Payment date offsets


Symbol / Description / Example
c / Calendar Days / 0c, 1c, 2c, ...
cpd / Calendar Period Date
cpe / Common Period End Date / Use latest period start date
cps / Common Period Start Date / Use latest period start date
cre / Common Reset Date / Use latest reset date for both sides.
d / Good Business Days / 0d, 1d, 2d, ...
ed / There is a payment date offset convention for the physical commodity toolset to handle ticket (delivery) based payment date offsets. For example, if the payment is due 5 calendar days after the delivery date, the payment date offset would be ' 5cd > ed '.The 'ed' will default to the profile end date if no schedules or tickets have been applied to the schedule. It will take the delivery ticket -delivery date if available. If there is no ticket date, it will take the highest level Best Available Volume (BAV) scheduling record event date. If there are no scheduling record event dates, it will default to the profile. / 5cd > ed
Specifying which event date to use is done separately. In that case we would state that the payment date event is B/L or Discharge…
eom / End of Month / 1eom, 2eom, 3eom, ...
eoncm / End of Nearby Contract Month / Based on period end date
fom / First of month (calendar days). So if the reference (starting) date is Jan-6-2006 and you enter in “1fom”, you’ll get Feb-1-2006, even if that date is a holiday. / 1fom, 2fom
fri / Friday / 1fri, 2fri, 3fri, ...
m / Month / 3m (3 months)
maxre / Maximum Reset Date / Use latest reset date
mon / Monday / 1mon, 2mon, 3mon, ...
nd / 2nd Day of a Month / 2nd
p / Period / cp (calendar period)
pe / Profile End Date / Use profile end date
ps / Profile Start Date / Use profile start date
rd / 3rd Day of a Month / 3rd
re / Reset Date / Use reset date
som / Start of Month / 1som, 2som, 3som, ...
st / 1st Day of a Month / 1st
th / Nth Day of a Month / 4th, 5th, 6th, ...
thu / Thursday / 1thu, 2thu, 3thu, ...
tue / Tuesday / 1tue, 2tue, 3tue, ...
w / Week / 2w (2 weeks)
wed / Wednesday / 1wed, 2wed, 3wed, ...
y / Year / 20y (20 years)
fcpdre / "Final Calendar Period Delivery Reset Date" which means this is the last day of the month in which a reset occurs. / fcpdre


Operation/ Function / Description / Example
Greater Than (indicates “after”)
Note: This symbol does not work with the “ed” symbolic date. / 5d>lom
Five business days after the last day of the month of the profile period end date.
MIN / The minimum of two valid payment date offsets. . / MIN(20d>eom, 21d>lom).
MAX / The maximum of two valid payment date offsets. / MAX(20d>eom, 21d>lom).