Yoga Shacharit

Hanefesh SA/TO Dance

9 February 2014

Tie hair back, take socks off, find your own space, relaxing music as background


Movement awakens the soul and re-energizes the spirit. Movement exercises as part of the Tefillah experience reminds you of the body-soul interaction and engages the entire human experience with the spirituality of Tefillah. Judaism is a religion of the body. Judaism has long had within it a strong environmental and body consciousness. The body is not a place of sin or destruction; it is a site for holiness.

A.J. Heschel;

“When I marched in Selma, my feet were praying.”

Note: People wearing tallit/tefillin may not be able to do all the movements. Do all you can.



Modeh Ani - page 2

Movement: Sun Salutation

Birkot Hashachar - page 10

Explanation: Birkot Hashachar guides through all of our movements of the morning routine

1. Helps us to distinguish between day and (k)night

Baruch She’amar - page 54

Explanation: praising hashem

Or lord of dance, grab foot and hold back, reach up

Ashrei - page 80

Explanation: an acrostic of happiness

Happy baby pose

Following Hatzi Kaddish:

Barchu/Yotzer Or - page 96

Explanation: Call to worship. Gather as a community. Flock of birds. Flock of pigeons, Pigeon pose.

Shema - page 100

seated pose, lotus or half lotus, eyes closed


Following Mi Chamocha/Tzur Yisrael

Amidah - page 106

Explanation: Mountain pose

Following Kaddish Shalem

Aleinu - page 160


Shir Shel Yom and Psalm for Days of Awe

Adon Olam - page 6

Explanation: The last line of Adon Olam says: “Adonai li v’lo ira”

“God is with me, I shall not fear. Body and Spirit in His keep”

Last thing we say in yoga is Namaste - the light in my honors the light in you