Advance Peer to Peer MLM


Peer to Peer (P2P) MLM is donation based platform. This will give an opportunity to earning the money from the system. P2P MLMis extremely basic and a successful strategy in MLM industry. It is an idea of giving money to required person and gets the earnings.P2P MLM is give and getsearnings to each other.


We are here to provide the best Peer to peer MLM system. It is 3 X 4 Peer to Peer MLM conceptswhere the user will get in to the system with the 20 USD and earning thrice the amount of investment amount.

Anyone can participate in the Peer to Peer MLM there is not restriction, many number of people will get into the system will get more earning to the system. In our Peer to Peer MLM where the user all are placed automatically (Spill over).User need get in to the system the user should donation20 USD into the upline usersafter the registration the user will be in the basic Level 1 Rank (JADE). If the user needs to upgrade the Level 2 user need to donate for their earning from he/she downline member’s donation. The position of the user in system will be conformed after the 48 hrs of registration

Feature and functionality

We are here provided the main feature to P2P MLM,

Peer to Peer Earning

Peer to Peer (P2P) MLM system the user needs to donate to upline member orwhomever the system instructed member, to get upgrade LEVELS. It will allow the user to give donation and get donation.

Ranking System

It is 3 X 4 Peer to Peer MLM systems, each individual user need to start into the system with the LEVEL 1(ONE)with the rank of JADE. This how the system is design so there is not illicit to get in to the system

  • LEVEL ONE (1)– JADE (Rank)
  • LEVEL TWO (2)– SAPPHIRE (Rank)
  • LEVEL THREE (3) – EMERALD (Rank)
  • LEVEL FOUR (4) – DIAMOND (Rank)

Number of downline member

As we have said it a 3 X 4 Matrix the every user need to completed the level to get the number of downline member.

  • 1ST Generation - 3(Maximum Downline member)
  • 2nd Generation -9 (Maximum Downline member)
  • 3rd Generation -27(Maximum Downline member)
  • 4th Generation - 81 (Maximum Downline member)

Time Frame

Every user in the system need to donate them to the upline member or system give member with the time frame, which was managed by the admin.

  • After registration with 20 USD users have 12 hrs timeframe to upgrade in to LEVEL 1 (JADE)
  • After upgrading to LEVEL 1 users have 72 hrs timeframe to upgrade in to LEVEL 2 (JADE)
  • After upgrading to LEVEL 2 users have 96 hrs timeframe to upgrade in to LEVEL 3 (JADE)

So the user in the system need to finish the level within the time line, otherwise the user will be blocked or deactivated his/her account in the system

Core concept:

Let us consider the user (A) is new join person in to system. In registration user need to pick the package for the donation of 20 USD to the upline user. The system will place the user automatically in to the system (spillover) form left to right. If the user is a first user in the system he will donate the amount to the system for upgrading else for upline members.After getting in to the system here are steps follows,

Step 1:User (A) needs to get in to system by donation 20 USD. User (A) is now upgraded to the level 1and rank is JADE. 20 UDS will be donated to the upline member.

Step 2: It is 3 X 4 matrix MLM system every user in the level 1 will have the three (3) downline partner.

Step 3: Each downline member for the user (A) will be donate the 20 USD to the user (A)it will make 60 USDearning to user (A).

Step 4: After earning to the 60 USD, user (A) need to upgrade to Level 2 Rank SAPPHIRE. 40 USD will be taking for the upgrade fee remaining 20 USD will be withdrawn by the user.

Setp5: After the upgrading to the Level 2 to the Rank SAPPHIRE, user will get the (9)downline partner.

Step 6: In Level 2 the user (A)can earn 360 USDfrom their downline members, that means the user (A) downline member need to upgrade their level so they will give donate earning money to their upline member to user (A). 40 x 9 = 360 (thrice the amount of investment)

Step 7: After earning the 360 USD, user (A) need to upgrade to Level 3 Rank EMERALD. 160 USD will be taking for the upgrade fee.

Step 8: After the upgrading to the Level 3 to the Rank EMERALD, user will get the (27)downline partner.

Step 9: User (A) will in the Level 3 can earn 4,320USDfrom their downline members. Same like in the step 6 the downline user need to upgrade their levels so they will donate the 160 to user (A). 160 x 27 = 4,320

Step 10: Again the user (A) need to upgrade to the last Level 4 to the Rank DIAMOND to the user (A). From earning user need to donate 1,000 USD.

Step 11: After the upgrading to the Level 4 to the Rank DIAMOND, user will get the (81)downline partner.From them the user will earn 81,000 USD

Step 12: After completion of all the Levels the user need to donate 10,000 USD to the system, after donation user can able to withdraw the earning amount.

Here are the 12 steps need to followed by the every user, how is get in to the system.

Tabulation view of the P2P 3 X 4 MLM system:

JADE / 60.00 / 40.00 / Generation 1 = 3
SAPPHIRE / 360.00 / 160.00 / Generation 2 = 9
EMERALD / 4,320.00 / 1,000.00 / Generation 3 = 27
DIAMOND / 81,000.00 / 10,000.00 / Generation 4 = 81

Addition Features

We have provided addition feature in P2P MLM to the comparing all other’s MLM script. The addition feature will be followed,

Unqualified Earnings

Here are unqualified earnings of the while user in the system,

Rank Qualification:

If the user is not completing his/her first level of matrix in other words (not signing the minimum of 3 partners with in timeline). That particular user will be blocked in the system. That user needs to pay a Penalty to the system.

  • Penalty:For Reactivating the user account, needs to pay the 10 USD to the system

On the time of deactivation account the downline member donation will be goes to the Trust Treasury

  • Trust Treasury:Treasury, where the donated amount will be goes in to it after the user pay Penalty. The system will return the donation amount the particular user.

Or it will be paid to the highest-ranking member in the uplines

Expired Account:

Failure to upgrade within the given period expire the account;here is some list points that will make the user account expired,

  • Earnings meant for yourUpliner will be paid by the next qualified partner from the team. –Earnings meant for the Expired account:
  • Part goes into payment for the losing out partner
  • The remainder goes into Trust Treasury OR
  • Be paid to a highest ranking member in the uplines. (the accumulated money will be worked into the total earning for that rank)
  • Age limit:user should above (18 yrs of completion)
  • Need to pay the maintenance fee

Maintenance Fee:

Every user in the system need to pay the 3 USD per month as the maintenance fee, otherwise the user account will be deactivated.

So based on this the user will earn from the downline member and share amount to the upline member.