South TraffordLocality Partnership
Isolation Grants 2016/17
Guidance Notes
What is this document?
This document explains how to complete the application form and how the different sections will be checked by the Decision Panel. Please read it carefully before completing your form.
Who Can Apply
Any group can apply, as long as their project challenges isolation in Village Ward (Timperley area).
Applications are welcome from constituted groups with bank accounts.
Who Cannot Apply
- Individuals, unless they are planning to set up as a group.
- Projects that promote specific religious or political views.
- Projects that cannot start delivering by February 2017.
How Much You Can Apply For
- Groups can bid for up to £12,000 if they are addressing the four areas of Identifying isolated people, developing activities, marketing & communication of activities and researching transport options. Applications are also welcome for up to £4,000 to address one each of the areas
- There is no minimum amount, and you can apply for any type of cost (including staffing, stationery, equipment etc.)
- Organisations / groups can submit a maximum of 1 application
Eligibility Checks
- All submitted applications are considered by a panel of South Trafford Locality Partnership members to ensure that they meet the required eligibility standard. The group will also decide on who to award the funding to.The following information outlines what they will be looking for.
Filling out the form
There are 13 sections to the form which you must complete. The following table explains each section and how it will be used to check your application.
Section / What is it for? / How will it be checked?Section 1: Group or organisation name / This section lets us know who you are. This helps us to ensure eligibility. / This section is for office use only. It will be used to check that your group and application is eligible to apply.
Section 2:What does your group or organisation do? / This is where you tell us who you are and what you do. / This section is for office use only.
Section 3:
Project Title or Name / Let us know the name of your project. / This section is for office use only.
Section 4:
Proposal / Tell us what you are proposing to do. / This section will be checked against the following….
- You have described the ‘what, where, when, who and how’ of what you want to do
- The activity directly benefits the community and residents of the South Trafford area
- You have explained how you know people in the area want this activity
Section 5:
Amount Requested & what the money is for / This is where you tell us what you want to spend the grant on – how you know the costs are accurate and whether you are getting any help to run the project other than the grant you are applying for.
Tell us if you receive any in kind support such as help from a local business, free resources or access to meeting space. / This section will be checked against the following….
- The budget is clear and adds up correctly
- The budget requests realistic costs
Section 6:
Timescales / What is your timeline in delivering your project? / This section will be checked against the following….
- Is the timeline realistic?
Section 7:
How your Project will help tackle social isolation amongst older people? / It’s important that funding makes a difference to the people who take part in activities. You need to think about the impact you will have, what will be different after the project, how will you know and what tools you’ll use to show this. / This section will be checked against the following….
- What will be different after the activity has happened
- How you will know / what will you measure?
- How you will measure specific targets or measures to help demonstrate success
Section 8.
How will your project be sustained? / What is your plan for sustainability?
What happens when any funding received from this programme is used up? / This section will be checked against the following….
- Is there a plan for when the Locality Partnership funding expires?
Section 9.
Any other information you would like to include in support of your application: / Have you got any information in support of your proposal that you think we need to know? / This section is for office use only.
Section 10.
Name / position of a representative of your group or organisation / This section lets ensure eligibility. / It will be used to check that your group and application is eligible to apply.
Section 11.
Address/ Contact Details / Where is your organisation based and how we can contact you? / This section is for office use only.
Section 12.
Signature / Please sign the form. / This section is for office use only.
Section 13. Date / To allow us to know when you completed the form. / This section is for office use only.
If You Want to Apply
- Read the guidance notes and complete every section in the application form.
- Ensure the form is signed by the named applicants.
- Contact the Partnerships and Communities Team if you need further information by calling 0161 912 1173or email us at
- Take a copy/ photocopy for your own records and send all the required information to by the closing date of5pm on 8 April 2016.
If You Need Help or Further Information
Contact thePartnerships and Communities Team if you need further information by calling 0161 912 1173or at
Complete the application form by5pm on 8 April 2016– applications submitted after this deadline will not be considered.
Please return this form to the Partnerships and Communitiesteam either by email at or by post to Partnerships and Communities Team, Trafford Council, Trafford Town Hall, Talbot Road, Stretford, M32 0TH.