewartry CVS

Shona Jessup, Third Sector Dumfries & Galloway

Karen Lewis, The Hub

Ron Matthews, Police Scotland

Melissa McGarey, DGC, Economic Development Service

Paul McGregor, Nithsdale Federation of Halls

MagsMcGroggan, DAGCAS + The Hub

David McKie, Council Member, DGC

Selina McMorran, Third Sector Dumfries & Galloway

Irene Penrice, Employability Team

Samantha Rae, DGC

Morris Service, Civic Pride

John Syme, Councillor

Linda Whitelaw

Chris Woodness, DGC


Sheila Campbell, BHC

Tina Gibson, NHS

Joyce Harkness, SHAX

David Russell, Senior Community Safety Officer

Ted Thompson, DGC

Fiona Daubney, DGC

Shona Jessop


SJ welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked Iain Howie and Stevie Carr for attending today’s meeting.

Apologies NOTED above.

2.NOTE OF PREVIOUS MEETING (28 October 2014)

Proposed by David Mckie and seconded by Morris Service.




A very informative power point presentation was deliveredby Iain Howie on Defibrillators.

The following points were NOTED:-

  • One in five people die as a result of a heart attack
  • Community Defibrillators supported by Community Action Fund
  • Currently 40 defibrillators in Stewartry area
  • Cost of defibrillator approximately £1,000-1600
  • Cost of batteries £100-130 (approx. 5 years usage)
  • Cost of pads £35.00-50.00 (single use)
  • Kirkcudbright Rotary Club have funded a defibrillator situated outside Kirkcudbright Fire Service.
  • Good Sam app – launched
  • The public have access to defibrillators in Scotmid co-operative stores in the Stewartry area.
  • Scottish Golf Union would like to install defibrillators in every golf club in the area.
  • A demonstration was carried out on how to use defibrillators.

KL – advised that The Hub have 2 pilot projects ongoing with 6 Community Councils and 6 Halls. A funding application is in for 12 defibrillators for Nithsdale.

ACTION – RC –Mapping exercise of where existing defibrillators are located in Nithsdale area and Council buildings.

ACTION – PMCg – Find out through Federation of Halls where defibrillators are located.

Iain happy to provide training across Nithsdale on request.

A Second informative power point presentation was delivered by Stevie Carr on Sectarianism.

The following points were NOTED:-

  • Funded through Scottish Government
  • Visit schools and do talks
  • Deliver workshops to various organisations across region
  • Work closely with Fiscals
  • Sit on ASB partnership Board
  • Involved in pubwatch schemes
  • Operation Safety in Stranraer
  • A play will be shown in January all about different aspects of sectarianism
  • Competition held in partnership with Burnsong
  • Tolerance TV – Building Respect and understanding (concept based on Helensburgh TV
  • Looking for groups/organisations/volunteers to participate and help with filming, script, demonstrations
  • Looking for edgy subject matters which are hard hitting and meaningful for film and high profile person required.

Stevie agreed to keep us up to date with launch and will feedback through LRP.

Sam J thanks Iain and Stevie for attending.


HHThe Usual Place

  • Signed licence to occupy building – waiting on go ahead from DGC – 22 week estimated build time.
  • Dumfries Beasties Display £1 a Beastie

MSCivic Pride

  • Bulb planting in Dock Park with DG First and assistance from St Michaels Primary School
  • Two Centenary Seats donated to sit at War Memorial in Dumfries


  • Walking Works – February
  • Training Course – 2 ½ days – MM to circulate details through SR
  • Kindship Care contact Marion Hamilton (leaflets circulated) – MM advised that Marion would be happy to attend a future LRP to provide an update of the Kindship Care Service.

RM Police Scotland

  • Extra plain clothes officer patrols in Dumfries Town Centre
  • Road Safety campaigns are continuing i.e breath test initiative and winter safety checks.
  • Festive Friday – additional Police patrols
  • Pub Watch online – working well
  • Pilot Taxi Scheme – happy for feedback

PMcG Federation of Halls

  • Asset Transfer Issue – lack of communication – clarity required.
  • ACTION - RC to contact Karen Brownlee regarding attending future LRP

SMcThird Sector

  • Connect Conference in November very successful
  • Information on web regarding Dame Pauline Green, Speaker


  • Information Sheets available??
  • NAC Community Meeting (Whitesands Project), Wednesday

10 December at 6.30pm in St George’s Street Hall

  • Community Council Sub-Group are developing a draft leaflet – to be circulated through LRP for feedback
  • NAC Community meeting creating draft leaflet – to be circulated through LRP for feedback

SJThird Sector Dumfries and Galloway

  • User and Carer involvement have secured funding for 2015. Paul Thomas is contact for further information – leaflets displayed


KLConsultation on 3rd sector engaging with Community Planning event at Easterbrook Hall – SJ advised that this was a good meeting and decision will be made in January as to who 4 Conveners will be – SJ to keep KL updated.

KL Nithsdale Health & Wellbeing Partnership Steering Group and sub groups was discussed.with LRP regarding becoming constituted or not.

KLWinter Warmth Project – capacity to assist any over 60s who have open fires and require assistance.

KLHalf way through pilot regional rent deposit scheme – external funding received – target under 35s.

RC advised that a report will go to Committee on 18 December to identify the Shape of the Council.

RC to contact Colin Lewis to invite him to a future LRP meeting to provide an update on Health & Social Care – ACTION

RC Budget Consultation meeting on 20 January 2015 at 6.30pm in Dumfries Academy

RC Unveiling of the Commemorative Paving Stonefor Private James Mackenzie VC on Friday 19 December followed by Memorial Service then Civic Lunch and Exhibition of World War 1 School’s Project Work in Troqueer Church Centre.

RC Dock Park Christmas Event was cancelled due to adverse weather all selections boxes from Friends of Dock Park have been donated to various food banks and charities.

RC – Fishing Tickets on sale from 15 December at Ewart Library – posters available.

SJCEIS would like to do presentation.

Support for Learning letter being issued to all involved.


Date of next meeting February – SR to arrange and circulate.