TO: Colorado Centers for Independent Living Executive Directors, Staff, and Consumers,

Colorado Statewide Independent Living Council Members,

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Consumers and Staff

Colorado Developmental Disabilities Council Staff and Consumers

FROM: Karen Prince, Independent Living Program Coordinator

DATE: February 9, 2016

SUBJECT: Notice of Rule Revision in Rules Section 9.202, 9.203, and 9.207.2


Notice is given that the Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation/Independent Living Program is proposing to revise wording in Section 9.202 changing the Provider Association to Provider Network and defining the Network to be any Certified Center for Independent Living in Colorado. Revise Section 9.203 to add the fifth Core service in conjunction with the Workforce Investment and Opportunity Act of 2015. Revise Section 9.207.2 to remove association term and replace with Network. Below are the proposed rule revisions.

Revise section 9.202 DEFINITIONS “Provider association” means the Association for Colorado Centers for Independent Living (ACCIL). To be “PROVIDER NETWORK” MEANS ANY CERTIFIED CENTER FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING IN COLORADO.

“Verification team” means a team designated by the director, which consists of DVR staff and other persons, including representatives of the SILC and the provider association. To be: “VERIFICATION TEAM” MEANS A TEAM DESIGNATED BY THE DIRECTOR, WHICH CONSISTS OF DVR STAFF AND OTHER PERSONS AS APPROPRIATE.

Revise section 9.203 SERVICES PROVIDED A. add the fifth (5th) Core service of TRANSITION.

Revise section 9.207.2 INDEPENDENT LIVING ALLOCATIONS COMMITTEE A. The SILC, provider association, and DVR shall participate in an Independent Living Allocation Committee. The Chairperson of the SILC shall make the appointment of two members who are advocate for individuals with disabilities and are not affiliated with CILs. The provider association shall appoint two individuals and the Director of DVR will appoint two individuals. The total number of allocation committee members shall equal six, two from each group. To be: The SILC, provider NETWORK, and DVR shall participate in an Independent Living Allocation Committee. The Chairperson of the SILC shall make the appointment of two members who are advocate for individuals with disabilities and are not affiliated with CILs. The provider NETWORK shall appoint two individuals and the Director of DVR will appoint two individuals. The total number of allocation committee members shall equal six, two from each group.

Please provide any comments to Karen Prince at or 303-866-4730 before March 10, 2016.