First name: Click here to enter text. / Surname (family name): Click here to enter text.
Telephone: Click here to enter text. / Mobile phone:Click here to enter text.
Email address: Click here to enter text.
Current address: Click here to enter text.
City: Click here to enter text. / County or State: Click here to enter text. / Postal Code: Click here to enter text.
Country: Click here to enter text. / Nationality: Click here to enter text.
Date of birth: …./.… / …. (dd/mm/yyyy) / Occupation: Click here to enter text.
Language: Click here to enter text. / Level:Choose an item.
Hours per week:
☐15h ☐30h
☐Other – Please specify: Click here to enter text. / Course
☐Blended(distance+face-to-face) / ☐Foreign Language
☐General English
☐English for Specific Purposes
Choose an item.
*Please state:Click here to enter text.
Start date: Click here to enter a date. / End date: Click here to enter a date.
Reason for studying language: Choose an item.
Additional Comments: Click here to enter text.
Accommodation: ☐YES ☐NO
If YES ticked: ☐Hotel ☐B&B
☐Host family* / *If host family, please select:
☐Half board
☐Full board / ☐Business
Transport (pick-up/drop-off): ☐YES ☐NO
Please state any medical condition, dietary needs or special requirements:Click here to enter text.
Where did you hear about our language courses: Click here to enter text.
I have read and accepted the conditions of enrolment, including the cancellation policy, and certify that the information provided above is correct. Please type your name to sign the form if filling online.
Signature: Date: Click here to enter a date.

Conditions of Language Training Enrolment


Atlantic Language Training Ltd refers to the agency that acts as an intermediary between its client(s) and one or more freelance tutor(s) to provide foreign language training in the normal course of business.

“Student” shall mean the party commissioning foreign language training in the normal course of business.

The party may be a natural or legal person, including, as an example only, a private individual, association, partnership, economic interest grouping or corporate entity.

“Services” shall mean the provision of foreign language training.

“Terms” shall mean the general terms and conditions of business set out in this document.


2.1 Atlantic Language Training Ltd shall sell and the Student shall buy the Services in accordance with any written quotation provided Atlantic Language Training Ltd which is accepted by the Student, or any written order placed by the Student which is accepted by Atlantic Language Training Ltd subject in either case to these Terms.

2.2 The price of the Services shall be the price quoted by Atlantic Language Training Ltd.

2.3 Atlantic Language Training Ltd reserves the right to increase the price of the Services at any time before the said Services are to be performed, by giving due notice to the Student. This increase in price may reflect any increase in the cost to Atlantic Language Training Ltd as a result of any fact beyond their control.


3.1 The enrolment fee and a non-refundable 20% of the price must be paid at the time of reservation of the course.

3.2 A further 30% must be paid 2 weeks before the course commences.

3.3 If the duration of the course is less than 4 weeks in length, you must pay the balance before the start of the course. If the duration of the course is longer than 4 weeks, you will be asked to pay each month in advance.

3.4 Should you fail to pay for the course on the above mentioned terms, you may be subject to removal from the course and may get suspended from the classes.


4.1 Any material supplied by Atlantic Language Training Ltd and its tutor(s) in the course of providing the Services is strictly for the use of the students undertaking the language training and may not be used for any other purpose whatsoever.

4.2 The Student shall not approach the Tutor directly with a view to privately engaging his/her services at any time whatsoever nor may the Student discuss financial arrangements with the Tutor.

Atlantic Language Training Ltd

3-5 Moon Street, Bretonside, Plymouth, PL4 0AL

Tel: +44 (0) 1752 26 27 28
