· Library Closed. This week, the library will be closed for testing.
· Model UN. Model UN will be hosting a practice session Friday afternoon if you are interested. Sign ups can be done at our website, www.wshsmun.com. Check your email or ask Mr. Fernandez in room M024 for more info.
· FAFSA. Beginning this year, students will be required to create an FSA ID at https://fsaid.ed.gov using your personal information in order to file the 2016-2017 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which opens on January 1, 2016. The FSA ID gives a student access to their Federal Student Aid online systems and serves as the legal signature for the student's FAFSA. Students and parents need to create their own FSA ID!!
· Wear Orange Against Bullying. In a recent study, 77% of students surveyed report being bullied at school by being victims of rumors, name calling, or persecution due to race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. On Wednesday, October 21st, the Spartan Nation will take a stand against all forms of bullying and celebrate unity in our community. We are asking students and staff to wear orange to school tomorrow to show your willingness to join us in standing against bullying in our school.
· Memphis Grizzlies Poetry Slam. The Memphis Grizzlies Poetry Slam will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, October 21st in the auditorium. If you are planning on performing during the poetry slam, please stop by room E101 (Ms. Satar's room) to check in with her and add your name to the list of performers.
· Girls Soccer Game. The girls soccer team will play a regional game against Collierville at Crump on Tuesday at 7 pm. (Tonight). We plan to give away shirts to the first 200 White Station fans who attend the game.
· St. Jude Club. St. Jude Club will be having a mandatorymeeting in M109 on Thursday after school. Try to get there as soon as possible.Even if you need to leave early,Please come as long as you can. If you haven't paid your $7 club dues, please bring ito to this meeting.
· College Visits in Auditorium. All college visits will take place in the auditorium for the next two weeks during our MAP testing.
· AP Dues. Advanced Placement Students need to start paying their Advanced Placement dues. Students may bring in one check and pay their first AP teacher and show all their other AP teachers the receipt. AP Tests cost $92 per test except for AP Seminar and AP Research which cost $139 per test.
· Math League Contest. The Math League Contest #1 will take place at 2:30 pm this afternoon in Room 212 (Ms. Cui's Room). You'll have 30 minutes for 6 questions. Please play accordingly to come on time and take the test!
· One Acts. Ready to make your theatre debut, you talented person you? Come audition for the Junior & Senior One Act Festival Thursday , October 22 and Friday, October 23rd from 2:30-4:00 in the White Station Auditorium. Come prepared with a one minute monologue of any genre, and be ready for anything! We have 7 exciting shows in need of great actors. No experience necessary, that means you, freshmen.
· Colleges Coming to Campus. We are excited to announce the colleges coming to campus this week: Furman University, Boston University, Washington University, Emery University, University of Southern Carolina, and Amherst College.
· Senior Picnic. Seniors: if you paid for the Senior Picnic, which is this Friday, you must be at school by 7:10 am, Friday October 23. It is mandatory that you are in class by 7:10 before we dismiss to the auditorium at 7:15. Don't be late, we are on a strict time schedule.
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Announcements: October 20, 2015
M-SCEA. There would be an informational meeting for all union members in the library on October 22 (Thursday) from 2:30 to 3:00.
Library Closed. This week, the library will be closed for testing.
Model UN. Model UN will be hosting a practice session Friday afternoon if you are interested. Sign ups can be done at our website, www.wshsmun.com. Check your email or ask Mr. Fernandez in room M024 for more info.
FAFSA. Beginning this year, students will be required to create an FSA ID at https://fsaid.ed.gov using your personal information in order to file the 2016-2017 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which opens on January 1, 2016. The FSA ID gives a student access to their Federal Student Aid online systems and serves as the legal signature for the student's FAFSA. Students and parents need to create their own FSA ID!!
Wear Orange Against Bullying. In a recent study, 77% of students surveyed report being bullied at school by being victims of rumors, name calling, or persecution due to race, gender, religion, or sexual orientation. On Wednesday, October 21st, the Spartan Nation will take a stand against all forms of bullying and celebrate unity in our community. We are asking students and staff to wear orange to school tomorrow to show your willingness to join us in standing against bullying in our school.
