Click on the relevant button below to book your place now!


Cost of Events / Early Bird Members* Fee Booked Before 10th March / Late Members* Fee
Booked after 10th March / Non-Members
Any One Event / €145 / €170 / €325
Any Two Events / €270 ( 135 per event) / € 320 (160 per event) / € 650 (325 per event)
Any Three Events / € 375(125 per event) / €450( 150 per event) / € 975 (325 per event)
Any Four Events / € 460 (115 per event) / €560(140 per event) / € 1300(325 per event)
Any Five Events / €525(105 per event) / €650 (130 per event) / € 1625 (325 per event)
Any Six Events / €570.00 (95 per event) / €720 (120 per event) / € 1950 (325 per event)

* Members of Veterinary Ireland or full members of BSAVA NI and residing or working in NI.

Reduced rates are available for year 1/2/3 post-graduate members and retired members (both pay 50% of the applicable rates), as well as student places.

What’s included in the Registration Fee?

Tea and coffee breaks and a two course meal will be provided at all events. Notes will also be available online for delegates. Registration and refreshments are available thirty minutes before lectures commence.

CVE Courses

Modules - 6 CVE Credits Each / Dublin - Citywest Hotel / Cork - Rochestown Park Hotel / Galway - Clayton Hotel / Limerick - Castletroy Park Hotel / Sligo - Sligo Park Hotel
Radiography / 9th March / 23rd Feb / 8th June
Endocrinology / 15th June / 1st June / 13th April
Respiratory / 11th May / 22nd June / 25th May
Internal Medicine / 7th Oct / 3rd Oct / 5th Oct
Emergency Medicine / 7th Sept / 9th Nov / 26th Oct
Surgery 1 / 19th Oct / 14th Sept / 23rd Nov

Sligo/Galway/Limerick/Cork: Registration from 12.30; lectures commence 13.00; coffee 15.30-16.00; dinner 17.30-18.30; finish 20.30.

Citywest/Dogs Trust: Registration from 9.30am; lectures commence 10am; lunch 12.30-13.30; coffee 15.30-16.00; finish 17.30.

Wet Lab - 12 CVE Credits / Dogs Trust Dublin / Wet Lab Fees / Early Bird Members* Fee / Late Members* Fee / Non-Members
Ultrasound - Introductory / Refresher Level / 28th June / Book Both Courses / €450 for both / €500 for both / €1050 for both
Ultrasound - Intermediate / Development Level / 6th December / Book One Course / €250 / €300 / €525

Booking Terms & Conditions

  • Registration is transferable between colleagues in the same practice if the booking desk is informed prior to the event. If a colleague is a non-member the supplemental fee for non-members as above will apply.
  • Any cancellation of course attendance must be advised 3 days prior to the meeting date. Any cancellation at this time will allow credit towards another course.
  • CVE Course fees are non- refundable, but can be put in credit towards other CVE courses in the 2010 programme above.

Booking Queries Contact: C/O Keynote PCO Tel 01 4003660