National Informatics Centre MHSC / SIMNIC, User Manual / Page 13 of 28
Status Information Management system by NIC
User Manual


Government of India

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology

Department of Information Technology


Maharashtra State Centre

11th Floor, New Administrative Building

Opposite Mantralaya, Mumbai-400032, India

Tel: (91) 22-22046934, 22837339

Fax: (91) 22-22853562




The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any other medium except as specifically allowed in the license agreement.

The licensee may make one copy of the software for backup purpose. No part of this software or document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying and recording for any purpose without the written permission of NIC.


This product is warranted for the period till the next changes are made in the software.


In no event NIC be liable for any damages, including loss of data arising out of the installation, maintenance, use, performance, failure or interruption of the software. Users are responsible to take backup of database on daily basis in suitable removable media.

Prepared By: / Mr. Yogesh Khadayate, Scientist-C,
NIC, Mumbai
Reviewed By: / Mrs. Lakshmi Prasanna, Scientist-D,
NIC, Mumbai
Approved By: / Mr. Moiz Hussain Ali, Scientist-F & SIO Maharashtra, NIC, Mumbai
Name of the product / Status Information Management system by NIC
User Name / Departments of Government
Designed and Developed By / NIC, Maharashtra State Centre, Mumbai

Amendment Log

Version Number / Date / Change Number / Brief Description / Section Changed
1.0 / 6-03-2004 / First Release
2.0 / 31-5-2005 / 1 / Screens and description / 2.11
NIC-MHSC-SEC-SIMNIC-UM / Version 2.0 / Web copy / Release: 01/06/2005
National Informatics Centre MHSC / SIMNIC, User Manual / Page 13 of 28



1. Illustrations 1

2. Introduction 2

2.1 Audience 2

2.2 Introduction 2

2.3 Objectives 2

2.4 Scope of the Product 2

2.5 Hardware and Software requirements 3

2.6 References 3

2.7 Problem Reporting 3

2.8 Features 3

2.9 Handling Instructions 3

2.10 Installation 3

2.11 Specific operating instructions 4

2.11.1 General 4

2.11.2 SCR01: Home Page 6

2.11.3 SCR03: Data Entry 8

2.11.4 SCR04: Report 9

2.11.5 SCR05: Format details 11

2.11.6 SCR06: Column details 12

2.11.7 SCR07: Row details 13

2.11.8 SCR08: Code details 14

2.11.9 SCR09: Passwords 15

2.11.10 SCR10: Time limit 16

2.11.11 SCR11: Structures 17

2.11.12 SCR12: Structure details 18

2.11.13 SCR13: User/Place/Location details 19

2.11.14 SCR14: Department details 20

2.11.15 SCR15: Script details 21

2.11.16 SCR16: Dictionary 22

3. General Instructions: 23

3.1 Back Up of data 23

3.2 Security Issues 23

4. Glossary 23

NIC-MHSC-SEC-SIMNIC-UM / Version 2.0 / Web copy / Release: 01/06/2005
National Informatics Centre MHSC / SIMNIC, User Manual / Page 13 of 28

1.  Illustrations

Sr. No. / Screen ID / Program Name
Screens for All users
For Login, Logout
1 / SCR01 / Home page
2 / SCR02 / Login
Screens for End user and operator
for data entry and report
3 / SCR03 / Entry Specification
4 / SCR04 / Report Specification
Screens for Format administrator
for entering Format Details
5 / SCR05 / Format Specification
6 / SCR06 / Column Specification
7 / SCR07 / Code Specification
8 / SCR08 / Row Specification
9 / SCR09 / Password Specification
10 / SCR10 / Time Limit Specification
Screens for Structure administrator
for entering Structure Details
11 / SCR12 / Structure Details
12 / SCR13 / Place Specification
Screens for SIMNIC administrator
13 / SCR11 / Structures Specification
14 / SCR14 / Department Specification
15 / SCR15 / Scripts Specification
16 / SCR16 / Dictionary Specification

2.  Introduction

2.1  Audience

All Ministries / departments of Central / State Government which device formats for collection of tabular information from field offices for effective decision making.

