Certified Evaluation Procedures July 2009



. . . . where kids are first and learning never ends!


July 1, 2009

(With revisions July 2011, based on March 28, 2011 District Committee Meetingemail survey week of 7/18, 2011)


Certified Evaluation Procedures

Table of Contents




Professional Growth Plan6

Evaluation Cover/Summary Page6

Pre Observation Form7

Teacher Evaluation Form8

Speech Therapist Evaluation Form15

Library Media Specialist Evaluation Form21

School Counselor Evaluation Form25

Administrator Evaluation Form30

Corrective Action Plan40

Appeals Form41

Appeals Hearing Request Form42

Evaluation Appeals Panel/Procedures43

Timeline for Appeals Process46

Appendix A: Certified Evaluation Committee47

Appendix B: Contact Memo48

Appendix C: CPE Plan ChecklistExhibit E, June 10, 2009

Appendix D: Instrument CrosswalksExhibit E, June 10, 2009

Appendix E: Assurances49

Appendix F: KDE Approval Exhibit E, June 10, 2009

Appendix G: Board MinutesWith Exhibit E, June 10, 2009



July 2009


FlemingCounty’s evaluation process is a continuous improvement program for all certified personnel, and it includes both formative and summative evaluation based on a varied data sources. It is intended that the process be a professional growth experience for all persons involved. The process will require the cooperation of all concerned.

Job-specific evaluation instruments that will be used are based on standards respective of the fields: Teacher, Counselor, Library Media Specialist, Speech Therapist, and the ISLLC Standards for School Leaders.

The immediate supervisor will complete the job-specific evaluation form for the employee after gathering supporting evidence from multiple data sources, including informal and formal observations, unit and lesson plans, classroom assessments. The supervisor will hold a conference with the employee to discuss the completed evaluation.

A copy of the evaluation will be kept on file in the immediate supervisor’s office, and the original will be placed in the employee’s personnel file at the central office.

Evaluations will be kept in strict confidence. Unauthorized persons shall not have access to them.


  1. The immediate supervisor of the certified school employee shall be the primary evaluator. Additional supervisory and/or administrative personnel may be used in addition to the primary evaluator.
  2. Each formal observation shall be a minimum of thirty (30) minutes in length and shall be conducted openly and with the full knowledge of the teacher or administrator. At least one (1) observation shall not be announced prior to the observation. The announced observation shall be preceded by a pre-observation conference.
  3. The evaluator shall conduct a conference with the evaluatee within one week of each formal observation, including all evaluation data. The evaluatee has the opportunity to submit a written response, which becomes a part of the official personnel file.The conference shall include suggestions for corrective action and/or performance improvement.
  4. All evaluations shall be done in writing on the job-specific,print or electronic Evaluation Form or Forms (Administrator, Teacher, School Counselor, Speech Therapist, School Library Media Specialist). Data collected from ongoing formative observations, conferences, and other data sources shall be utilized in completing the summative evaluation. The superintendent or designee evaluates principals and central office administrators, and the board evaluates the superintendent. Summative evaluations on approved forms for all certified except the superintendent become a part of the official personnel file.
  5. All employees being evaluated may appeal their evaluation in writing to the evaluation appeals committee within 7 working days. (Two members elected by certified employees and one member appointed by the local board.) This appeal becomes a part of the official personnel file.
  6. All evaluations will be used when making re-employment decisions.
  7. A copy of the evaluation shall be provided to the person being evaluated.
  8. Summative evaluations with multiple formative evaluationsare conducted annually for all non-tenured teachers and at least once every three years for all tenured teachers. Formative observations and evaluations may occur at any time.
  9. All teacher evaluations are based on multiple data sources includinginformal and formal observations, unit and lesson plans, and classroom assessments.
  10. All monitoring and observation of performance is conducted openly.
  11. Multiple observations/evaluations shall be conducted for any certified personnel whose initial observation results are unsatisfactory (one or more “does not meet” rating for one or more Standards on a Formative or Summative Evaluation).
  12. The immediate supervisor shall develop an Individual Corrective Action Plan, to be implemented immediately and monitored at least four times during the corrective action period, for certified personnel whose initial observation results are unsatisfactory, i.e., personnel who receive a “Does Not Meet” rating on any one standard or for whom administration feels there is an immediate need for action. While identified needs may encompass multiple indicators within a standard or standards, the Corrective Action Plan should address only two or three goals at a time, provide the certified person will professional support (e.g., mentoring, coaching, opportunities to observe exemplary practice, and other intensive professional growth opportunities), and allow adequate time (3-4 weeks to 2-4 months, depending on the extent of growth needed) for the certified person to implement the desired change. When performance moves to at least the “Showing Progress Needed” level, the Corrective Action Plan may be revised to address additional indicators/goals or the person may exit Corrective Action. The Corrective Action Plan and related documentation become part of the official personnel file.
  13. The evaluation plan is reviewed annually to ensure compliance with the evaluation law and regulations.
  14. During the last two months of school, all certified personnel shall use the Professional Growth Plan (PGP) to develop plans for professional improvement for the following year. These plans shall be tied to school/district goals as identified in comprehensive improvement plan(s) and finalized during a conference between the employee and supervisor.
  15. The Professional Growth Plans are to be submitted to immediate supervisors by May 30. The original, signed by the employee and the supervisor, must be submitted to Central Office for the personnel file by September 30, with a copy kept on file in the supervisor’s office. The supervisor shall review progress toward goals in conference with the certified employee by April 1 of each school year, to be documented on the supervisor’s file copy.
  16. If requested by the teacher, observations by another teacher trained in the teacher’s content area or by curriculum content specialists shall be provided. The selection of the third party observer shall, if possible, be determined through mutual agreement by evaluator and evaluatee. A teacher who exercises this option shall do so in writing to the evaluator, by no later than February 15 of the academic year in which the summative evaluation occurs. If the evaluator and evaluatee have not agreed upon the selection of the third party observer within five working days of the teacher’s written request, the evaluator shall select the third party observer.
  17. Each school year, the district shall train primary evaluators in the local evaluation process.
  18. Immediate supervisors shall explain and discuss the certified evaluation procedure with all their certified personnel no later than the end of the first month of reporting for employment.
  19. Summative evaluations will be conducted annually for all administrators.
  20. All primary evaluators, counselors, and central office administrative personnel are required to complete and document 21 leadership hours every year (HB 301), including 6 hours of certified evaluation training. Leadership hours are documented by certificates on file. The superintendent will complete the 21 hours as pursuant to KRS 156.111 and 704 KAR 3:406.


