New Bank Branch

IT Infrastructure Project

UC Berkeley Extension

Business and Management

COURSE TITLE X470 Project Management

(2 semester units in Business Administration, 2 CEUs)

PMI provider #1173

Instructor: Rick Santos, PMP

August 2011


1 Stakeholder Needs and Expectations 3

2 Project Lifecycle Exercise 5

3 Scope Statement 6

3.1 Mission, Vision, or Strategy Linkage Statement 6

3.2 Business Need 6

3.3 Project Description 6

3.4 Project Lifecycle Approach 6

3.5 Project Deliverables 6

3.6 Project Objectives and Success Criteria 7

3.7 Assumptions 8

3.8 Constraints 8

3.9 High-Level Risks 8

3.10 Approval Signatures 8

4 Responsibility Assignment Matrix 9

5 Risk Response Plan 10

1  Stakeholder Needs and Expectations

Business Unit Program Manager / ·  Timely notification of business-side issues and To Do’s / ·  Project completion prior to branch opening
·  Timely status report
·  Approval authority on IT device locations / ·  Project completed as scheduled
·  Issues and Action Item Log
·  Project Status Reports
·  Sign-off on IT device locations in the branch
Project Sponsor / ·  Timely notification of escalations / ·  Project completion prior to branch opening
·  Timely status report
·  Approval authority on project scope, schedule, cost / ·  Project completed as scheduled
·  Communicate possible escalations within 1 hr
·  Project Status Reports
·  Sign-off on project scope, schedule, cost
Project Manager / ·  Timely receipt of business decisions
·  Branch layout / blue prints / ·  Resources availability
·  Enough lead time to meet project objectives / ·  Resources assigned to the project
·  Sign-off on business requirements by due date
·  Branch layout docs received
Network Engineer / ·  Locations and quantities of cat5 ports in the building / ·  Enough lead time to meet project objectives
·  Timely provision of network requirements
Desktop Engineer / ·  No of printers, workstations, image requirements and equipment placements / ·  Enough lead time to meet project objectives
·  Timely provision of end-user device requirements
Cabling Vendor / ·  Cabling specs
·  MDF/IDF specss


2  Project Lifecycle Exercise

Project Name: ______

Phase Name
Phase Objective/s
Project Management Process Deliverables
Product Process Deliverables


3  Scope Statement

3.1  Mission, Vision, or Strategy Linkage Statement

(How the project contributes to the overall mission, vision or strategy of the company. Mission: Purpose of the company.

·  Google: To organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.

·  Southwest Airlines: Dedication to the highest quality of Customer Service delivered with a sense of warmth, friendliness, individual pride, and Company Spirit.

Vision: Desired outcome for the company.

·  Growth to $xxB

·  Improved customer satisfaction

Strategy: Long-term plan of action to achieve a specific goal.)

·  Enter new markets

·  Acquire “best-of-breed” companies offering complimentary products/services

In-line with the company’s vision of “satisfying all our customers’ financial needs and helping them succeed financially”, a new branch is being opened at the corner of Main and First Streets, Anytown, Anystate.

3.2  Business Need

(Project justification - Problem to be solved or opportunity to be explored.)

The establishment of a new branch at the prime downtown location will allow the bank to provide a more convenient place for servicing downtown customers and provide a prominent place for advertising the bank’s brand.

3.3  Project Description

(Characteristics of the product or service that the project will produce.)

This project is part of a program managed by the Retail Banking business unit and will

provide the Information Technology (IT) infrastructure needed for a new bank branch operations.

3.4  Project Lifecycle Approach

(Lifecycle approach appropriate for the project and the rationale for choosing it.)

Linear life cycle approach is used as similar projects have been completed many times before.

3.5  Project Deliverables

(List of sub-products whose full and satisfactory delivery marks project completion. “Is Not” list project exclusions.)

Is / Is Not
Network Connectivity (data and voice):
·  End-user equipment list and locations
·  MPLS Wide-area network
·  Local-area network
·  Two (2) analog land-lines for emergency and back-up voice communication
·  Two (2) DSL lines for emergency/backup data connectivity
·  Equipment cabinet, UPS, patch panels, cables, MDF, IDF, LAN cabling / Wireless network, cell phones, or PDAs.
Server (qty1), ATM (qty4), workstations (qty15), VOIP phones (qty 20), networked printers (qty 3) and copiers (qty 2) / Premise security and fire protection infrastructure.
Project Management Deliverables:
·  Scope Statement and WBS
·  Project Schedule
·  Project Cost Baseline
·  Weekly Project Meeting Minutes
·  Weekly Issues and Action Items Update
·  Weekly Status Report / Utility power and HVAC for the IT equipment room and IT devices.

3.6  Project Objectives and Success Criteria

(Quantifiable criteria to be met to consider the project a success. Time, cost, performance and other objectives – business and technical. May also include milestones leading up to project completion.)

Objective / Success Criteria
Initial Requirements:
·  WAN
·  LAN
·  End-user equipment quantities and locations
·  Final end-user equipment quantities and locations list completed by
·  Network engineering specs (WAN and LAN) completed by
·  Server specs completed by
·  Approved Scope and WBS by
·  Approved project schedule by
·  Approved Project Cost Baseline by
·  WAN completed by
·  LAN completed by
·  End-user equipment deployed by
·  IT Operations Acceptance completed by
·  Bank Branch Walk-Thru Acceptance completed by
·  Project closed by
·  Project scope met
·  Project schedule met
·  Project cost budget met

3.7  Assumptions


3.8  Constraints

Branch opening date of xx/xx/xx.

3.9  High-Level Risks

Risk Description / Trigger / Impact - Cost, Scope, Time (C,S,T)

3.10 Approval Signatures


4  Responsibility Assignment Matrix

WBS# / Deliverable Description / Resources

LEGEND: O- Owner I – Input Required R – Reviewer S – Sign Off Required

5  Risk Response Plan

Project Name:

ID / Risk Type / Risk
Description / Risk Trigger / Impacted Area/s1 / Probability2 / Impact3 / Priority / Strategies4 / Owner / Status5
(O or C) /

I Impacted Area/s: Enter area of potential impact: Scope, Quality, Schedule, Cost

2 Probability: Enter probability of occurrence: Low, Medium, High

3 Impact: Enter severity of consequences: Low, Medium, High

4 Strategies: Accept, Avoid, Mitigate, Transfer

5 Status: Open (O) or Close (C)