July 6, 2008

Welcome! If you are a guest today we would invite you to fill out one of the blue cards found in the pews or sign the guest register in the entry way. We would also love to have you join us for coffee following the morning worship service.

LORD’S SUPPER: As we anticipate celebrating the Lord’s Supper this morning we rejoice that God calls us to his table. If you are visiting with us and would like to join us in this celebration, please read the item entitled “Invitation to the Lord’s Supper.” If you can agree with the affirmations found there, please join us in this celebration. Please also read the paragraphs explaining the inclusion of wine in the Lord’s Supper, and the placement of the wine and grape juice in the communion trays.

OUR CHURCH FAMILY: We rejoice that Justin & Siska Reece have appeared before the Elders to reaffirm their faith. They will be received into membership this morning. Also, this morning we have the privilege of participating in the sacrament of baptism as Logan Justin Reece, infant son of Justin & Siska, will be baptized.

CLOVERDALE COURIER: The July/August issue of our church newsletter will be available for distribution today after the morning worship service. Please take a copy for your family and get updated on our missionary families.

THE COUNCIL will meet this Monday at 7:30PM here at church. This meeting is for all outgoing & incoming elders & deacons.

If you have any matters of concern that need to be addressed by Council, please see any Council member prior to this meeting. Please remember the Council in your prayers.

THE YOUNG ADULTS/COLLEGE BIBLE STUDY will meet on Wednesday at 7:00PM in the Sr. High room here at church. We will look at chapter 6 in MacArthur's Romans study guide.

ATTN FAMILY TIES HELPERS: We will have a meeting here at church at 9:00AM on Saturday, July 12, for all who are helping with Family Ties. We hope you can make it!

SOUTHWEST BOISE BIBLE STUDY: Our next meeting will be Monday, July 14, at 7:00PM at the home of Tim & Colleen Barrett. Topic: The Dilemma of Man and the Intervention of God. Please visit www.SouthWestBoiseBibleStudy.com for more information.

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FUND OFFERING: The first offering next week will be for the Christian Education Fund. Please remember to put your pledge in this offering. The Christian Education Committee would like to thank the congregation for your support of the CEF fund.

ATTN PRAISE BAND & VOCALISTS: Our next Praise & Worship Song Service will be held Sunday evening, July 20, beginning at 6:00PM. Please see Kim Van Grouw if you have questions.

SUMMER OF HOPE IS HERE! The children arrive in two days! You can greet them as they arrive in Boise this Tuesday at 4:00PM (Northwest Flight 2517). The first Meet & Greet Potluck will be next Sunday, the 13th, at 12:30PM. Please see Kathi Branahl or contact Beth McDonald ((672-8560) for directions or other information. Feel free to invite other Christian friends to join us for lunch, or at the other potlucks planned for July 20 & 24. Be sure to pick up a copy of the church newsletter which includes photos of the children.

Please pray this week for the safety and comfort of the children and their escorts as they travel. Also pray especially for Loreto, a sensitive 8-year-old boy who needs a family to love and guide him. He relates well to others and responds well to praise. Pray for his host family that their time with Loreto will be a blessing for all.

ATTN SUNDAY SCHOOL PARENTS: We need to order SS curriculum for next fall. In order to do this we need to know how many children to expect in each grade. If your child(ren) will be attending Sunday school here in the fall, please sign them up on the sheets on the table in the narthex. All children of the church who will be 3-years-old by September 1st through 6th grade may sign up.

OPPORTUNITY FOR SERVICE – Sunday School Teachers: Please prayerfully consider being a Sunday school teacher this next year. We are looking for several teachers who would be committed throughout the school year and several volunteers who would be willing to substitute as needed. If you are interested or would like more information about these opportunities of service, please speak to Alyssa Groen.


Fabric softener Household cleaners Comet

Yard bags Gallon bags Coffee

Powdered sugar Aluminum foil Crackers

Laundry soap Toilet paper Jam

Pudding Chocolate Chips Sugar

ANNIVERSARY OPEN HOUSE: The Lord has been faithful to us and blessed us with 50 years of sharing our lives together. Thanks be to God!John & Micky Boogman and their children invite the congregation to share in that blessing ata 50th Wedding Anniversary Open House on Saturday, July 19, 2008, 2:00-4:30PM, at Second Baptist Church Fellowship Hall (lower level toward back of building), 10375 W. Overland Rd., Boise. Please, no gifts – only the gift of your presence.