  1. Individual Professional Growth Plan completed, signed, and submitted to supervisors by May 30, with a copy to the superintendent’s office by September 30.
  2. Submit to central office the sign-in sheet of staff meeting for explanation of certified evaluation procedures by the end of the first month of school. For certified personnel who begin work after the start of school, submit sign-in sheet by the end of the first month they work.
  3. Evaluations to central office by April 1.


Individual Professional Growth Plan

Employee ______Date ______Worksite/Position______/______

  1. Growth Goal(s)/Objective(s) and Leadership Goal and Objectives
    C. (Leadership)
  2. Activities/Strategies for Achieving Growth and Leadership Goals and Objectives:
    C. (Leadership)
  3. Related Teacher Standardsand School/District Improvement Goals:
    C. (Leadership
  4. Expected Impact on Job Performance and Student Achievement:
    C. (Leadership)
  5. Target Dates for Completion:
    C. (Leadership)

Employee Comments: / Supervisor Comments:


Employee SignatureDateSupervisor SignatureDate

Stages: O=Orientation/Awareness A=Preparation/Application I=Implementation/Management R=Refinement/Impact



Use this cover page for all teacher evaluations!




ObserveeImmediate supervisorschool




DateStart TimeEnd Time


Content Area/Grade# Students# IEP/504 # GSSP/PTP

DATA Used:

_____ Formal Observations

_____ Informal Observations

_____ Lesson Plans/Instructional Units

_____ Classroom Assessments

_____ Local & state student performance data

_____ Other (Please list):

Current Professional growth goals: ______







Teacher SignatureDateEvaluator SignatureDate

By signing this form, I acknowledge that I have seen and discussed this evaluation with the evaluator. Within 7 working days, if I desire, I will submit my written comments. Additionally, I am aware that I have the right to appeal this evaluation to the Evaluation Appeals Committee.


(Use only for announced observations.)

(To be completed by the teacher and observer before the classroom observation visit.)






Content Area/Grade(s)#Students # with IEP/s # with GSSP’s

(To be completed by teacher and provided to the observer before the classroom observation.)

