Homeopathic approach to Intestinal Dysbiosis

Intestinal Dysbiosis is on an upsurge due to our lifestyle modifications that have transpired over the former few decades. When the intestines uphold equilibrium between the good and bad bacteria, it is a state of optimal health, Symbiosis. Any disturbance in this equilibrium caused by overgrowth of virus, yeast, bacteria, or parasites in the intestines leads to a disturbance in the performance of the digestive system, and is termed Dysbiosis. This can encroach on the function of the entire body and our overall health. The fundamental function of the digestive system is to break down food and facilitate absorption of nutrients in the body.Digestion initiates in the mouth, where the food is broken down and mixed with saliva. Salivary enzymes activate the breakdown of food into usable forms, which further passes to the stomach andsubsequently to the small intestine. In the small intestine, digestion is further assisted by bacterial degradation, after which the unabsorbed or undigested food is eliminated through the large intestine. Due to any of the causes mentioned below, if the milieu of the digestive tract is distorted, altering the course of digestion, there will be an increase in the non-beneficial bacteria in the intestine. This causes the intestinal membranes to get inflamed and leak partially digested food, toxins, bacteria through the small intestine into the blood stream, causing various symptoms. The small intestine is packed with oodles of friendly and unfriendly bacteria. Friendly bacteria encourage good health and guard the body from unfriendly bacteria. Despite the fact, that bacteria are homogeneously hazardous, they are essential for the health of the body and the environment.

Frequent use of Antibiotics is the leading cause of Intestinal Dysbiosis. Antibiotics kill both the good and the bad bacteria in the intestine and vagina. This empowers these areas to getpopulated with yeast, bad bacteria and parasites.Increased intestinal permeability in Dysbiosis can be a contributing factor to many health problems and is often misconstrued.

Causes of Intestinal Dysbiosis:

  • Recurrent or long term use of Antibiotics, Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, steroids, hormonal medication, etc.
  • Faulty dietary habits, especially a high fat diet, over processed foods, food colorings, preservatives.
  • Food allergies or sensitivities.
  • Suppressed immune system.
  • Emotional stress.
  • Intestinal parasitic, yeast, bacterial infections.
  • HIV infection or autoimmune diseases.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Aging.
  • Major intestinal trauma or surgery.

Symptoms of Intestinal Dysbiosis:

  • Abdominal bloating, belching, gas, fullness, burning, cramping after eating.
  • Nausea, diarrhea or constipation, undigested food particles in stool.
  • Rectal itching, vaginal irritation.
  • Chronic intestinal infections – parasites, yeast.
  • Headache, insomnia.
  • Chronic Fatigue.
  • Iron deficiency.
  • Hormonal imbalance, menstrual irregularities.
  • Acne, skin rashes.
  • Loss of sexual drive, impotency and infertility.
  • Muscle cramps.
  • Food Allergies, carbohydrate, gluten intolerance.
  • Nutritional deficiencies.
  • Indistinct thoughts, mental impairment, learning disorders, hyperactivity.
  • Anxiety, depression, mood swings, behavior problems.
  • Autoimmune diseases like Rheumatoid Arthritis.
  • Poor exercise tolerance.

Homeopathic approach to Intestinal Dysbiosis:

Homeopathy advocates a holistic approach to natural health and wellbeing. Homeopathic remedies will help clean and heal the gut, revise the gut function, facilitate the environment for good bacteria, calm the inflammation, overcome the yeast growth, remove the endotoxins that are produced by the bad bacteria and support the accessory organs. It will restore the biochemical balance of the body by preventing toxins from entering the body and assisting in proper digestion of foods and absorption of nutrients. Homeopathic constitutional approach will help balance the flora and fauna within the bowel.Homeopathy recognizes that balance may be achieved by strengthening the body’s self defenses rather than attacking brusquely. It concedes that most bacteria are imperative in health and recruiting their support is just as important.Homeopathy reinforces the body’s immune response, thereby, enhancing higher levels of immune functioning and resistance to infection. Homeopathy supports the immune system by highlightingnatural mechanisms, thereby smoothing the progress of its overall effectiveness, and reconditioning homeostasis in the body. The body’s aptitude and dynamism to restore health depends upon the totality of diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors along with Homeopathic remedies.

Some Homeopathic remedies that are commonly used to heal Intestinal Dysbiosis are given below. These are just a few of the commonly used Homeopathic remedies and are mentioned only to create awareness about the effectiveness of Homeopathic medicines in Intestinal Dysbiosis. It is not advisable to resort to self-medication for any disease.

