Chickasaw County School District/Houlka Attendance Center

Dropout Restructuring Plan 2015-2016

Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) / Current Status on Continuum
Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or
New Paradigms? / GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum
Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or
New Paradigms?
1.3 College Ready Skills / Beginning: A curriculum integrating but not limited to self-advocacy, note taking skills, study skills, research skills, written and oral communication, self-monitoring and time management exists. / Early: College and career ready skills are implemented throughout the curriculum

Design Principle: Ready for College and Career

Action Steps / Responsible / Deadline / Resources/Professional Development Needed / Potential Barriers / Date Achieved
What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? / Who will do it? / By when? / What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) / What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them?
Students will have multiple opportunities to practice ACT tests per subject area and participate in review sessions as follow-up. / Principal
Teacher / April 1, 2016 / ACT prep materials
Online activities
Scantrons / Scheduling and timing
Planning session at the beginning of school year to set calendar
Make links available on Active Parent for college study skills, practice tests, etc. / Support / November 1, 2015 / Computer and links / Availability and access to computers
Let the parents know the local community library is open until 6:00

Outcome: Help students become comfortable taking ACT in hopes of helping them meet graduation requirements and college admission

Design Principle: Ready for College and Career

Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) / Current Status on Continuum
Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or
New Paradigms? / GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum
Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or
New Paradigms?
1.8 College Going Culture / Beginning: Brochures and literature about financial planning and scholarships are available for students. / Growing Innovations: Families are supported through FAFSA and scholarship application processes on site
Action Steps / Responsible / Deadline / Resources/Professional Development Needed / Potential Barriers / Date Achieved
What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? / Who will do it? / By when? / What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) / What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them?
Students and parents will be exposed to the FAFSA application and scholarship application process. / Principal
Counselor / March 1, 2016 / Get2College Group
College representatives
Computer lab / Parent participation. We will have an informative preliminary meeting to discuss how this will work. We will send letters home and an AIM notification will be sent out.
A group from Get2College and the local community college will be on campus for a parent night. Parents will be able to complete FAFSA application. / Principal
Counselor / March 1, 2016 / Get2College Group
College representatives
Computer lab / Parent participation. We will have an informative preliminary meeting to discuss how this will work. We will send letters home and an AIM notification will be sent out.
The counselor will present/discuss scholarship opportunities with seniors as she receives them. This will be done on an as needed, one-on-one or group basis. / Counselor / Dependent upon scholarship application deadline / Scholarship
Computer / Students not completing their part and some might not qualify due to GPA, community service, etc.

Outcome: Every senior completes FAFSA application and any scholarship he/she may qualify for

Design Principle:Ready for College and Career

Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) / Current Status on Continuum
Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or
New Paradigms? / GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum
Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or
New Paradigms?
1.9 College Going Culture / Early Steps: Families are invited to presentations about FAFSA, CFNC, scholarships, and the college admission process. / Growing: Families are supported through FAFSA and scholarship application processes onsite
Action Steps / Responsible / Deadline / Resources/Professional Development Needed / Potential Barriers / Date Achieved
What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? / Who will do it? / By when? / What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools, resources, etc.) / What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them?
Students and parents will have an opportunity to sit down with Get2College to complete FAFSA applications. College representatives will be there also to help students and parents complete enrollment applications. / Principal
Counselor / March 1, 2016 / Get2College Group
College representatives
Computer lab / Parents not bringing in the proper forms needed to completely fill out FAFSA. An informative preliminary meeting will be held so parents will know what to bring to the FAFSA night.
Students and parents will have an opportunity to meet and inquire with college representatives by having a College Day. / Counselor
Principal / February 1, 2016 / College Representatives / Scheduling conflicts.
Use careful planning
Be sure to touch base right before the actual date.

Outcome: Every Senior leaves school with a completed FAFSA and college application

Design Principle: Indicator (Ex. 1.1) / Current Status on Continuum
Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or
New Paradigms? / GOAL: Next Status Level on Continuum
Beginning, Early Steps, Growing Innovation, or
New Paradigms?
2.4 Instruction meets learning activities outside of classroom experiences. / Beginning: Instruction meets the learning needs of some, but not all, students. / Early: Teachers regularly adapt resources and instruction to address learning differences in their students.

Design Principle: Require Powerful Teaching and Learning

Action Steps / Responsible / Deadline / Resources/Professional Development Needed / Potential Barriers / Date Achieved
What task will be done? How will progress monitor? How will you measure outcomes? / Who will do it? / By when? / What do you need to complete this step? (People, money, tools,
resources, etc.) / What could get in the way of task completion? How will you overcome them?
At-risk students will be identified by looking at transcripts, state test scores, etc. / Principal
TST / October 31, 2015 / TST meetings / Student transfers may slip through the cracks. Closely monitor their transcript
Teachers who teach the same at-risk students will meet and discuss identified possible at-risk students and devise a plan to monitor these students. / Principal
Teachers / November 15, 2015 / Time and effort / Teachers may not have time to develop plan. Allow teachers time during PLCs to discuss at-risk students.

Outcome: Meet the needs of all students by differentiating instruction and closely monitoring students