Core Content Targeted:#______#______#______#______

Major Lesson Content (Unit Study) ______

Assessment of Lesson (Culminating Performance) ______


Special/unique situations or circumstances of which observer should be aware:



Other comments/concerns: ______


Professional Growth (Area of Concentration) ______


Observee’s Signature / Date / Observer’s Signature / Date

Fleming County Schools

Teacher Evaluation Form

(Adapted from KentonCounty)

Name: / School: / Assignment: / Year:
STANDARD 1: Demonstrates Applied Content Knowledge-The teacher demonstrates a current and sufficient academic knowledge of certified content areas to develop student knowledge and performance in those areas.
The extent to which the teacher:
1.1. Accurately and effectively communicates an in-depth understanding of concepts, processes, and/or knowledge in ways that contribute to the learning of all students.
1.2. Effectively connects content to students’ life experiences including, when appropriate, prior learning in the content area or other content areas.
1.3. Consistently uses instructional strategies that are appropriate for content and contribute to the learning of all students.
1.4. Regularly guides students to understand content from appropriate diverse, multicultural, or global perspectives and assesses student performance using established criteria and scoring guides consistent with Kentucky’s assessment program.
1.5. Consistently anticipates misconceptions related to content and addresses them by using appropriate instructional practices. / STANDARD 2: Designs and Plans Instruction-The teacher designs/plans instruction that develops student abilities to use communication skills, apply core concepts, become self-sufficient individuals, become responsible team members, think and solve problems, and integrate knowledge.
The extent to which the teacher:
2.1. Develops challenging and appropriate learning objectives that are aligned with local/state/national standards and are based on students’ needs, interests and abilities.
2.2. Plans and designs instruction that is based on significant contextual and pre-assessment data.
2.3. Develops well-designed assessments that align with learning objectives, guide instruction, and measure learning results.
2.4. Plans a learning sequence using instructional strategies and activities that build on students’ prior knowledge and address learning objectives.
2.5. Plans a learning sequence using strategies and activities that foster the development of higher-order thinking.
Standard 1 Comments: / Standard 2 Comments:

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Name: / Year:
STANDARD 3: Creates/Maintains Learning Climate-The teacher creates a learning climate that supports the development of student abilities to use communication skills, apply core concepts, become selfsufficient individuals, become responsible team members, think and solve problems, and integrate knowledge.
The extent to which the teacher:
3.1. Consistently sets significant and challenging behavioral and learning expectations for all students and communicates confidence in their ability to achieve those expectations.
3.2. Maintains a fair, respectful, and productive classroom environment conducive to learning.
3.3. Consistently uses appropriate and responsive instructional strategies that address the needs of diverse students.
3.4. Consistently treats all students with respect and concern and actively encourages students to treat each other with respect and concern.
3.5. Maintains a classroom environment that is both emotionally and physically safe for all students. / STANDARD 4: Implements and Manages Instruction-The teacher introduces/implements/manages instruction that develops student abilities to use communication skills, apply core concepts, become selfsufficient individuals, become responsible team members, think and solve problems, and integrate knowledge.
The extent to which the teacher:
4.1. Consistently provides a well-planned sequence of appropriate instructional strategies that actively engage students in meeting learning objectives.
4.2. Implements instruction based on contextual information and assessment data, adapting instruction to unanticipated circumstances.
4.3. Makes thoughtful choices about the organization and implementation of both instructional and non-instructional tasks to maximize time for student learning.
4.4. Makes optimal use of classroom space and uses a variety of instructional resources and technologies to enhance student learning.
4.5. Consistently uses a variety of appropriate strategies to facilitate higher-order thinking.
Standard 3 Comments: / Standard 4 Comments:

