Fund for Veterans’ Assistance

2018-19General Assistance, Veterans Mental Health, Housing 4 Texas Heroes, and Veterans Treatment Court Grants

Addendum V – Questions Receivedas of October 19, 2017

Question Received / Answer
1 / The RFA for the Veteran Treatment Court grant states that units of local government are eligible to apply for funding. Our agency is a community MHMR center – considered a unit of local government. However, I notice that the current recipients are all counties. Is it unadvisable for an agency other than a county government to apply for this grant? / Refer to the RFA definitions of key terms, page 8, for Units of Local Government; Section IV, Program Guidelines, page 9, F. Eligible Applicants and G. Not eligible to apply and Part 1: Proposed Project Information, New, Expansion, or Continuation to determine if your agency is eligible to apply.
2 / I am currently applying for the General Assistance Veterans Grant and had a few questions regarding the supporting documents that are required for submission.
1)Are there any letters of support that are necessary for submission?
2)Based on the table below that was in the guidelines, if we are applying for 300k do we need to provide both the audited financial statements, as well as, the Compilation of Financial Statements or IRS Tax Form 990 showing Part X Balance Sheets? Or just the audited financial statements? / 1) No letters of support are necessary
2) As noted in the Request for Application: “The amount of funding requested by an Eligible Applicant will determine the financial documents the Eligible Applicant must provide. An Eligible Applicant may supply financial documentation that is greater than what is required for an FVA Grant Amount, but may not supply less than the Minimum Required Financial Documentation.”
3 / What type of transportation assistance is a permitted cost for beneficiaries of Mental Health grants to attend mental health sessions as gas cards are an excluded cost? / Applicants can apply for transportation assistance for eligible participants if the cost does not fall under Unallowable Cost or Prohibited use of Funds,
4 / What type of grant funding should be applied for to gain small business owner assistance? / Review the Requests for Applications Purpose and Overview, Prohibited Uses of Funds and Part V. Grant Application to determine the appropriate category for all submitted applications.
5 / The checklist requires “A copy of current professional liability insurance and/or malpractice insurance policy, if applicable.” Would the declarations page be sufficient or is it required to furnish the entire policy? / The declaration page would be sufficient.
6 / On the grant application under Part III – Budget Tables and Budget Narratives, Paragraph F. Client Services - contract personnel are listed as an example of a client expense. If contract personnel are used by our organization and claimed as an expense, is it required that this expense be bidden out? / The agency must follow their written policies and procedures when using contractual personnel.
7 / My colleagues and I are working on a veterans’ mental health grant proposal aimed at improving mental health for veterans attending at Texas State University through a Yoga-based program. I am just wondering if this project can fit into the nature of your grant and which service category will fall under. / Refer to the Request for Application pages 3 & 4, Purpose and Overview to determine the category that would best fit the desired program.
8 / The checklist requires “A copy of current professional liability insurance and/or malpractice insurance policy, if applicable.” Is this referring to general liability insurance? If our organization also has officer’s and director’s liability insurance, do you want a copy of that also? / According to the Texas Administrative Code Rule § 460.3
“(c) Other than counties or municipalities, applicants must provide proof of:
(1)professional liability and/or malpractice insurance;”
9 / Who should be the Financial Coordinator? The County Auditor or the Grant Administrator? / The financial coordinator should be the individual who is responsible for financial transactions within the agency.

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