Table 2 Mineralogy of selected spring-limestone deposits. Mineralogy was determined only in cases of suspect for magnesian calcite or aragonite, such as in case of fibrous CaCO3. For deposits that obviously consisted of low-magnesian calcite, a few check samples were investigated by XRD (not shown here). The calculated mole percentage of MgCO3 in calcite is indicated as ('X mol%') in parentheses.


X-ray powder diffractometry for identification of carbonate polymorphs and determination of magnesium content of calcite was done on a Bruker-AXS D8 diffractometer with Bragg-Brentano geometry, CuK radiation, at 40kV and 40mA acceleration voltage, with parallel-beam optics and an energy-dispersive detector. The data was collected between 2 and 70° 2θ, with a step size of 0,02° 2θ, and a detecting time of four seconds per step. Crystalline phase identification was done with the program Eva.Ink and the PDF4 data base 8.0.113 of ICDD. Chunks of actively-forming spring limestones were sampled for XRD measurement at two different positions (two XRD measurements per sample of active limestone). Quantitative phase composition, including relative percentage aragonite/magnesian calcite/calcite, was done by Rietveld-refinement using Bruker-AXS software TOPAS 2-1; the relative standard deviation for this calculation is five wt%. For determination of Mg content in calcite, crystallographic data (cell volume, lattice constant a and c, d-value of [104]-reflection) were extraced by Rietveld-refinement using TOPAS 2.1 and the initial structure model ICSD 20179 (Borodin et al. 1979). The calculation of mol% MgCO3 followed the calibration by Goldsmith et al. (1961).


Borodin VL, Lyutin VI, Ilyukhin VV, Belov NV (1979) Isomorphic series of calcite-otavite. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 245(5):1099-1101

Goldsmith JR, Graf DL, Eard HC (1961) Lattice constants of the calcium-magnesium carbonates. American Mineralogist 46:453-457

