IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2016

IMC Digital Technology Awards, 2016

Application Form (Category 5)

End Users of I.T.

Application Form Guidelines:

  1. Fill in the form just as you would on paper, by typing your information in the supplied fields.
  1. Please fill all information with complete accuracy and to the best of your knowledge.
  2. Where possible, use of bullet points, diagrams, charts and other descriptive data is advised.
  3. The maximum length for the replies has been provided as guidelines and applicants are urged to adhere to those limits. The Jury may not read through responses that have exceeded the word limit by greater than 25% of the prescribed guideline.
  1. Make sure that your email addresses and contact details are correct as the IMC Digital Awards Cell will be sending you all communications on this email ids and addresses.
  1. There will be total 12awards given under this categoryto end users of I.T. as mentioned further. The participants are segregated into 2 broad categories – Company Type and Company Size. Both these categories are further divided as below :
  • CompanyType –
  • BFSI
  • Manufacturing and Engineering
  • Healthcare and Pharma
  • Utilities – Telecom, Gas, Infrastructure, Electricity, Transportation, Logistics, etc.
  • Education
  • Retail & eCommerce
  • Company Size –

»Small / Medium Enterprises – Revenue upto INR 250 Crores

»Large Enterprises – Revenue above INR 250 Crores


  1. Innovative use of technology to solve a business problem.
  2. Use of IT to increase business competitiveness
  3. Use of IT to increase efficiency and deliver quantifiable returns to all stakeholders.
  1. Participation of entry does not guarantee getting an award. Final decision would be entirely based on the judgement of Jury members.
  2. If you have to rectify the form after submission, you will have to submit a new form requesting to cancel the previous one.
  3. Categories may be realigned or reconsolidate with the mutual consent of IMC Jury Members.

Mandatory Information of Applicant

Company Name
Contact Address
Mobile No.
Contact Person
Mobile No.
Telephone No.
Email Id
Website Address
Nomination Category / BFSI
Manufacturing and Engineering
Healthcare and Pharma
Utilities – Telecom, Gas, Infrastructure, Electricity, Transportation, Logistics, etc.
Retail & eCommerce
(Mention the suitable option from BFSI; Manufacturing and Engineering; Healthcare and Pharma; Utilities – Telecom, Gas, Infrastructure, Electricity, Transportation, Logistics, etc.; Education; Retail & eCommerce)
Company Turnover /
  1. Small / Medium Enterprises – Revenue upto INR 250 Crores

  1. Large Enterprises – Revenue above INR 250 Crores

(Tick the suitable option from 1. Small / Medium Enterprises – Revenue upto INR 250 Crores or 2. Large Enterprises – Revenue above INR 250 Crores)

Project Details –

Name of Project undertaken
Brief Overview of the Project[Please state a brief overview of the project, what business problem it is supposed to solve, or the goals that the project is required to achieve]:

Implementation period [Failure to fill up this section results in automatic and immediate disqualification from the Awards] :

External partners and vendors, if any[Failure to fill up this section results in automatic and immediate disqualification from the Awards] :

  1. Share the Innovative usage of technology. (Have your organization / client organization adopted a unique mix of technologies or innovative methods)
  2. Describe the technologies involved, including software and hardware deployed.
  3. Describe the business challenges addressed.
  4. Please mention the benefits and explain how the solution deployed has helped the customer/Company.
  5. Have the solution made a significant impact in any of the following areas to your Company (Please provide quantifiable numbers and supporting documents).
  6. Cost Savings
  7. Improving Market Share
  8. Employee Productivity


  • I/We confirm that we possess requisite intellectual property rights to the material/data/information submitted as also to the product/service submitted for consideration of the Award. By making this application, I/we, grant requisite license/permission to IMC to announce, display, project the applicant/awardee and the product and/or service, as the case may be, and take all steps considered appropriate by IMC, in their sole discretion.
  • I/We confirm that the decision of Jury/IMC shall be final and binding in this regard.
  • I/We have read the Terms and Conditions of the Award and accept the same.


  1. Receipt of entries after last date of receipt specified may be permitted only at the discretion of the Awards Management.
  2. Awards Management will not be responsible for application forms that are lost in transit / received late.
  3. If Applicant desires to send the entry in hard copy, that should be submitted to IMC’s Office at Churchgate, Mumbai in an envelope marked “ IMC Digital Technology Awards, 2016”.
  4. The Application Form needs to be completed and signed by senior officer of the organization (from amongst the MD, CEO, COO, CFO, Chairman, Directors, Partner, Trustee,etc.)
  5. Incomplete Application Forms received through any mode will disqualify the Applicant from participating in the Awards.
  6. Disqualification of entries received is at the sole discretion of Jury Members and Awards Management, on a case by case basis.