Homeopathic remedies for Intestinal Dysbiosis;

Belladonna: This remedy is distinctly indicated for Intestinal Dysbiosis, and isallied with hyperesthesia of all senses, flushed face, excited mental state, neuralgic pains that come and go suddenly. These patients have a strawberry colored, swollen and painful tongue. They complain of loss of appetite with uncontrollable vomiting, and are averse to meat and milk. Their stomach is distended and tender, with extreme sensitiveness to touch and clothes. Their stools are thin, green, dysenteric and look like lumps of chalk. These patients complain of high fevers, dry, hot skin with rashes and repeated infections.

Nux Vomica: This is an outstanding remedy for Intestinal Dysbiosis. These patients are thin, very active and irritable. Theyabuse conventional medicines, seek rich fatty foods, stimulants like alcohol, coffee, tobacco and substance abuse. They are adapted to digestive disturbances, get ulcers in the mouth, feel weight in the stomach with lots of gas, sour taste, bitter eructations and nausea in the mornings and after eating. Their liver is engorged with soreness. They get constipated easily with frequent ineffectual urging to pass stool.

Chelidonium: This is a prominent liver remedy, for patients with an offensive mouth odor, bitter taste and yellow tongue. They complain of abdominal distension with sluggish bowels. Stool is like hard round balls with burning and itching of anus. Their muscles feel rigid with rheumatic pains in hips and thighs.

China Officinalis: This remedy works competently on patients who have a slow digestion and are debilitated with Dysbiosis. They have exhausting discharges, post operative gas pains which are not relieved from passing it. Their face is bloated, red with a sallow complexion. Their tongue is coated thick, dirty with burning tips and bitter taste. Stomach feels tender, cold with vomiting of undigested foods. They are unable to tolerate milk, tea and fruits. Stomach bloating and pain is better by movement and bending double. Their stool is undigested, frothy, yellow especially after eating fruits, milk and beer. Women feel a painful heaviness in the pelvis. They get intermittent paroxysms of fever almost every week.

Lycopodium: This is abrilliant remedy for digestive disturbances caused by weakening of functional power where the function of the liver is seriously disturbed. These patients are weak, malnourished, lack vital heat, have poor circulation and cold extremities. They are very sensitive to noise and odors.They are excessively hungry and feel swelling in the throat, with stitches on swallowing. Food and drink regurgitates through the nose. There is a constant sense of fermentation in the abdomen as of yeast working. Liver is very sensitive. Intestinal canal is very inactive causing incomplete, hard difficult stools with ineffectual urging.

Natrum Sulphuricum: This is an unsurpassed liver remedy. These patients have a brown bitter coating on tongue. They complain of heartburn and flatulence with sour vomiting. Liver is sore to touch with sharp stitching pains, cannot bear tight clothing around waist. Women complain of herpetic vulvitis with yellowish green leucorrhea.

Self – care measures for Intestinal Dysbiosis:

  • Increase your fiber intake. Fiber promotes the growth of good bacteria.
  • Avoid processed, chemical foods having preservatives and colors.
  • Eat freshly cooked foods.
  • Reduce your intake of fatty foods.
  • Avoid foods that cause intolerance, to help calm down the sensitized immune system.
  • Eating a couple of garlic cloves daily can help destroy Candida and parasites that may be present.
  • Eat foods like turmeric, fenugreek, gingerroot, onions that have antimicrobial properties.
  • Eat organic yoghurt containing live active cultures.
  • Drink plenty of fluids.
  • Eat frequent small meals, rather than three large ones.
  • Chew your food slowly and thoroughly for proper digestion.
  • Exercise regularly, as sweat helps your body release many toxins.

Hence, consider Homeopathy and sustain a healthy digestive system by enhancing your digestive health, intestinal flora and immune function.


About the author:

Neepa Sevak(DHMS, DHom, DIHom, DHM, CCH, RSHom (NA), HMA) is experienced and registered with the Arizona Homeopathic Board of Medical Examiners, and certified by the Council of Homeopathic certification. She is currently practicing Classical Homeopathy, is a Supervisor, Clinical Faculty and is on the Board of International Affairs at the American Medical College of Homeopathy. Her mission is to “Promote Health through Homeopathy with a Holistic, Totalistic, and Individualistic approach”.

Phone: (480) 363 0758