Memphis Grizzlies Poetry Slam. The Memphis Grizzlies Poetry Slam will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, October 21st in the auditorium. If you are planning on performing during the poetry slam, please stop by room E101 (Ms. Satar's room) to check in with her and add your name to the list of performers.
Girls Soccer Game. The girls soccer team will play a regional game against Collierville at Crump on Tuesday at 7 pm. (Tonight). We plan to give away shirts to the first 200 White Station fans who attend the game.
St. Jude Club. St. Jude Club will be having a mandatory meeting in M109 on Thursday after school. Try to get there as soon as possible.Even if you need to leave early,Please come as long as you can. If you haven't paid your $7 club dues, please bring ito to this meeting.
College Visits in Auditorium. All college visits will take place in the auditorium for the next two weeks during our MAP testing.
AP Dues. Advanced Placement Students need to start paying their Advanced Placement dues. Students may bring in one check and pay their first AP teacher and show all their other AP teachers the receipt. AP Tests cost $92 per test except for AP Seminar and AP Research which cost $139 per test.
Math League Contest. The Math League Contest #1 will take place at 2:30 pm this afternoon in Room 212 (Ms. Cui's Room). You'll have 30 minutes for 6 questions. Please play accordingly to come on time and take the test!
One Acts. Ready to make your theatre debut, you talented person you? Come audition for the Junior & Senior One Act Festival Thursday , October 22 and Friday, October 23rd from 2:30-4:00 in the White Station Auditorium. Come prepared with a one minute monologue of any genre, and be ready for anything! We have 7 exciting shows in need of great actors. No experience necessary, that means you, freshmen.
Colleges Coming to Campus. We are excited to announce the colleges coming to campus this week: Furman University, Boston University, Washington University, Emery University, University of Southern Carolina, and Amherst College.
Senior Picnic. Seniors: if you paid for the Senior Picnic, which is this Friday, you must be at school by 7:10 am, Friday October 23. It is mandatory that you are in class by 7:10 before we dismiss to the auditorium at 7:15. Don't be late, we are on a strict time schedule.
September 23, 2015
· Start up Event Math Contest-Mrs. Cui-The National Assessment Center Start Up Fall Event will take place on Thursday 9/24 at 2:30 pm in Mrs. Cui’s room M212. Te test is going to be 30 minutes with 100 questions from Algebra I, II, Geometry, Trig and Calculus.
· Theatre-Mr. Henry- Auditions for You Can’t take it with You will be October 1st and 2nd in Mr. Henry’s room. You will need a one minute comedic monologue.
· PSAT-Counselors-Juniors, to be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship you must take the PSAT. The deadline to pay is this Thursday, Sept 24th. You may pay any counselor.
· Optimist Club-Mr. Richardson-Attention Optimist Club members: if you signed up to volunteer at the Dog Days Event or Harvest Festival, we will hold a brief meeting on Thursday, September 24th in Mr. Richardson’s room, M137. See you there!
· WSHS Volleyball Car Wash-Ms Blankenbiller-On Saturday, October 10th, support your Lady Spartans Volleyball team by buying car wash tickets. They are on sale for $5 from now til the 9th. The car wash is from 9-3 @ the Shell on Poplar and Perkins Ext.
· Health Explore-Mr. Harrison-If you are interested in the Health/Medical Field, including careers like Nursing, Radiology, Pediatrics, and Many more, come to the Health Explore interest meeting this Thursday Sept 24, in Mr. Harrisons Room from 2:30-3:30 See you there!
· Marksmanship Match Results-SFC Myers-Congratulations to the WSHS JROTC Marksmanship Team I their first match of the year on Sept 15th the team defeated Oakhaven with a score of White Station 823, Oakhaven 634. Joshua McKinney was high firer with a score of 237. Taylor Ratliff fired 224, Erin Criswell 199 and Michelle Bond fired 172. Yesterday the team defeated Sheffield with the score of White Station 892 and Sheffield 584. High firer for this match was Erin Criswell with a 230, Mary Cooper 226, Michelle Bond 224 and Joshua McKinney fired 212. The next match will be Tuesday at Kirby.