2.2  Introduction

SIMNIC is a web-based application for data collection in dynamically created formats from field offices of Government departments at given frequency and given level on Internet.

Field Offices - Offices are coded as per their reporting hierarchy (structure) to uniquely identify a offices e.g. State /Division /District /Taluka /Village are levels. Formats may be filled by any level (say Taluka) of State Govt. Dept. (say Revenue). Reports can be generated from any in between levels by State Department.

Frequency - Reports can be generated for different frequency such as financial year, Calendar Year, Quarter, Month, Fortnight, Week, Day, once or latest.

Computation of simple calculations in columns is also possible in SIMNIC, thus avoiding human errors. Only basic data is entered/ collected.

Passwords set for one format can be made applicable to formats of same reporting structure thereby avoiding multiple passwords.

2.3  Objectives

To Generate

¨  Formats on fly

¨  Single window framework for collection of data

¨  Improve data collection methodology from paper forms to interactive computer generated data entry forms

¨  Re-use previous data

¨  To prevent change in submitted data (prevent data manipulation).

¨  Multi-user

¨  Uniform and one time coding

2.4 Scope of the Product

Scope of this project is confined to Government agencies, departments and other government organizations which need the self defined formats for data collection in their respective areas.

2.5 Hardware and Software requirements

¨  Server with Linux/ Windows Operating System with internet connectivity

¨  MySql Database Management on above OS

¨  J2SDK on above OS e.g. JDK 1.3

¨  J2EE web server for above OS e.g. Jakarta Tomcat/ Web sphere

¨  C-DAC iPlugin for web fonts

¨  Internet Explorer for windows clients having internet connectivity

2.6  References

S.No. / Title / Publisher/Author / Version / Release Date
1. / Quality Manual(NIC-QM) / NIC Delhi / 1.0 / 29-2-2004
2. / UM Template(NIC-TPL-004) / NIC Delhi / 1.1 / 29-2-2004
3 / Software Requirement Specifications (NIC-MHSC-SEC-SIMNIC-SRS) / NIC Mumbai / 1.0 / 3-6-2004
4 / Software Design Document
(NIC-MHSC-SEC-SIMNIC-SDD) / NIC Mumbai / 1.0 / 3-6-2004

2.7 Problem Reporting

In case of any queries problem related to SIMNIC following may be contacted.

Shri. Yogesh Khadayate, NIC-MHSC, Room No. 616B, Mantralaya, Mumbai.

Ph: (022) 22793776 Email-

2.8 Features

¨  Web enabled system for on line submission of data

¨  Based on state of the art software technology

¨  User friendly and easy to use

¨  Well managed access controls

2.9 Handling Instructions

v  Enable JavaScript in browser

v  Internet Explorer 6.0 should be available

v  Screen Resolution 800 * 600 minimum

v  Accept ActiveX control install on demand of iPlugin of C-DAC

2.10  Installation

  1. Load Tomcat and MySql on the system
  2. Load MySql database/ Table generation script by following command

mysql –u root < mahasim.sql

  1. Give database access permissions to the system from the MySql database by following command

GRANT all privileges ON mahasim.* TO mahasim@localhost identified by ‘mHbcRbpDcf’;

  1. Unzip file in Tomcat /Web application folder

Start MySql and Tomcat

2.11  Specific operating instructions

2.11.1  General

The administrator creates the participating departments, reporting structures and formats. Gives administrator password for formats & structures for further access by department.

The format administrator defines the columns, rows, and codes in format, give passwords to users (places/locations) and specified time limit for filling data in the format.

The structure administrator defines the levels and places for offices /places in his structure.

The operator is a user who can make data entry on behalf of any user and also generated reports from data fed in formats by user(s).

The format user (end user) enters data in format for his place/location and report date. The user can make entry within the time limit only; he can see previous entered data but cannot modify (unless allowed by format administrator). He can also print reports for his location.

The popup list is provided whenever available to simplify application usage.

The date format is e.g. 17.07.1998

The save button appears only if user has access to the screen and basic information (key values) is entered.

