Riga Technical University

Department of Geomatics

professional bachelor study programm



Riga Technical University

Department of Geomatics


of the

professional bachelor study programm




1. Organisation of the study programm 3

2. Programm implementation conditions 4

3. Content of the proposal education 5

4. Students 5

5. Academic staff 6

6. Selection, renewal, trainig and development politics of the academic staff

2008 – 2014 8

7. Research of the academic staff 9

8. Evaluating system 13

9. Technical basis for programm acquirement 13

10. Evaluation of one bachelors’ payment 13

11. International comparison of the programm 13

12. Self – assessment – SWOT 16

13. Quality improvement proposals 16

14. Results of the questionnaire 17

15. Quality assurance system 18

16. Development plan of the study programm 18

1. Organisation of the study programm

Education in geodesy and cartography started only at the beginning of 1990s after renewal Latvia state sovereignty and luck of surveyors at state and privat companies is still. Organisation of the Department of Geomatics to give possibilities for extension of supply of the professional education and to intensify practical training. With new study programm implementation of this tasks will be speed up.

Department of Roads,Bridges and Geodesy


Professor group of Geodesy and Cartography

1998 - 2003

Study programm is created by the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia No.481, November 20, 2001.

Study programm is approved by Senat of the Riga Technical University February 26, 2007, protocol No.511.

Study programm is licenced at September 5, 2007, licence No. 04051 – 126.

2. Programm implementation conditions

2.1. Aim of the programm

Aim of the bachelor professional study programm is to supply academic and professional education at such branches of geomatics: geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry and land management for to train for future studies at master level or for independent employment.

2.2. The tasks of the programm and planned results

At the study time must acquire:

-  theoretical knowledges at general and civil engineering subjects, main subjects of subbranches of geomatics, as like skills at applying knowledges for solving theoretical and practical tasks;

-  a practical skills to use for geodetic instruments and main special softwares, so like valuation of the real estate.

At the study programm student achieve:

-  necessary skills for future studies at master programm of for independent employment at some of branches of geomatics;

-  main skills at resarch work to study literature and special software;

-  to use theoretic knowledges for solving concret questions.

Academic education made a basis for cultural and intellectual level of the student, to allow start with public activity, contacts with academic and professional represantatives of Latvia and foreign institutions.

2.3. The time and volume of implementation of the study programm

The length of the new bachelor degree programme is 4.5 years – at direct studies,

5,5 years – at indirect studies, and it includes studying of geodesy, cartography,

photogrammetry, global positioning and geographic information systems, land

cadastre and land management. At the semesters 4, 5, 6 must to create study


The volume of the bachelor degree is follows:

-  A. mandatory subjects – 15 CP

-  B. Theoretical subjects - 45 CP

-  C. Professional subjects – 72 CP

-  D. Practice – 26 CP

-  E. Subjects of general education – 22 CP

Total 180 CP

The structure of the bachelor degree is follows:

-  A. - 55.4% (as including academic subjects – 20.9%, speciality theoretical subjects – 41.5% and professional subjects – 36.6%);

-  B. - 31.0%, (the humanities, social science and a foreign language – 4.4%);

-  C. - 3.2%;

-  D. – 6.9%;

-  E. – 3.5%.

2.4. Necessary education for study start

For start at bachelor programm is necessary general or professional general education.

2.5. Conformity of the study programm to standart of the professional education

Study programm accord to the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia about state standart of second level of professional education and standarts of profesions “ingeneer of geodesy” and “ingeneer of cartography” which at present are at Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia.

3. Content of the proposal education

3.1. Content and structure of the study programm

Content of the proposal education is charaterize at short descriptions. At table 3.1 are volume of the study sybjects, structure by semesters and control forms. Information about academic staff is at part „Academic staff”.

3.2. Peculiarities of the bachelor thesis

Bachelor thesis with ingeneering project is analitical research with practical trend and elements of scientific work. Conclusions of thesis based on survey of the literature and sources about problem which fixed at study programm. Bachelor thesis confirm skill of the student to solve conckret actual technical or scientific queations corresponding title of bachelor thesis. Volume of bachelor thesis no more 40 pages, ingeneering project – no more 30 pages. Regulations of bachelor thesis with ingeneering project is at description.

3.3. Realization of the study programm

Study programm is realized by Department of Geomatics, Department of Roads and Bridges, and other departments of the Faculty of Civil Engineering also with Institut of Human Sciences of the RTU.

