Review Sheet Fascism and WWII

1)Meiji Restoration – A period where the youngn emperor began a major turning pointn in Japanese history. The goal was to make Japan a rich country and have a strong military.

2)Bolshevik Revolution

3)Totalitarianism – A form of government where a one-party dictatorship attempts to regulate every aspect of the lives of its citizens. Mussolini built the first totalitarian state.


5)Hitler – A German who became the leader of the Nazi party. He organized his supporters into fighting squads.

6)Stalin – A shrewd political operator and behind-the-scenes organizer. He became general secretary of the party and built a loyal group of Communist officials.

7)Holocaust – Nazis massacred millions of Jews. They worked them to death of used them in medical experiments.

8)Great Depression – A painful time of global economic collapse caused by the stock market crash. It created financial turmoil in the industrial world as American banks stopped making loans and demanded repayment of foreign loans.

9)Spanish Civil War – Many Spaniards wanted a peaceful democracy, but clashes between leftists and rightists created chaos. The Spanish public opinion was divided.

10)Kellogg-Briand Pact –An agreement signed by almost every independent nation. It promised to renounce war as an instrument of national policy.

11)Washington Conference

12)Haile Selassie

13)Churchill – A British politician who had long warned of the Nazi threat. He harshly judged the diplomats saying they have chosen dishonor and later replaces Chamberlain as prime minister.

14)El Alamein – A fierece battle where the British stopped Rommel’s advance in Egypt. American forces combined the British to trap Rommel’s army which later surrendered.

15)D-Day – The Allies were ready to open a second front in Europe by invading France. The Allies entered Paris and freed all of France.

16)Pacifist – Those who opposed all war. This caused many governments to seek peace at any price.

17)Collaborator – People who helped the Nazis hunt down the Jews. Some shipped tens of thousands of Jews to their death.

18)Axis powers – An alliance between Germany, Italy, and Japan. They agreed to fight Soviety communism and not interfere with one another’s plans for expansion.

19)Allies -

20)League of Nations – A dream created by Wilson. It was based on a system in which a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all.

21)Wannsee Plan


23)Vilna Ghetto

24)Black shirts

25)Japanese militarists

26)Treaty of Versailles – A treaty drawn up by the allies. It forced Germany to assume full blame for causing the war and imposed huge reparations.

27)Fascism – A term first coined by Mussolini, it had no single unifying sets of beliefs. It is classified as any authoritatrian government that is not communist and consists of blind loyalty to the state.


29)Mussolini – A socialist in his youth who late rejected it for intense nationalism. He organized veterans and other discontented Italians into the Fascist party.

30)Franco – A conservative general who led a revolt that touched off a bloody civil war. Fascists and supporters of right-wing policies support him and were called Nationalists.

31)Hitler-Stalin Pact – A nonagreesion pact between Hitler and Stalin. It bound them to peaceful relations. They secretly agreed to not fight each other and to divide up Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe.

32)Mein Kampf – Meant “My Struggle” which became the basic book of Nazi goals and ideology. It reflected Hitler’s obsessions such as extreme nationalism, racism, and anti-Semitism.


34)Sudetenland – A region of western Czechosovakia. Hitler insisted that the Germans here be given autonomy.

35)Anschluss – The union of Austria and Germany by Hitler. It violated the Versailles treaty and created a brief war scare.

36)Munich Conference – British and French leaders chose appeasement. They gave in to Hitler’s demands while being assured that Hitler would have no future plans to expand his territory.

37)Chamberlain – The British prime minister who told crowds that he had acheieved peace. He declared that the Munich Pact had saved Czechoslovaki from destruction and Europe from Armageddon.

38)Dunkirk – Retreating British forces were trapped between the Nazis and the waters of the English Channel. The British sent all naval vessels to pluck stranded troops off the beaches here saving lives and boosting British morale.

39)Stalingrad – One of the costliest battles of the war. Hitler was determined to capture Stalin’s namesake city while Stalin was also equally determined to defend it.

40)Appeasement – Western democracies adopted this policy. This meant giving in to the demands of an aggressor to keep the peace.

41)London Naval Conference

42)Vichy – After the surrender of the French, Germany occupied northern France. The Germans also set up a puppet state in the south with the capital at Vichy.

43)Nuremberg laws -

44)Zaibatsu – Powerful business leaders who strongly influenced politics through donations to political parties. They pushed for policies to favor international trade and their own interests.

45)Madagascar Plan


47)Warsaw Ghetto

48)Final solution


50)Rape of Nanking

51)Nuremberg Trials - The Allies held war crime trials for Axis leaders. They were tried for crimes against humanity.



54)Hiroshima – A mid-sized city that was the target of an atomic bomb. Four square miles were flattened and deadly radioactive aftereffect followed.

55)Genocide – The deliberate murder of all European Jews. This was the final solution of the Jewish problem devised by German leaders.