When used first time on any computer finite time is required to download iPlugin (from C-DAC) for Client browser for Indian languages.

To get the language fonts, click on desired language, when Home page re-appears, click Download fonts link in bottom right of Home page.

See FAQ page on the site for common queries.

This user manual is available online and can be seen by clicking User Manual link in Home page.

The about link gives brief information about SIMNIC.

The Hint is intimation to the user that the record displayed is new or old.

The New button generally gives a blank entry form

The Clear button clears the contents on input boxes on top of screen

The Save button saves the displayed information to database.

The delete button deletes the displayed information from database.

The Home button takes user to the Home page of SIMNIC.

The Logout button terminates the user session with SIMNIC.

The Go button fetches the information for display to user on screen.

Access the site by giving the URL and then the page is displayed.

2.11.2  SCR01: Home Page

When the user opens up the home page, he is presented with a screen where he has to login first.

For viewing Home page in Indian script language click the require Language link on bottom of the screen e.g. for Home page in Marathi click Marathi

For login:

1. Click on required department in ‘PARTICIPATING DEPARTMENTS’ on the left hand side.

2. The department node will expand and show available formats

3. Select the required format by click (Login link gets activated)

4. Then click on Login to proceed for login in to selected format.
SCR02: Login

The User list is shown for easy selection. Select the appropriate one and give password.

If format is in Indian script select the script keyboard and click OK.

Post login page

If login is successful, the Home Page will be displayed with some options available to login user in ‘OPTIONS’

Also logged in user information is displayed in ‘LOGIN INFORMATION’

End user /operator can make Data Entry by clicking Data Entry option in ‘OPTIONS’ section:

2.11.3  SCR03: Data Entry

New data submission: Enter Report Date (or select from calendar), Row No. (applicable for multi row formats only) and click go button; a blank data entry screen will be presented for entering the data.

Updating old data: Click on a Row No. on left hand side of screen and its corresponding record will be displayed on right hand side, if the data entry period (time limit) is not over the record can be updated /deleted.

Save record by clicking on Save button

Delete record by clicking on Delete button

The saved record can be viewed in prescribed format be clicking View link.

Description of fields

Format- The format in which user logs in (Read only)

Place- The place in which user logs in or selected be operator (Read only)

Report Date- Date for which data is to be entered

Row No- for multi row format only , no. given to row

For example:

Row No - (1 for DIO 2 for DIA for shown example)

Designation- Designation of that employee

Name- Name of the employee

Phone No (R) – Residence phone number

Mobile No- Mobile number of employee

Address (Resi)- Residence address of employee

End user /operator /guest can generate Report by click on Compilation option in ‘OPTIONS’ section:

2.11.4  SCR04: Report

Required report can be generated by selecting from following :

Report options – Code-code of Location for which records are to be displayed (blank for all), Report period for duration of report and row no. for specific rows in report format.

Display options –

For each level in structure check for

Sr.No. to be given or not and in which style, Show record, Show empty record and show totals (generally show record at last level is checked)

Search options –

These options can be used to limit the output of above two options to some finer query

Click Print to generate the report.

While printing on printer use (File -> Print)

in IE confirm that in

Tools->Internet Options ->Advanced:

Under Printing “Print background colors and images” is selected to show cell boundaries.

Format administrator can enter Format details by click on Title option in ‘OPTIONS’ section:

2.11.5  SCR05: Format details

Click on the Format Name in the left hand side of the page and its details will come in right hand side for updating.

Enter the format id and click on Go button to get desired format

For entering a new record click on new (for SIMNIC administrator only).

For updating click on Save button and for deletion click on Delete button.

Description of Fields

Format Id- ID given to format (read only, computer generated)

Format Name- Title of format that will appear on top while printing

Format Department- Department under which format is to be shown in Home page

Report Frequency- Frequency at which data is to be collected

Report Structure- Tells the structure used for data collection

Report Level- The top most level for which data is to be collected/ report generated

Report Depth- Level from which data will be collected

Multi row- No. of rows for which lowest level data is to be collected from same location

Row title – Title of row (for multi row formats) if any