September 22, 2015
· Club Fair-Ms Wilson-Club fair will be this week in the cafeteria…the listed clubs will be in the cafeteria during all lunches today. If you would like to join one of these clubs please sign up in the cafeteria: Pan African Cultural Studies Club, FCLA, Christian Music and Poetry Leaders, Green Team, Youth in Government, Mock Trial, FBLA, Spectrum, St. Jude Club, Culinary Club, Deaf Drama, History Day Club, Make a Wish Club Alliance, and SPARK.
· Football Game – this Friday at the Fairgrounds. BIG game against Bartlett. Kickoff at 7 pm. Purchase tickets at school during lunch on Thursday and Friday. $5 if bought at school- $8 at the gate-Be there to support the Spartan Football Team!
· St. Jude Club – Mrs. Burns- St. Jude club members, there will be a meeting on Thursday, September 24th in Room M109 until 3. Try to get there as soon as you can! We have important information about upcoming events!
· Make-A-Wish-Club – Attention! We will be having a meeting on Tuesday, September 29th. Club fee of $20 may be turned in during the meeting. Upcoming car wash and Bake Sales will be discussed!
· Attendance Request Form-If you filled out an Attendance Request Form for your drivers permit please come to room M113 to pick up your official form today. They are only good for 30 days.
· Quiz Bowl Team- The WSHS Quiz Bowl Team won the Germantown Invitational Fall Quiz Bowl Tournament with a 7-0 record, defeating top-ranked teams such as Lausanne Prep, MUS, and Itawamba High School. The B Team won the consolation round.
· PSAT Info-from your Counselors-Juniors, to be eligible for the National Merit Scholarship you must take the PSAT. The deadline to pay is this Thursday, September 24th. You may pay any counselor.
September 21, 2015
· Student Council-Mrs. Browne-Student Council will have its next meeting Tuesday, Sept. 22nd in the Auditorium at 2:30. We will be discussing and voting on homecoming days.
· Model UN-Mr. Fernandes-Attention new Model UN students, we will be conducting position paper workshops on Thursday, Sept. 17th, Monday, Sept. 21st, and Wednesday Sept 23rd. Please be there!
· Theatre-Mr. Henry-The cast and crew of Medea will meet in Mr. Henry’s room. M225 at 2:30 today.
· White Station Boy’s Lacrosse-Mr. Mosby-On the 21st of September there will be an interest meeting for any boy interested in playing lacrosse in the spring. Information about the upcoming season and other questions will be answered, so attend if you have any interest. The meeting will be in the cafeteria at 2:30.
· Homecoming Dance-Booster Club-Make sure you buy your homecoming dance tickets on Wednesday during your lunch. Tickets are $20 and the dance is October 3rd 8pm to 12am. Don’t miss out!!
· Stem Students-Counselors-Students, if you have taken or are taking Stem classes Please see your counselor today.
· Senior Pictures-Mr. Pentecost-Attention Seniors: you MUST get your picture taken by October 3rd if you want to be in the yearbook. Call Jimmy Alford Studio today to set up an appointment! You must pick your picture and return proofs to Jimmy Alford by October 17th! Thanks!!
· College Visits-Mrs. Fleming-We are excited to announce the colleges coming to campus this week: Colgate University, Columbia University, Wake Forest University, John Hopkins University, University of Colorado Boulder, Oberlin College, University of Richmond, Faith College, Bowdoin College, Mississippi State University, Davidson College, Vanderbilt university, Northwestern University, Dartmouth college, Harvey Mudd College, Middlebury college, Wellesley College, and Florida State University
· Counseling Department-Mrs. Heaston-ACT Tutoring-Peer Power ACT Prep Sessions are conducted Wednesday (3:45=6:00) at East High School; at Whitehaven High School Wednesday 2:30-4:30 and Saturdays as announced. Applications are available in the guidance complex. 1st meeting is September 23rd.
· Counseling Department-Mrs. Heaston-TN Promise Scholarship-The Tennessee Promise application for the Class of 2016 will open on Monday August 17th at www.tnpromise.gov. Students will be required to create a TSAC student portal if they do not already have one. After creation of the TSAC portal, the student will need to fully complete the Tennessee Promise application. The scholarship application deadline is November 2, 2015.