Child Custody Investigation Report ( Guide for Children )

What is divorce ?

When you mum and dad have problems in their relationship that cannot be resolved, they may consider separation or divorce. Divorce is a legal procedure to end a marriage which means that your mum and dad would not live together.

What change will I have when my mum and dad divorce ?

When you mum and dad divorce, you may face different changes:

-You may move away from your present home, reside with either your mum or your dad, or other relatives.

-You may not be able to see the parent who is not living with you every day.

-Your daily life may be changed following the change of job or economic condition of your mum or dad.

Usually, your mum and dad would discuss and agree on your living arrangement before they separate. Therefore, you can tell them your views, express your feelings and worries.

What can I do if I worry that my mum and dad won’t accept my opinion ?

Apart from your parents, you can also express your opinion to the social worker who prepares the investigation report for your family. The social worker can help you reflect your opinion to the Family Court so as to make a judgment on the custody and access arrangement.

What is investigation report ?

If your parents cannot agree between themselves on your living arrangement or when the Family Court has concerns about it, the Court may call for an investigation report so as to understand your needs and views before making an order on custody and access.

The investigation report can assist the Court in making a decision with regard to the custody, care and control of you, or with regard to whether the parent who does not have custody should have any access to you and the related arrangement. Social worker will give paramount consideration on best interest of you and your siblings when formulating recommendations to the court.

Thus, you can inform the social worker your usual life pattern, your feeling towards your parents’ divorce, your views and worries towards the future arrangement.

What is custody and access ?

Custody is the right given to either one of your parents by the Court to take care of you when your parents divorce. Access is the time allowing the non-residing parent to meet you.

Can I see my mum or dad who lives apart ?

It is your right to see the parent who lives apart. You can tell your mum, dad or social worker your will and worries so that the Court could make an order at your best interest.

If I feel unhappy, where can I seek help ?

You may not be able to adjust to all the changes at once. If you share your problems with you parents and handle them properly, they can be resolved. If you are worried about your future arrangement, you may directly ask your parents or tell them about your feelings.

Definitely, you are welcome to share your feelings with the social worker who conducts the social investigation for your family; he/she can provide counselling service to you or introduce appropriate services to you. You may also share with someone you trust, such as teachers, classmates or friends, etc. Remember, don’t hide your worries, and share your feelings with someone you trust.

If you have some more questions, or need other help or services, you are welcome to contact your social worker.

Name of social worker :

Name of office :

Telephone :

July 2009