COMBINED JD/Certificate Environmental Studies Program
Please see the Faculty of Law Academic Handbook on-line for details and restrictions of the program.
As a collaborative degree, the J.D. and Environmental Certificate are awarded simultaneously. Students must, therefore, have satisfied both the J.D. and the Environmental Certificate, issued by the Faculty of Law stating that they have successfully completed the program requirements, before either degree may be conferred.
In the first year of the program, students must complete all first-year courses at the Faculty of Law.
Summary Chart of course requirements and completions for years 2 and 3
(only provide courses completed or currently in progress, not anticipated courses – fill in the requirements as they are completed)
Instructions: Tab from section to section to fill in the relevant information
First name: / Last Name:Year of Study ( 2, 3): / Academic Year (e.g. 2009-2010):
E-mail: / Student #:
JD / Total 48 credits – graded on letter scale or honours/pass/fail. Note: Honours Standing Requirements: Students in combined programs must complete a minimum of 22 graded credits at the Faculty of Law in each program year or complete a minimum of 13 graded credits in one term of that year.
Requirements / Course Titles / Year and
(e.g. 2/fall) / # of Credits
Perspective Course
Moot – compulsory or competitive
ICT (International/Comparative/Transnational)
Environmental Law
Total JD Credits completed
If in year 2 number of remaining credits required
Environtmnal Studies / Requirements / Course Titles / Year and term
(e.g. 2/fall) / # of Credits
Take two Centre for Environment core courses as follows:
1 elective offered by the Centre for Environment or other courses as the Faculty of Law in consultation with the CFE may prescribe from time to time
1. / Title:
2. / Environmental Decision Making (ENV1001F)
Write a research paper (ENV555Y) which counts as a further half course
Complete an Intership (ENV4444Y). Approved by the Centre for Environment.
Approval year 2 / Approval year 3 / JD Assistant Dean, Students / Date:
Approval year 2 / Approval year 3 / MA Program Director / Date:
Students may discuss their course selection with the JD Assistant Dean, Students prior to having the form signed. This completed signed form must be delivered to both the MA Program Director and the Faculty of Law Records Office by the winter add/drop date in the appropriate year.
Note: The form submitted for approval in year 3 must show all of the completed requirements for years 2 and 3.
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H:\WORK\Combined Prgs\Forms\JD-Environmental Studies Course Selection Checklist Form.doc