Note of the Meeting of the NHS FifeManual Handling Steering Group
at 0930 hours on Tuesday, 15thApril 2014 in the Board Room, Hayfield Clinic
Carol Duncan-Farrell / (CDF) / Head of AHPDonna Hughes / (DH) / Manual Handling Co-ordinator, OHSAS(Acting chairperson)
Mabel Lawson / (ML) / Senior Charge Nurse, K&L CHP
Annette Lobo / (AL) / Consultant Midwife
Janette Neil / (JN) / Quality & Training Manager, Estates
Lynne Parsons / (LP) / NHSF Partnership Co-ordinator, Podiatry
David Young / (DY) / Administrator (Minute taker)
Lesley Cairns / (LC) / Lead Nurse, Lynebank, DWF CHPMoira Dunsire / (MD) / Podiatry Development Co-ordinator
Lynne Ferguson / (LF) / Manual Handling Advisor, OHSAS
Linda Hynes / (LH) / Clinical Lead Community Equipment
Vic Laing (Chairperson) / (VL) / Equipment Manager, Procurement
Joan Main / (JM) / CNM, Nurse Bank
Moira Mendey / (MM) / DCN, Community, K&L CHP
Christine Pridham / (CP) / Physiotherapy STACH
Alan Wilson / (AW) / Estates Services Manager (invite when required)
Jeanette Burdock / (JB) / Superintendent, Radiology
1. / Apologies: As listed above
2. / Minute of Previous Meeting
Previous minutes were agreed as accurate by the group. / ALL
3. / Matters Arising:
Training Update
Backlog training statistics continue to be provided to Rhona Waugh, Head of Human Resources on a monthly basis. The Manual Handling Advisor and Co-ordinator were tasked with providing backlog manual handling training courses for a period of 6 months from November 2013 – April 2014 in order to address the manual handling backlog. This period is now over; however a significant part of the backlog – 993 staff - has still not been addressed, since departments are finding it difficult to release staff to attend classroom training. DH informed the group that a 0.6 wte grade 5 Manual Handling Practitioner post was not filled and this continues to have an impact on service provision. At the group’s request, the issue regarding the manual handling training backlog has been highlighted on the risk register. LF arranged for this to go onto the risk register and it was added to the OHSAS risk register.
LF and Alix Mitchell (AM), Musculoskeletal Team Lead to meet with Rhona Waugh and Morag Gardner to discuss alternative training options in an effort to establish a robust plan to address the manual handling training backlog. / DH
Members of the manual handling steering group requested that the competency based assessor training courses be advertised along with the manual handling training updates on the training schedule, DH has confirmed that this is now happening.
Learnpro E-learning/Induction training
Manual handling induction has been reduced to one day in duration, however manual handling nurse induction remains two days duration at present. DH reiterated to the group, the importance of staff completing the Learn-pro e-learning patient handling module prior to attendance at manual handling inductionand reminded the group that staffmust bringtheir e-learning certificate of completion with them to induction or they will not be able to participate in the training. This is to ensure that NHS Fife are adhering to the Scottish Manual Handling Passport which requires course participants to have completed the theory element of manual handling training prior to undertaking the practical element of this training. DH informed the group that there has been a significant increase in the demand for manual handling induction training for new staff in nursing within acute services. Some concerns were raised by group members over the impact that this may have on the availability of spaces on manual handling induction training for new starts working in other areas. The group were advised that the frequency of manual handling induction training may need to be increased in order to meet demand.DH indicated the importance of having robust local induction procedures to ensure continued staff manual handling competency. DH informed the group that the Facilities Department have commenced the competency based assessment model.
The group are keen to have any SBAR’s written in relation to manual handlingembedded into the steering group minutes. LF will arrange this.
/ DH
Bariatric Equipment storage area
The work on the Bariatric Equipment Store at VHK is now complete. All bariatirc equipment held in the store has been uniquely identified and a procedure for the control of bariatric equipment has been developed and circulated. DH described the process for removing/returning bariatric equipment to the group; bariatric equipment movement is recorded on a wipe board within the manual handling training room. DH informed the group that on occasion bariatric equipment has been removed from the bariatric store room out of hours without it being recorded on the wipe board which had resulted in locating equipment proving difficult. The group suggested toDH that in such situations, it may be helpful to contact Susan Fraser, Directorate Manager - Planned Care. Susan Fraser can supplya copy of list/rota for duty managers. The list of bariatric equipment is still not available due to the continuous movement of bariatric equipment making it very difficult to complete, however a list of core equipment can be established. / DH
4. / Enterprise 5000 Electric Beds
AM, Musculoskeletal Team Lead has agreed with ArjoHuntleigh that the modifications to the beds within NHS Fife will be undertaken without incurring a cost. This is due to AM being involved in assisting ArjoHuntleigh with the design of an appropriatemodification to address the cleaning issues that the beds present. LF awaiting further instructions from AM with regards to when the modifications are likely to take place. LF to investigate further. / LF
5. / Contura 1080 beds
Further to the issuing of a safety notice by ArjoHuntleigh, which warned against the use of the Contura 1080 bariatric beds for general use, particularly with patients who have a body mass index which is less than 40, due to the slightly increased risk of entrapment, the stickers and manufacturers booklets supplied by ArjoHuntleigh for attachment to these beds have now been attached and the manufacturer informed of the beds serial numbers as requested. DH expressed concerns over the sticker’ssize, she is worried that they are too small and will contact ArjoHuntleigh to discuss. / DH
6. / Steering group representation
The Manual Handling Advisor to contact Alan Wilson, Estates Officer if Estates representation is required at any particular steering group meeting. LF contacted Vicky Irons regarding appropriate representation at the group in place of CP who will no longer be attending the group.
7. / Manual handling advice new builds/equipment
LF has contacted the chairperson for the equipment group who is going amend the equipment group form to include manual handling involvement to ensure that manual handling issues are considered in relation to new builds.
8. / AOB
Client Handling Risk assessments
LF is due to compete the audit of the ‘client handling risk assessment forms’ and will feedback to the group at the next manual handling steering group meeting. LF is due to meet with Charlie Sinclair in relation to the use of the ‘client handling risk assessment form’ and how it will fit into the new nursing paperwork. LF will share the audit of the client handling risk assessment audit with Charlie.
DH informed the group that she has been contacted reproblems with the transfer of patients in beds from ENT to Theatres at VictoriaHospital, Kirkcaldy. Donna previously completed a generic risk assessment for pushing and pulling in the clinical corridor at VHK. Donna has attended meetings with representatives from Theatres and ENT in an effort to facilitate a solution to these problems. Theatre staff are undertaking the majority of the pushing during transfers which places them at increased risk of musculoskeletal injury, whereas less risk would have been created if this risk has been shared between all the hospital departments. Staff are reporting difficulties when pushing particular beds from ENT so have been tasked with identifying which beds are create the difficulties and reporting this back to DH. / LF
Date and time of next meetings
Tuesday 17th June 2014, 0930 hours, Board Room, Hayfield Clinic
Tuesday 19th August 2014, 0930 hours, Board Room, Hayfield Clinic
Tuesday 14th October 2014, 0930 hours, Board Room, Hayfield Clinic
Tuesday 16th December 2014, 0930 hours, Board Room, Hayfield Clinic
Document Control:
Document: Manual Handling Steering Group minutes / Version: 1 / Version Date: 14th May 2014
Author: Lynne Ferguson / Review Date: N/A