4. Students

2007/2008 study year

Code of the
students’ group / 1st
year / 2 nd
year / 3 rd
year / 4 st
year / Total
RBCE0 / 26 / 17 / 10 / 5 / 58
RBBG0 / 17 / 6 / 23
NBBG0 / 20 / 10 / 7 / 10 / 47

5. Academic staff

1. Janis Strauhmanis, Dr.habil.hist., prof.

2. Janis Balodis, Dr.phys., prof.

3. Maris Abele, Dr.phys., ass.prof.

4. Juris Rihards Naudzuns, Dr.ing., prof.

5. Juris Smirnovs, Dr.ing., prof.

6. Modris Dobelis, Dr.ing., prof.

7. Felikss Bulavs, Dr.hab.ing., prof.

8. Ivars Radins, Dr.ing., ass.prof.

9. Gunars Ozolzile, Dr.phylos., prof.

10. Armands Auzins, M.sc., ass.prof.

11. Aldis Rausis, ass.prof.

12. Aivars Malacanovs, ass.prof.

13. Janis Ancans, M.sc.,lecturer

14. Juris Erns, M.sc., lecturer

15. Maris Kalinka, M.sc., lecturer

16. Martins Reiniks, M.sc.,lecturer

17. Janis Klive, M.sc.,lecturer

18. Janis Kaminskis, M.sc.,lecturer

19. Ralfs Mikelsons, M.sc.,lecturer

20. Lubova Sulakova, M.sc.,lecturer

21. Valdis Vanags, M.sc.,lecturer

22. Janis Zvirgzds, M.sc.,lecturer

Valuation of the academic staff

1. At 2007/2008 study year from 22 lecturers 11 are at basic work at RTU, 7 PhD, 4 – M.sc. Maris Kalinka finished by PhD thesis and planed graduation at 2008.

11 lecturers are at odd job, 2 PhD, other M.sc. A.Auzins finished by PhD stydies, J.Zvirgzds and J.Kaminskis planed graduate at 2008/2009 study year.

2. Qualification of the academic staff correspond to aims and tasks of the Department of Geomatics.

The reference of the lecturers qualification

1. / Jānis Ancāns / M.Sc.
lecturer / Geodesy
Geodesy for architecters
Relief digital models
Cadastral surveying
2. / Felikss Bulavs / Dr.hab.sc.
professor / Computer science
Structural analysis
3. / Modris Dobelis / Dr.sc.ing.
professor / Descriptive geometry and computer graphic
4. / Māris Kaļinka / M.Sc.,
lecturer / Computer graphic in geomatics
Geodetical control of mass transportation structures
Ingeneering geodesy
Geodetical data processing
Geodetical measurements processing
Architectural photogrammetry
5. / Jānis Klīve / M.Sc.,
lecturer / Geodesy
Geodesy for architecters
Geodesy practice
6. / Gunārs Ozolzīle / Dr.sc.
asoc.prof. / Common sociology
7. / Juris – Rihards Naudžuns / Dr.sc.ing.
profesor / Civil engineering (basic course)
Roads (basic course)
8. / Ivars Radiņš / Dr.sc.ing.
asoc.prof. / Computer science
Structural analysis
9. / Mārtiņš Reiniks / M.Sc.,
lecturer / Geodesy
Geodesy practice
Urban topographic measurements
10. / Juris Smirnovs / Dr.sc.ing.
profesor / Civil engineering (basic course)
Roads (basic course)
11. / Jānis Štrauhmanis / Dr.hab.hist.
profesor / Cartography
Teoretical cartography
Thematical cartography
Hydrographic surveying
History of cartography
Tourism cartography
Law in geomatics
Basic geomatics
12. / Māris Ābele / Dr.phys
docent / Astronomy
Geodetical instruments
13. / Auziņš Armands / M.Sc.,
pr.docent / Basic land management
14. / Jānis Balodis / Dr.phys, profesor / High geodesy
Geographical information systems
Global Positioning Systems Heighting
Global Positioning Systems
15. / Juris Erns / M.Sc.
Lecturer / Real Estate Evaluation Systems
Real Estate Evaluation
16. / Jānis Kaminskis / M.Sc.
lecturer / High geodesy
Geodetical gravimetry
17. / Aivars Malacanovs / M.Sc.
pr.docent / Registration Systems for Land Management
Land Law
18. / Ralfs Miķelsons / M.Sc.
lecturer / Geodetical network
Local Geodetical network
19. / Aldis Rausis / M.Sc.
Pr.docent / Real Estate Cadastre
20. / Ļubova Šuļakova / M.Sc.
lecturer / Computer graphic
Computer graphic in geomatics
Digital mapping
21. / Valdis Vanags / M.Sc.
lecturer / Photogrammetry
Environmetal photogrammetry
22. / Jānis Zvirgzds / M.Sc.
lecturer / Geodesy
Geodesy practice

6. Selection, renewal, trainig and development politics of the academic staff 2008 – 2014

- Selection politics is based on gifted master studies graduaets to lead to PhD studies and at the same time to involve at pedagogic process. At present PhD studies graduate 3 academic, study 2 and one of which is also at academic staff. All graduates have publications at scientific proceedings „Geomatics”; topic of the PhD thesis is connected with problems of satelitgeodesy.

