/ Weekly Newsletter
December 3, 2017
Birthday's & Anniversaries
First Steps
Annual Business Meeting
Operation Christmas Child
Prayer Concerns
Baby Shower Invite
Just Another Tuesday
Music Ministry
Children's Ministries
Youth Ministries
Celebrate Recovery
Cherry Street
Helping Hands Angels
The Church In:
Teaching / 83
10:23 Service / 272
10:30 Service / 64
Nursery / 11
KidzStation / 41
Wednesday Night Fusion (11/22)
The Church In Giving:
General Fund / $7,741.26
ABWM Project / $27.00
ABWM White Cross / $36.00
Deacons Fund / $25.00
KidzStation / $5.00
S.O.F.A.S. / $200.00
Memorial: Jeri Wyatt / $210.00
As a reminder, when giving to specific funds, please indicate your intentions on the memo line of your check or on your giving envelope (for example:Deacon's Fund, Food Pantry, Parsonage Remodel, etc.) Thank You!!
You can give to First Baptist Church
using your Debit/Credit card at the Kiosklocated in the Commons Area of the Good News Center
Or you can useMobile Giving by downloading thefree SecureGive app from the App Store or Google Play market.
If you have any questions please contact the Church office.
1st Sunday of Advent
9:15 AM-Sunday School
9:30 AM-First Leaders meet with DJ
10:23 AM-KidzStation
10:23 AM-Worship-GNC
10:30 AM-Worship-Sanctuary
12:00 PM-Annual Business Meeting - GNC
4:00 PM - Celebrate Recovery - GNC
5:30 PM - TeamKID / TeamKID Jr.
6:00 PM - Middle High Youth Group
2:00 PM-Staff Meeting (Office Closed during mtg)
6:30 AM - Bible Study with DJ @ CoffeeHouse
7:00 PM - ADD/ADHD Support Group meeting - GNC
6:30 AM-T.G.I.W. Men's Bible Study - GNC
6:30 AM-Prayer Time in the Sanctuary (open to all)
10:30 AM-Bible Study-GNC
1:00 PM - ABWM Meeting - Fellowship Hall
5:30 PM-Joyous Sounds - rehearsal GNC
6:00 PM-Wednesday Night Fusion-GNC
7:00 PM-Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM-High School Youth Group @ BaseCamp
6:30 PM - Christmas Parade - Downtown Chanute
7:00 PM-Worship Team - GNC
9:30 AM - Joyous Sounds Rehearsal - GNC
2nd Sunday of Advent
9:15 AM-Sunday School
10:23 AM-KidzStation
10:30 AM-ONE SERVICE ONLY Joyous Sounds (Handbell) Drama - GNC
4:00 PM - Celebrate Recovery - GNC
4:30 PM - Coordinating & Planning Council Meeting
5:30 PM - TeamKID / TeamKID Jr.
6:00 PM - Middle High Youth Group
/ Quick Links
FBC Website
Church Staff Contact
First Baptist Church
(620) 431-2910
Minister DJ Dangerfield
Lead Pastor
Rev. Kathy Carlson
Team Pastor
Chelsy Bearden
Youth Pastor
Jackie Aday
Office Manager
Wynona Baum
Elizabeth Brunger
Children's Ministry
KidZone (Sunday School)
KidzStation (Worship Service for Children)
TeamKid (Sunday evening programming for children)
Youth Ministry
ABY - American Baptist Youth
Chelsy Bearden
Worship Opportunities
Worship Services
A Nursery is available during all services. Nursery is located in the East Hallway of the Main Church Building
Birthday's & Anniversaries
12/3 Nikki Jacobs
12/3 Dina Boan
12/4 Randy Harmison
12/5 Elizabeth Brunger
12/6 Cindy Hinkle
12/7 Hudson Ranz
12/8 Bonnie Townsend
12/8 Raylin Jacobs
12/9 Larry & Heather Shepherd (#11)
Sunday, December 10th
9:15 AM
Room 100
Do you have questions about First Baptist Church?
Do you want to join First Baptist Church?
Are you wanting to be Baptized?
Come to the "First Steps" Gathering. DJ will answer your questions!!
First Baptist Church
Annual Business Meeting
THIS Sunday,
December 3, 2017
This meeting will be held in the GNC immediately following worship services.
