Business Debut/Power Start Script

Remember to talk quickly and with lots of enthusiasm in your voice. (Smile through the phone) Do NOT vary from the script…it works! Please listen to our New Beauty Consultant Debut Tips Recording: (319)527-3517 ext. 1005643#.

Business Debut:

Hi ______, this is ______. How are you? Great! Do you have a quick second? Awesome! I’m super excited; I just started my own business teaching skin care with Mary Kay Cosmetics! My director asked me to invite the sharpest women I know to my debut, and your name was on my list! My debut is on _____day at __:___, tell me ______, can I count on you to be there?

If yes: Great! You’ll be getting a postcard in the mail and a phone call from me a couple days prior to my debut, just as reminders. I’d love to ask you a couple quick questions about your skin so I’m best prepared for you! _____, would you consider your skin to be normal, dry, combination or oily? (record answer on profile card) In addition ______, is there anything you’d like to change about your skin? (Get her excited about a product that we have that’s going to help her fix what she wants to change about her skin – if she can’t think of anything, help her by saying, “keep your face looking young and wrinkle-free?”) Remember ____, this is meant to be a pampering for you, so all the other guests are finding sitters to watch their children, it would be great if you could do the same. We’ll be doing an on-time drawing for everyone that gets there on or before __:___, so make sure to be on time so you don’t miss out! Thanks so much ______, look for my postcard in the mail!

Power Start:

If no: Awww, that’s too bad, we’re definitely going to miss you! But listen, my director has challenged me to facial 30 people in 30 days; there’s absolutely no obligation to buy, and I just need to borrow your face for about an hour! Tell me ______, is there any reason you can’t help me out with my challenge?

If she says she’ll help: Great ______, what works better for you, beginning or end of the week? Great. Thursday or Saturday? Great, 11:00 or 2:00? Great. You know ______, it’s just as easy for me to do your face as it is to do a couple of your girlfriends, plus it will help me achieve my 30 faces! Is there any reason you couldn’t invite a sister, neighbor, girlfriend, or work colleague to share your appointment with you? It’s usually more fun that way and you could earn some great free product!

If she says she’ll invite people: begin coaching her as a hostess. Get her the Hostess Packet ASAP, and walk her through the S.H.O.T. at $100. Just remember, before you get off the phone, make sure she knows when you’ll be in touch again – (48 hours) and for what purpose (Guest list)! (Beat ______Race)