- Renewal politics is based on regulary involving of master students as asisstants of academic staff at practical, labor and geodetic practice for bachelor students. They help at information of students about instruments, labour safety and discipline. And as show such organisation, best master students after graduation continue studies at PhD study programm. We also involve PhD students for creating some lectures and to run labor in geodesy.

- Training politics is based on creating by best cademics separate lectures together with PhD students which thesis topics are connected with lecture themes. For example, prof. J.Balodis at the subject „Global positioning systems.

Second realisation is at common preparation of educational materials, for example, teaching aid „Basic geomatics”, Riga Technical University, 2006; separate parts wrote PhD students M.Kalinka, V.Vanags and J.Zvirgzds.

- Development politics is based on

M.sc. Maris Kalinka finished by PhD thesis and planed graduation at 2008.

J.Zvirgzds and J.Kaminskis planed graduate at 2008/2009 study year.

At Department of Geomatics will planned organisation of scientific labor and it give possibilities to enlarge scientific work and best new researchers to involve at education process.

But, one of the main problem is situation at Classifier of Science branches and subbranches by Academy of Sciences of Latvia what stopped development of PhD studies in geomatics. At present time all PhD students of Department of Geomatics study at PhD programm of Civil Engineering and have manadatory subjects of civil engineering. But, between PhD students are graduates from University of Latvia, where are not subjects of civil engineering. We discuss about this situation with represenatatives of Academy of Sciences long time (about five years), but real results are not. And some of our best bachelors graduates (L.Osipova, E.Rutkovska) continue studies at PhD programm in University of Latvia. Such situation also slam on research work in geodesy, cartography, photogrammetry – main branches of geomatics.

7. Research of the academic staff

Contracts at Department of Geomatics:

2006 - pēc SIA Rīgas Doma pārvalde pasūtījuma līgums Nr.7065

„Rīgas Doma mūra konstrukciju deformāciju monitorings”

(Monitoring of deformations of the constractions of

Riga Dom church)- lecturers M.Kaļinka, M.Reiniks, students

G.Krūkliņa and B.Poļevska. This contract carry out regulary and

also at present time. At 2008, also students B.Ratkus, I.Aļeksejenko.

2008- 2009 pēc LR Aizsardzības ministrijas pasūtījuma līgums

Nr. L 7410 „Valsts augstuma izejas līmeņa noteikšana”

(Determination of the state high system level) –

Dr.sc.ing.J.Lazdāns, M.Kaļinka, M.Reiniks, J.Klīve,

student B.Ratkus.

Reserch projects:

2004-2007 -international project „Technical assistance from Republic

of Latvia offered to Iraq in the field of architectural /

archeological sites’ documentation by photogrammetrical

methods” – researcher and national coordinator M.Kaļinka;

He had award by Ministy of Culture of Latvia..

2005 - international project „Galileo – Baltic” –

nacional coordinator prof.J.Balodis, Head of activity 5


2006 - project U 7098 „Būvju deformācijas ģeodēziskās kontroles

sistēmas izstrāde un pārbaude” (Creating and control of the geodetic

system for bulding deformations) – Head. prof.J.Štrauhmanis,

M.Kaļinka, M.Reiniks, student B.Ratkus.

2007 - project U 7116 „Globālās pozicionēšanas tehnoloģiju izmantošana

uzņēmuma informācijas sistēmā un izmantošana Latvijas transporta

problēmu risināšanā” (Using of GPS tehnologies at companies

information system and solving of the problems of transport in

Latvia)– prof. J.Štrauhmanis, lecturer J.Zvirgzds.

2007 - international project ERAF„Ģeogrāfisko informācijas sistēmu

komponentes izstrāde Latvijas tautsaimniecībai” (Output of GIS

component system for industry of Latvia) –

Head.prof.J.Balodis, M.Reiniks, students B.Ratkus,

I.Aleksejenko, R.Otto.

2007 – 2008 - project ZP- 2007/04 „Rīgas tematiskās kartēšanas sistēma –

elektroniskās versijas projekts un tā īstenošanas metodika”

(Project of electronic mapping system of Riga – methodik of

this realization) - Head. prof. J.Štrauhmanis, M.Reiniks,

student A.Šics.

2008.g. international project-2008 „Education in

Geodesy and Geoinformation” prof.J.Štrauhmanis.


7.1.Theoretical and applied problems of geomatics:

Ģeomātikas pamati. RTU, 2006. (Basic geomatics – for students)

Auziņš A.. Geomatics. Need and possibilities for development of the realm. // Scientific

proceedings of RTU part 2 “Architecture and civil engineering”, vol.3, 2002.

– 77.-82.pp.

Balodis J., Caunīte M. On some components of geomatics.(in Latvian)// Sc.proceedings

“Geomatics”, Vol.1, R.,RTU, 2005., 12.-22. pp.

Štrauhmanis J.. The main problems of cartography and its place in the science of

geomatics.// Scientific proceedings of RTU part 2 “Architecture and civil