A vote to accept the 2018 Budget as well as the slate of nominations for our Boards and Committees.
All Members are encouraged to attend.
Collected through December
Our Goal:
"But generous people plan to do what is generous, and they stand firm in their generosity." Isaiah 32:8 NLT
After a life of service, how dows a retired ABCUSA minister, missionary or widowed spouse make ends meet? RMMO helps provide financial support to ease their burden a little.
Here is a letter from a recipient of the RMMO:
Thank you for giving to the Ministers and Missionaries retirement offering. The check I received was deeply appreciated.
Your giving to the Ministers and Missionaries offering makes it possible for all retiredministers and missionaries to receive a thank you check this year.
Thank You and God Bless! Julia Gage
Glennis WilsonDebbie Bailey
Linda TiegreenRick Ward
Amy WrightJanee Umbarger Pastor DJ DangerfieldConnie Bingham Travis BeardenJackie WoodsAddlee Ewan
Jo Roper
Family of Jeri WyattDorothy Beck
Baby Shower Honoring
Tia Leona Harris
Daughter Greg & Chelsie Harris
Grand-Daughter of Jeff & Sharla Ports
Great-Grand-Daughter of Wilford & Janice Aday
Tia made her entrance into the world
November 13, 2017
Come and get acquainted
Share a snuggle
And words of wisdom for the new momma
Saturday, December 2, 2107
2:00 PM
First Baptist Church-Good News Center
Community Feeding Ministry - held the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month (September - May) at Otterbein Church from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM. There is no charge for the meal, but a free will donation is greatly appreciated!
Each week a different Church/Organization prepares the meal.
- December 12 - First Baptist Church serves - Contact Stacy Dickerhoof (620-212-2459) to help with a cake, or to serve/clean up)
- January 9 - First United Methodist Church serves
- TeamKID Building God's Word in the hearts of our kids! Do you love kids? Enjoy helping out? Teaching? Playing games? ... There's a place for you on Sunday evenings from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM with children - Snack Supper at 5:30 PM. TeamKID 6pm-7pm ... Team Kid (1st through 5th grade) has a Bible lesson, fun activities, games, music and some craft time. TeamKID Jr (3 years old through kindergarten).
- KidZone (Sunday School Teachers: 1st/2nd grade class. Teaching our exciting new curriculum "Dig In". Help Heather out!Teaching every other month. Talk with Pastor Kathy if you are interested.
The Sanctuary will be open every Wednesday morning from 6:30 - 7:30. Come and join Starla Shields in prayer.
MARRIAGE-TO-MARRIAGE- If you would like to take the assessment and go over the results just let Derek or Karra Waggoner know. The assessment takes about 30 minutes to complete, per person, and costs $35. If you would like to take the assessment but don't have the money, we can help you with that too! Just let us know!
MARRIAGE-TO-MARRIAGE Weekly Small Group- will now be meeting on Sunday evenings at 6:00 PM. Contract Travis & Wendy Jones if you have any questions.
FREE ON-LINE BIBLE STUDIES: You may use it any time, any where on any device (computer, laptop, tablet and phone), Check it out.
If you are having trouble using it, please contact the Church office and we will be glad to help. When you open up the site be sure to log in (top right hand corner). If you haven't done so already, you will need to set up your account and password. There are some excellent Bible studies that you could use personally or for a small group.If you need another e-vite for this program, contact the church office.
Support Group Meeting, every 3rd Tuesday of the month at First Baptist Church, Good News Center, 7:00pm. Contact Nikki or Phil Jacobs at 431-3985,
SUPPORT GROUP For parents of kids with ADD/ADHD. They will be meeting on the first Tuesday of each month (7:00 PM in the GNC). If you have any questions please contact Erica Warriax at 620-212-9176. The next meeting is scheduled for April 4th, 2017
THE PENNY PROJECT: The Children in Poverty Initiative - American Baptist Home Mission Societies. Raising awareness. Raising change for Change. Raising 14 million pennies to represent the number of children living in poverty in the United States and Puerto Rico. Our goal is 278,599. So far we've collected 181,021.
Salvation Army Bell Ringers Needed:
Friday, December 22nd at Walmart
Saturday, December 23rd at Walmart
To help at any of the above dates please contact Chelsy Bearden at 212-2775.
