A. State why immune disorders in children often have non-specific symptoms.

B. Name three pediatric differences concerning acquired immunity.

C. Name the four modes of transmission of HIV to the child.

D. Describe the CD4 T cell values used to monitor the progression of HIV disease.

E. Describe the role of AZT used in the perinatal period and how it affects outcomes on the child.

F. Describe the presentation of the newborn and the child with HIV.

G. List the major points of nursing interventions for the child with HIV.

H. Describe some of the major points regarding antiretroviral agents in the infant, the child and the adolescent.

I. Describe the presentation of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA) in the child.

J. Differentiate major points between the three types of JRA.

K. Describe the goal of care for the child with JRA including the use of therapies, medications and nutrition.

L. Differentiate between the four categories of allergic reactions, how and when they might present.

M. Describe nursing management of the child having a mild allergic reaction, a delayed allergic reaction and anaphylaxis.

N. List major allergens that could cause anaphylaxis in children.

O. Identify those persons at high risk for Latex allergy and the nursing care related to maintaining their safety while in the hospital environment.


Ball, J. W. & Bindler, R. C. (2006). Child health nursing: Partnering with children & families. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Chapter 27 p. 956-76, 976 (Autoimmune disorders intro paragraph),(skip SLE), 982- 92 (skip Graft-Versus Host), 996-97.


I. Immune disorders in children

A. Signs and symptoms

B. Pediatric differences

C. Types of immune disorders.

1.Primary immunodeficiency: congenital

a. B cell disorders

b. T cell disorders

c. Severe combined immunodeficiency

2.Secondary immunodeficiency: acquired

a. HIV and AIDS

b. Presentation in infancy and childhood

i. perinatal transmission and prevention

ii. diagnostic tests

iii. treatment of HIV including antiretroviral drugs

iv. nursing management for the child/family.

II. Autoimmune disorders in children

A. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA)

1. Three types of presentation

2. Goals for care

3. Medications for JRA

4. Nutrition in JRA

III. Allergic Reactions

A. Common allergens in childhood

B. Types of allergic reactions

C. Management of acute, delayed and anaphylaxis reactions

D. Latex allergy

1. High risk populations

2. Nursing management to keep the person safe in the hospital environment.