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Name: / Year:
STANDARD 5: Assesses and Communicates Learning Results – The teacher assesses learning and communicates results to students and others with respect to student abilities to use communication skills, apply core concepts, become self-sufficient individuals, become responsible team members, think and solve problems, and integrate knowledge.
The extent to which the teacher:
5.1. Consistently uses student baseline data from appropriate pre-assessments to promote the learning of all students.
5.2. Consistently uses appropriate formative assessments to determine student progress, guide instruction, and provide feedback to students.
5.3. Consistently uses appropriate summative assessments aligned with the learning objectives to measure student achievement.
5.4. Consistently describes, analyzes, and evaluates student performance data to determine student progress, identify differences among student groups, and inform instructional practice.
5.5. Clearly communicates to students and parents in a timely manner the evidence of student performance and recommends future actions.
5.6. Provides on-going opportunities for students to assess and reflect on their own performance in order to identify strengths and areas for future learning.
5.7. Assesses student performance using the established criteria and scoring guides consistent with Kentucky's assessment program. / STANDARD 6: Demonstrates the Implementation of Technology – The teacher uses technology to support instruction; access and manipulate data; enhance professional growth and productivity; communicate and collaborate with colleagues, parents and the community; and conduct research.
The extent to which the teacher:
6.1. Uses appropriate technology to design and plan instruction that supports and extends learning of all students.
6.2. Designs and implements research-based, technology-infused instructional strategies to support learning of all students.
6.3. Provides varied and authentic opportunities for all students to use appropriate technology to further their learning.
6.4. Uses technology to assess student learning, manage assessment data, and communicate results to appropriate stakeholders.
6.5. Provides and maintains a safe, secure, and equitable classroom environment that consistently promotes discerning and ethical use of technology.
Standard 5 Comments: / Standard 6 Comments:

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Name: / Year:
STANDARD 7: Reflects/Evaluates Teaching/ Learning-The teacher reflects on and evaluates specific teaching/learning situations and/or programs.
The extent to which the teacher:
7.1. Uses formative and summative performance data to determine the learning needs of all students.
7.2. Uses performance data to conduct an in-depth analysis and evaluation of instructional practices to inform future teaching.
7.3. Reflects on the evaluations of student learning and instructional practices to identify and develop plans for professional growth. / STANDARD 8: Collaborates with Colleagues/Parents/Others-The teacher collaborates with colleagues, parents, and other agencies to design, implement, and support learning programs that develop student abilities to use communication skills, apply core concepts, become selfsufficient individuals, become responsible team members, think and solve problems, and integrate knowledge.
The extent to which the teacher:
8.1. Describes an on-going process for identifying situations in which student learning could be enhanced by collaboration.
8.2. Designs a plan that involves parents, colleagues, and others in a collaborative effort to enhance student learning.
8.3. Explains how the collaboration to enhance student learning has been implemented.
8.4. Uses appropriate student performance data to describe, analyze, and evaluate the impact of the collaborative activities on student learning and to identify next steps.
Comments: / Comments:

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Name: / Year:
STANDARD 9: Evaluates Teaching and Implements Professional Development-The teacher evaluates his/her overall performance with respect to modeling and teaching Kentucky's learning goals, refines the skills and processes necessary, and implements a professional development plan.
The extent to which the teacher:
9.1. Thoroughly and accurately assesses current performance related to the Kentucky Teacher Standards and any school/district professional development initiatives.
9.2. Reflects on data from multiple sources (i.e., self-assessment, student performance, feedback from colleagues, school/district initiatives) and identifies priority areas for growth.
9.3. Designs a clear, logical professional growth plan that addresses all priority areas.
9.4. Shows clear evidence of the impact of professional growth activities on instructional effectiveness and student learning. / STANDARD 10: Provides Leadership Within School/Community/Profession – The teacher provides professional leadership within the school, community, and education profession to improve student learning and well-being.
The extent to which the teacher:
10.1. Identifies leadership opportunities within the school, community, or professional organizations to advance learning, improve instructional practice, facilitate professional development of colleagues, or advocate positive policy change; and selects an opportunity to demonstrate initiative, planning, organization, and professional judgment.
10.2. Includes in PGP plans for leadership development.
10.3. Initiates, develops, and effectively implements the leadership work plan.
10.4. Uses data from the leadership effort to describe, analyze, and evaluate the impact on student learning.
10.5. Builds positive relationships within and between school and community, practices effective listening, conflict resolution, and group-facilitation skills as a team member, and cooperates with administrators and other staff members.
10.6. Is punctual for all duties and regular in attendance.
10.7. Respects confidentiality of school information and adheres to state professional code of ethics.
10.8. Assumes a reasonable share of non-instructional activities.
10.9. Meets timelines for paperwork and reporting (i.e., updating and posting grades weekly, submitting lesson plans, meeting special education, and gifted timelines for folders, individualized plans, and progress reports).
Comments: / Comments:

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