GriefShare: Surviving the Holidays After the Loss of a Loved One Seminar scheduled for December 14th. 6:00 - 7:30 PM at Zion Lutheran Church. Childcare provided upon request for kids up to 5th grade. For more information contact the Zion Lutheran Church at 431-1341 or .
The St. Cecilia Mixed Choir and NCCC Choir will present its Christmas vespers entitled "Carols Refreshed", Sunday, December 3 at 3:00 PM at Sanders Auditorium, NCCC. Public is invited.
We will be singing this Sunday, December 3rd in the 10:30 AM service. Next rehearsal will be December 6th at 7:00 PM.
JOYOUS SOUNDS: We'll have a dress rehearsal on December 6th beginning at 5:30 and Saturday, December 9th beginning at 9:30 AM. The Joyous Sounds Drama will be on Sunday, December 10th (One Service) at 10:30 in the Good News Center!
Sunday School (begins at 9:15 AM)
KidZone! Jr.- (3,4, and 5-year-old preschoolers)
KidZone! 1-(Kinders-1st grade) Room 106 at 9:15am every Sunday morning in the main church building.
KidZone! 2-(for kids 2nd-5th grade) Room 107-108 at 9:15am every Sunday morning in the main church building!
During Church Service...
Kidz Station (for kids in grades 1 - 4)
10:23 for kids 1st through 5th grade. Meeting each Sunday in the KidzStation Room of the Good News Center (GNC).
Kidz Station Junior(for [potty trained] kids 3 years old through kindergarten) we will meet in room 107 & 108 across from the nursery in the main building this Sunday. Parents: please register your child at the nursery desk.
On the 5th Sunday of the month, kids worship with their parents.
Parents, we would love for you to help out once a month. Just contact Pastor Kathy or let the teacher know what Sunday you can help. (We always hands for snacks, crafts, and bathroom breaks.)
: We Will Be Meeting This Sunday, December 3rd!
5:30 PM - TeamKID Snack Supper
6:00 PM - "Going Vertical" with TeamKID / TeamKID Jr. Activities. We will be talking about what "Advnt" means and preparing for it. In December we will meet on the 3rd and on the 10th we will have a special Christmas Party.
American Baptist Youth
Chelsy Bearden - Youth Minister
Raebern Nelson - Leader
Natalie Andruss - Leader
Jacob Andruss - Leader
Arlan Newby - Leader
Cameron Durbin - Leader
Caleb Durbin - Leader
High School:
Meeting eachWednesday @
7:00 PM - BaseCamp
Middle High: Sundays from 6-7pm in Basecamp Building
Got a Hurt, Habit or Hang-up?
Celebrate Recovery Meets Every Sunday!
Large Group ...... 4:00 - 5:00pm
Lesson or testimony (live or video)
Small Group ...... 5:00 - 6:00pm
Men's and Women's Open Share
**Childcare Available**
First Baptist Church
Good News Center
Need 12-15 volunteers for our annual Christmas program scheduled for December 15th from 5:15 - 6:30. Contact Jennifer at 431-2161 if your group can help.
Christmas Store 2017 - Calling all elves!! We are planning for our basement Christmas store. Each year children have the opportunity to purchase (for one quarter) Christmas presents for the loved ones in their life. We are accepting new and VERY gently used gift items. They can be brought to 710 N. Forest. Items needed included toys (for children of all ages), puzzles, books for kids, and "mom" and "dad" gifts.
Christmas Parade - Be sure to come out and watch the annual Christmas Parade of Lights on December 7th. Our Cherry Street children will have a float in the parade and our Warehouse children will be selling chili dogs and hot dogs and hot chocolate at the Pavilion on Main Street. All funds go to support the program supplies and activities.
FRESH FRUIT FRIDAY: This is new this year, replacing homemade cookies with fresh fruit. First Baptist Church will sponsor Fresh Fruit Friday in January. It costs about $120 for the month. Please mark your donation (on your check or giving envelope) that it's for Fresh Fruit Friday. Thank You!!
You'll find directions for this program printed on the back of your pink or blue angel tag.
- Remember: ALL gifts need to be turned in to First Baptist Church no later than Sunday, December 10th.
If the busy-ness of the holiday's keep you from coming to Church on Sunday, remember 'Fusion'
Our Wednesday Night Worship Service
6:00 PM in the KidzStation Room!!
Jackie Aday
First Baptist Church