FAMILY TIES: Family Ties will be held from August 4-7. Rev. John Sittema will be our featured speaker. The theme this year will be “Building the Family of God.” Tuesday evening’s talk is entitled “Family Dynamics.” Learning to talk together as the Family of God, with special emphasis on patterns of communication that are critical to holiness and witness.

Many volunteers are needed to make Family Ties a success. Sign up sheets for all the areas of service are located on the table in the narthex. See the article in the July/August church newsletter available today for more information.

Please mark your calendars and plan to join us for this time of learning and fellowship.

SAVE THE DATE: Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center will hold their annual “Walk for Life” fundraiser on Saturday, September 27. If you would like to participate or need more information, please call the Lifeline office at 466-4000 or email them at .

RECYCLE YOUR BULLETINS! In an attempt to save printing and paper costs, we have decided to try to recycle Sunday bulletins. If after the morning service you no longer need your bulletin and it is still in good condition, please place it in the bin provided on the registry podium in the narthex. We will then use them for the evening service if necessary. Thank you!

MEN’S BIBLE STUDY will be on a break until mid-August when we will resume with a study of Romans (D.V.).


1.  Missionaries Michael & Megan Ribbens and family serving in Nigeria.

2.  Pray for the ten Summer of Hope children and their escorts as they travel to Boise from the Philippines this week. Pray for 8-year-old Loreto, that he will know the love and encouragement of a family.

3.  Council meeting on Monday.

4.  Family Ties.


SUN: 10:00AM Morning Worship

6:30PM Evening Worship

MON: 7:30PM Council Meeting @ church

WEDS: 10:00AM Park Fellowship @ Lakeview Park

Off Garrity Blvd & 16th Ave. N. in Nampa

7:00PM Financial Peace University @ church

7:00PM Young Adults/College Bible Study

@ church – Study Chapter 6 in

MacArthur’s study of Romans

SAT: 9:00AM Family Ties meeting for all helpers


July Household of Faith Leaders:

Simon & Krisha Vander Woude/Ed & Julianne Oppedyk

Greeters/Guest Book:

Today Rudi & Anne Marije De Winkle/Matt Cooper

July 13 Henry & Robin Vander Stelt/Patty Booth

July 20 Simon & Krisha Vander Woude/Cindy Kamper


O - Sharon Wigboldy O - Sharon Wigboldy

P - Teresa Smith P - Melissa Wood/Julie Brands

July 13

O - Sara Cooke O - Sharon Wigboldy

P - Marie Haveman P - Teresa Smith

July 20

O - Robin Vander Stelt O - Robin Vander Stelt

P - Julie Brands P - Melissa Wood/Kim Van Grouw


Infant: Yvette, Nadeige & Life Ilunga

Toddler: Janine Ropp, Laura Stenquist,

Nathanael & Suzanne Ryerson

PM: Judy Vander Woude & Cathi Warnock

July 13

Infant: Renae Bieri, Phyllis Koetsier,

Krisha Vander Woude

Toddler: Katie Wigboldy, Lauren Pastoor,

Amanda Van Grouw, Rose Vander Schaaf

PM: Deb de Jong & Priscilla Van Hoogen

July 20

Infant: Debie & Melissa Wood, Rachel Folk

Toddler: Colleen & Janice De Groot,

Kathi & Nathan Branahl

PM: Irma & Monica Kopp


Today AM/PM – Rick Wigboldy

July 13 AM/PM – Matt Arendse

July 20 AM/PM – Henry Vander Stelt


Today Ryan Sherman & Ben Bieri

July 13 Glenn Vander Woude & Rob Howerzyl

July 20 Gregg Russell & Chris Brandsma


July 6 & 13 Janice De Groot

July 20 & 27 Debie Wood

PM Song Service PM Prayer & Share

July 13 Brian Visser July 13 John Vander Woude

July 20 Praise & Worship July 20 Bill Pastoor


Today Stephanie Hinton & Vicki Van Hoogen

July 13 Nate & Laura Stenquist

July 20 Rose Vander Schaaf & Sue Pastoor

Cookies for Next Week:

Kasey Boles, Deb de Jong, Linda Gibson, Sue Pastoor,

Krisha Vander Woude, Juliane Oppedyk