Steve Biko Housing Association Tenants Meeting Minutes

Date: 2nd December 2015

Venue: Pakistani Association – Mulgrave Street, Liverpool 8

1. Attendance

9 Tenants attended representative of the following areas:

  • Verulam Close
  • Mulgrave Street
  • Eversley Street
  • Northbrook Close
  • Sheil Road

2.Staff in attendance: Beverley Williams and Mohamoud Hassan.

3.Apologies: received from 3 tenants

4.Tenants Issues

A number of individual repair issues were raised by tenants as follows;

•Broken post for washing line

•Suspected damp

•Ceiling repaint request – following leak repair

•Window safety locks (bedroom)

•Window unable to close

•Recharge for repair

•Window sealing requirement

•Dripping tap

•How to qualify for new boiler (new company approached tenants with options)

•Shower grid blocked

•Gutter blockage

•Leaves gathering at front of houses

•Request for kitchen and bathroom replacement

5.Other issues discussed policy on Transfers and arrears. MH explained

6.B. Williams – shared key highlights from the Star Survey results and asked if the tenants had any comments, what things they wanted to see the Association considering and whether they were content to be Tenants of Steve Biko Housing Association.

The responses included the following:

•All said they were happy being tenants of Steve Biko Housing

•One member said she needed a larger property due to new baby – advised to attend the office.

•2 tenants said they would be happy to receive help managing the garden

•Re-decorating after repairs – some tenants can’t manage to do this

•Contractors not always making appointments – miss them calling

•Help finding work and for young people

•Sharing information about services and community issues

•Information about rent arrears and process

•Replacement of kitchen and bathrooms – would like to know when this will happen and where

•Coffee morning’s different topics interested to meet others at meetings near Mulgrave St from time to time easier to get to.

•Stuff for the family in the summer – trip –fun day

Beverley thanked everyone for sharing issues and explained that Mohamoud and she would follow issues raised re repairs with NWHS. The Association Board and staff are looking at the Star Survey and addressing how best to improve some areas of concern.

Request for replacement of kitchen and bathroom. Beverley explained that the property in question was not up for renewal in the near future due to kitchen and bathrooms having a particular time guarantee, however if doors have fell off etc. then this should be reported as a repair.

Beverley reminded tenants that the Association have a Computer room at Yanwath Street, with access to the internet free, tenants are welcome to use it, and any day apart from Thursday mornings as the office is closed until 1pm.

Steve Biko Website and Face book promote job vacancies weekly, tenants should check weekly, jobs are promoted too for young people via Liverpool in work.

Beverley explained that tenants are welcome to attend the Tenant Improvement group, find out more how we deliver services and help discuss issues to make improvements. Dates will be mailed out soon for meetings. Please call to let us know you are interested or coming along.

Coffee mornings will be held in the New Year at Hector Peterson Court, tenants are welcome to come along have some refreshments and raise issues/ideas with staff. Dates will be in the next newsletter.

Meetings in future will alternate if possible between Smithdown and Mulgrave area. Tenants commented on how nice the Pakistan Centre was after being refurbished.

Beverley explained about re-charges for repairs, each individual case is looked at individually, if damage has occurred by the tenant then the tenant will be liable to pay for the repair.

Independent Boiler replacement scheme. Steve Biko Housing Association wrote to tenants to explain a scheme is available for boiler replacements which are free for the tenant who meet the criteria. This is a good opportunity, the company named Alvacorpwill show identification, and before doing an assessment to see if you qualify, arrangements are made between the company and tenant direct, SBHA has confirmed this is a legitimate company not a bogus one.

Leaves gathering in mounds in front of houses, Beverley suggested reporting to the City Council, but due to winter weather and lots of trees and cuts to council services it may be quicker for tenants to arrange to help each other to clear these up.

The meeting closed and tenants were invited to have some refreshments.

Date of next meetings:

Wednesday 3rd February, 2016 – 4.30pm at Hector Peterson Court, Liverpool 8