Wimberley’s Chemistry II Modeling Honors Grading Policy Information

The grade percentages for this class are as follows:

40% Tests 10 % Quizzes20% Labs15% Homework10% Lab journal5%project


  • Will include 2 cumulative tests given at the middle and end of each nine weeks.
  • Each CUMULATIVE TEST will continue to include more and more chapters as each 9 week progresses so that by the end of the second semester, the final 9 weeks test will cover information from the entire course.
  • Other tests within the nine weeks will cover between 1-3 chapters depending on the content and length of each chapter.


  • May include POP quizzes and PLANNED quizzes.
  • No corrections will be allowed.


  • All assignments will be due the next day UNLESS Ms.Wimberley indicates otherwise.
  • All students must participate during all in-class activities and discussions, and may lose participation points off an assignment for failure to do so.

LATE WORK:An assignment is considered late if turned in after 3:00pm on the DUE DATE.

  • All late work will receive 10% off per day it is turned in late.
  • For example, if a100 point assignment is due on Tuesday, and is turned in at 7:50am on Wednesday, 10 points would be deducted from the score for being late.

Makeup work:

  • Per school board policy, it is the STUDENTS RESPONSIBILTY to REQUEST their makeup work from their teacher.
  • Makeup work will be allowed 1.5 school days to be made up per day the student has an EXCUSED absence.
  • Students with an UNEXCUSED absence should still request their work.
  • Makeup work will be given a DUE DATE by Ms.Wimberley and be written on the assignment sheet.
  • Makeup work turned in after the Due date will be subject to the late work deduction.

In-class Questions of the Day (included in HOMEWORK percentage)

  • These questions will be on the board daily to be completed during the first 3-5 minutes of class to review previously covered materials.
  • Students are required to WRITE THE FULL QUESTION, and their answers for one week (Monday-Friday) and turn in all the questions on Friday DURING CLASS after they have completed the Friday questions.
  • Students who have an excused absence must write the Day of the week and the date they were absent and have Ms.Wimberley sign their QOD sheet to excuse them from that day’s questions.


  • Post lab questions will be due the day after the completion of the lab.
  • Pre-Lab or Post-lab quizzes may be given at anytime to be included in the Lab grade.
  • Students will be required to complete a lab write up for each lab in their lab notebook.
  • Please review to the Lab notebook procedure and grading rubric for further information about the lab notebook grading.
  • Notebooks may be requested AT ANYTIME and should be brought to class daily or stored in the assigned student lab drawer.
  • Students who do not have their lab notebook IN CLASS WHEN REQUESTED will receive a late deduction even if turned in later on the same day.
  • One FORMAL LAB REPORT will be required each nine weeks.
  • Ms.Wimberley will indicate WHICH lab should have a formal report IN ADDITION TO THE NOTEBOOK WRITE UP.
  • Lab reports must be TYPED; more detailed information will be given at a later time.
  • Students will not receive class time to type their reports, but will be allowed 1 week from the date the lab is completed to turn in their report. The computer lab in the library may be reserved during lunch if enough students REQUEST it with Ms.Wimberley.


  • One project will be assigned each nine weeks by Ms.Wimberley.
  • Projects will be given out by the end of the 2nd week of the nine weeks.
  • Projects will be due at the beginning of the 8th week of the 9 weeks, exact dates will be announced.
  • Students will be required to complete the projects OUTSIDE OF CLASS, but may request Ms.Wimberley to reserve the library during lunch.