Disciplinary Action Investigation

Notification of Rights and Responsibilities

It has been determined by a preliminary review of the allegations made against you, that you could face disciplinary action if the allegations are substantiated. You are here-by advised that the following rights and responsibilities apply to the investigative procedure.

1)You are required to respond honesty, truthfully, and fully to all questions asked of you regarding the performance of your duties and your fitness to perform those duties and your professional responsibilities that you do not reasonably believe would tend to incriminate you. Failure to answer completely and/or truthfully to such inquires will be punished by the appropriate disciplinary action, including dismissal from the department.

2)You can be ordered to submit a report or to answer questions related to the investigation. Your failure to respond in a timely manner as directed by the Chief will result in your dismissal from the department. A written invocation of your right against self- incrimination in a timely manner will meet this obligation.

3)You may invoke your right against self-incrimination under the Massachusetts Bill of Rights (Article 12) or under the 5th Amendment to the United States Constitution regarding any question that you reasonably believe would tend to incriminate you but this must be done in person and on a question by question basis.

4)Once you receive notification of a date and time for a scheduled interview it is your responsibility to invoke your right to union representation if you so choose. You have been put you on notice that discipline could result if the allegations are substantiated. It is your responsibility to notify a dully authorized union representative and have them present at the scheduled date and time of the interview. Failure to do so will not unreasonably delay the investigative process.

5)Prior approval must be received from my office for more than one (1) union representative to be in attendance at the investigative interview. Please submit such a request 24 hours in advance of your schedule interview date and time.


Officer’s signature acknowledging receipt Date