Geographic location,
federal country of Austria (A), or other state / Name of deposit;
activity status; U/Th age
(where available) / Sample / Mineralogy in XRD
(relative percentage of minerals or carbonate polymorphs) / Remarks
Ainet, Eastern Tyrol (A) / Ainet; fossil deposit
U/Th ages (Boch et al., 2005):
13.440  0.16 ka
13.490  0.17 ka
13.960  0.11 ka
13.700  0.13 ka / AIT 2 / Magnesian calcite (5 mol%), aragonite / Three laminae of laminated springstone
AIT 7, bulk sample of laminated springstone / Magnesian calcite (5.6 mol%) / Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone
AIT 8 / Magnesian calcite (5.4 mol%) / Bulk sample
AIT 9A / Magnesian calcite (5.5 mol%), aragonite / Sample of 2-mm thick cement fringe in megapore within laminated springstone
AIT 9B_1 / Calcite (3.6 mol%), aragonite / Selective sample of light-coloured laminae of laminated springstone
AIT 9B_2 / Calcite (3.3 mol%), aragonite / Selective sample of light-coloured laminae of laminated springstone
Fimber valley, Tyrol (A) / Schwarze Wand; fossil deposit / SWAN 1 / Calcite (1.3 mol%) / Bulk sample of tufa
SWAN 6 / Calcite (1.2 mol %) / Bulk sample of tufa
Tote Kuh; fossil deposit / TKU/A / Magnesian calcite (4.2 mol%) / Sample of laminated cement fringe within phytoclastic tufa
TKU/B / Calcite (0.5 mol%) / Bulk sample of tufa
TKU/D / Calcite (0.7 mol%) / Bulk sample of tufa
TKU 2 / Calcite (0.8 mol%) / Sample of laminated cement fringe within phytoclastic tufa
Flath-Alm, Tyrol (A) / Flath-Alm; fossil deposit
U/Th age:
8.9 ± 0.3 ka
(Ostermann, 2006) / FLA 6 / Magnesian calcite (6.9 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample of intraclastic tufa
FLA 13 / Magnesian calcite (11.2 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood
FLA 14 / Magnesian calcite (9.7 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood
FLA 17 / Magnesian calcite (8.1 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample of moss tufa
FLA 19 / Magnesian calcite (8.3 mol%) / Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood
FLA 20 / Magnesian calcite (7.6 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood
FLA 22 / Magnesian calcite (8.6 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood
FLA 25 / Magnesian calcite (8.3 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood
FLA 27_1 / Magnesian calcite (6.9 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood
FLA 27_2 / Magnesian calcite (8.2 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample drilled from petrified wood
FLA 30 / Magnesian calcite (5.7 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample of laminated cementstone formed within megapore in tufa limestone
FLA 33_1 / Magnesian calcite (6.5 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample of moss tufa
FLA 33_2 / Magnesian calcite (5.7 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample of moss tufa
Laas, Southern Tyrol, Italy / Alter Bruch (part of active system at Laas); active deposit / ABR 4 / Calcite (3.8 mol%) / Sample of dense, indurated springstone of fibrous calcite
ABR 5, bulk sample / Calcite (2.6 mol%) / Bulk sample of tufa formed in association with cyanobacteria
LAA 1 / Magnesian calcite (4.3 mol%) / Fibrous magnesian calcite precipitated on experimental substrate (rinse fleece)
LAA 2 / Magnesian calcite (4.4 mol%) / Fibrous magnesian calcite precipitated on experimental substrate (rinse fleece)
Gsalerweg; fossil deposit
U/Th age:
13.4 ± 0.2 ka
(Ostermann, 2006) / GSAL 4 / Magnesian calcite (4.4 mol%) / Bulk samples of tufa limestones including phytoclastic tufa and moss tufa
GSAL 5 / Magnesian calcite (5.0 mol%)
GSAL 6 / Magnesian calcite (4.5 mol%)
GSAL 7 / Magnesian calcite (4.4 mol%)
GSAL 8 / Magnesian calcite (4.7 mol%)
GSAL 9 / Magnesian calcite (5.4 mol%)
Überhang (part of active system at Laas); active deposit / ÜBH 4 / Magnesian calcite (4.1 mol%) / Bulk sample of about 3 laminae of laminated waterfall tufa
ÜBH 5, bulk sample / Calcite/Magnesian calcite (4.0 mol%) / Bulk sample of laminated waterfall tufa, drilled across ~ 15 laminae
ÜBH 6, bulk sample / Calcite (1.5 mol%) / From brownish, iron-oxide rich, non-laminated inner part of sample of laminated waterfall tufa
ÜBH 6, outer fringe / Calcite (3.4 mol%) / From light-coloured, non-laminated, 1.5cm thick outer tufa fringe of sample of laminated waterfall tufa
ÜBH 7 / Calcite (3.0 mol%) / 3 mm thick lamina of waterfall tufa with endolithic Gloeocapsa
ÜBH 8_1 / Calcite (3.5 mol%), haematite / Bulk sample of moss tufa
ÜBH 8_2 / Calcite (2.9 mol%) / Bulk sample of top of light-coloured carbonate crust forming close-up with the green tips of moss plants in a moss tuft
Landeck, Tyrol (A) / Spring number 1; active deposit / LDQ 5 / Aragonite ≈ 81 wt%
Calcite ≈ 19 wt% / Sample of crust on peg of Picea abies
LDQ 6 / Aragonite ≈ 73 wt%
Calcite ≈ 27 wt% / Sample of crust on peg of Picea abies
LDQ 7 / Aragonite ≈ 76 wt%
Calcite ≈ 24 wt% / Sample of crust on peg of Picea abies
Landeck; fossil part of deposit / LDQ 1, petrified wood / Calcite (0.4 mol%) / X-ray sample drilled directly out of petrified wood
LDQ 2, bulk sample of tufa / Magnesian calcite (13.2 mol%), aragonite / Bulk sample of tufa-limestone matrix of petrified wood
Navis valley, Tyrol (A) / Blasigleralm; fossil deposit / BLS 3 / Calcite (1.2 mol%) / Bulk of ~ 25 laminae of laminated springstone of fibrous calcite
Stoffenalm; fossil deposit / STL 1 / Calcite (1.1 mol%) / Bulk of ~ 25 laminae of laminated springstone of fibrous calcite
Obladis, Tyrol (A) / Fossil spring-associated limestones / OBL 4_1, bulk sample of laminated springstone / Calcite (0.0 mol%) / Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone
OBL 4_2 / Calcite (0.0 mol%) / Sample of single, white-coloured lamina in laminated springstone
OBL 11 B, bulk sample of laminated springstone / Calcite (1.4 mol%) / Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone
OBL 12, bulk sample of laminated springstone / Calcite (0.0 mol%) / Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone
Active limestone-depositing spring / OBL 7 / Calcite (1.5 mol%) / Bulk of ~ 15 laminae of laminated springstone
OBL 7A / Calcite (1.5 mol%) / Sample of iron-oxide rich (reddish) portion of sample OBL 7
Feistritz an der Gail, Carinthia (A) / Sankt Magdalena; fossil deposit / SMA 5, bulk sample / Calcite (1.9 mol%) / Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone
SMA 6B, bulk sample / Calcite (2.1 mol%) / Bulk of ~ 20 laminae of laminated springstone
SMA 7_1, bulk sample from only faintly laminated portion / Calcite (2.6 mol%) / faintly laminated tufa
SMA 7_2, selective sample of light-coloured laminae / Calcite (2.3 mol%) / Four laminae of laminated tufa
Trebesing, Styria (A) / Limestone of 'old' mineral spring; fossil deposit / TRE 1 / Calcite (2.2 mol%) / Bulk sample of laminated springstone, drilled across ~ 10 laminae
TRE 4A, bulk sample / Calcite (1.5 mol%) / Bulk sample of petrified wood
TRE 4A, petrified wood / Calcite (1.2 mol%) / Sample of marginal fringe of petrified wood