Minutes of Meeting No3 2013/14 held at the Joiner’s Arms on 17thSeptember 2013

  1. Present:-Ben Benfield (Chairman), Cliff Aldwinckle, Anthony Attwood, John Beswarick, Peter Branson, John Cartmell, David Crowson, John Fell, Frank Gilbert,Keith Hammond,John Lound,Eric Shaw Phillips, Brian Seager, Tony Southgate,John Worthy.
  1. Apologies:- Olivia Dean,John Fleming,John Leather, Tim Parker, SimonScargill,Peter Tidsall,Tony Wassell,Brian Wrigley.
  1. Minutes:- The minutes of the meeting held on 20th August2013 were approved.
  1. Matters Arising:- There were none.
  1. Correspondence:- The secretary passed round a newsletter from Lepra. The Chairman had received a newsletter from the Nepal Trust which was also passed round.

6.Funds and Commitments:-

The balance of uncommitted funds remains at£122.

7. New Events/Projects:There were none, since the Race Night had been cancelled at the last meeting. The Chairman will return all payments made for tickets, sponsors, etc.

8.Current Projects:

School Aid. All collected boxes of books have been delivered to the Entertainer. The Chairman suggested that in contacting schools regarding Operation Christmas Child they should be asked if they would consider supportingSchool Aid as well.

Kenyan Orphan Project– Oasis of Hope School. The Chairman is waiting for a letter of support from KOP. He has also received letters of support from the President of the Rotary Club of Kisumu Winam and the OGRA Foundation who between them will arrange the procurement and installation of the Jiko oven. The total to be provided by our Club, plus the District Grant is now expected to be £1,600.

Sand Dams - It was agreed that this would be one of the charities supported by the Quiz and Chips. The Chairman is to speak to the Club on this topic next Monday.

9. Planned Events :-

Quiz and Chips.(Duffield Parish Hall Saturday 7thDecember 2013) All preparations are completed or in hand.

Fun Wine Quiz.(Lund Pavilion 14th February 2014.) John Beswarick said that there would be some reference to Valentine's Day.

Another Fund Raiser There was a general discussion as to what we might consider in place of the cancelled race night. A music evening was suggested. It was noted that there would be a Charter Dinner in March, and that the Club Special Event in June would have a musical flavour. Peter Branson suggested an Open Gardens event.

10.Operation Christmas Child:- John Worthy said that there was a good response from the Club to his request for help.

11. Publicity:-Tony Southgate suggested a report on School Aid stating the number of boxes collected. The Chairman suggested a statement on Operation Christmas Child.


12. Any Other Business:- The Chairman suggested that there could be an opportunity for publicity for Shelterbox related to the Syrian refugee problem and wondered whether Westfield could be considered again for this, but on a Thursday rather than a Saturday or Sunday. Cliff Aldwinckle will check with Westfield.

12. Next Meeting:-Tuesday 15th October2013 at the Joiner’s Arms, Quarndonat 6 pm.