Minutes of the Town Council meeting held on Monday 23rd June 2014in the Skyrm Room at the Public Hall, Beaminster at 7.00pm.

1112PRESENT– Cllr G Berry (Chairman),Cllr Mrs V Baldwin, Cllr Mrs R Beeny, Cllr P Body,

Cllr Ms A Cameron, Cllr R Cheeseman, Cllr P Elliott, Cllr Mrs J Page,Cllr Mrs S Samuel and Cllr C Turner.

1113IN ATTENDANCE – MrsSamantha Pearce (Administrator, Beaminster Town Council) and Jack Dixon (Reporter, A View from Beaminster)


(a)Dorset Police Representative

No Police attendance

(b) West Dorset District Councillors

Councillor Mrs Page advised that:-

  • She had attended a meeting on the Draft Local Plan. Consultants had looked at the draft plan and felt housing numbers proposed were sufficient for the next 15 years. If additional units were needed they would look at smaller developmentsin the villages rather than additional large estates.
  • She had attended a meeting with DCC Highways looking at the number of crashes on Dorset roads. Generally the number is going down although incidents involving cyclists and motorcylists had increased.
  • WDDC had introduced a new initiative called 2020 vision where they review services provided. WDDC will talk to local towns and parishes about services such as Tourist Information Centres, grants for community schemes, transport and elections.
  • She had attended a Transparent Data Conference in London.

(c) DorsetCounty Councillor

Mrs Knox joined the meeting at 7.55pm having previously informed the Chairman that she

would be delayed attending the meeting.

Councillor Mrs Knox advised that:

  • Superfast Broadband would be switched on in Beaminster during 2015. Innovative work in rural communities meant the area would have 98% coverage. Councillor Mrs Knox felt recent articles published in the local press on this subject had been unhelpful

Page 182

  • Beaminster’s Community Car Serviceis under reviewbut it will continue to stay as it

is for the meantime. Unfounded reports that the service would stop in June would be thoroughly investigated

  • There were too many individuals/groups getting involved in highway matters in the town. Cllr Mrs Knox felt that all concerns should be co-ordinated by the Town Clerk who will then prioritise and pass on to DCC highways.
  • The 47 bus route will stop on 30th June. A report is due tobe submitted to DCC

Cabinet Committee on 2nd July. Reports of a mystery benefactor providing funds to

save the route were unfounded however it is possible that communities be asked to could contribute towards a subsidy to save the route.

1115APOLOGIES–Apologies for absence were received from West Dorset District Councillor

Mrs C Payne.


The minutes of theAnnual Council Meeting and the Town Council meeting held on 27thMay 2014havingpreviously been circulatedwere confirmed and signed by the Chairman as a correct record with the following amendments:-

Annual Council Meeting minute 1123 to add Councillor Robin Cheeseman as ‘Officer to Ancient Monuments’.

Town Council Meeting minute 1099 to amend the last line to readDraft Action plan, not Draft Local Plan


Cllr Turner declared an interest in Item No. 5 Payments and Receipts, Fingerpost Lettering.



Cllr Mrs Beeny reported that:-

  • BAVLAP will shortly meet with West Dorset Partnership. A report would be circulated to Councillors following the meeting.
  • BAVLAP have organised a Community Lunch on 8th July.

(b) Yarn Barton Centre

Cllr Mrs Samuel reported that:-

  • Yarn Barton had booked a stall at the Melplash show and would contact local businesses for

donations to help cover the cost of the stall and to ask for raffle prizes.Cllr Berry expressed

a wish to assist Yarn Barton and agreed to give £50.00 from the Chairman’s allowance.

  • The Town Map and 2015 Calendar were completed and asked if the Town Council could assist with production costs.

It was suggested that the Town Council consider a ‘local support’ budget. This would be tabled at

the next Finance and General Purposes Committee Meeting due to take place on 12th August 2014.


(c) Speed Watch

Cllr Mrs Baldwin reported that additional members were needed to help the Speed Watch team.

Adverts will be placed in Yarn Barton and on

The Speed Watch team go out once a week on average and statistics show that Tunnel Road and

Hogshill Street were the roads most affected by speeding.

Mrs Baldwin felt that something needed to be done urgently in Tunnel Road before someone is

killed by speeding cars. Cllr Berry had raised the issue with the DCC Highways Team at a recent meeting and they had been somewhat unsympathetic with the idea of a roundabout at the school entrance but had the matter under review.

The Police Crime Commissioner was looking into permanent Speed Watch signs for Beaminster.


Cllr Mrs Samuel reported that Damory had produced the new timetable although at present it

was only available on line. Yarn Barton had reproduced the data and printed versions were

now available.


Members were circulated with a list of payments, chequenumbers 103906 – 103923 together with a direct debit payment between1stJune2014 and 30th June 2014 totalling

£12,626.24 also receipts totalling £1,344.35.

Members RESOLVED toAPPROVE the list, copyof which isattached.


The Council had no proposals to put forward for the DAPTC AGM


(a) Bridport & District Citizens Advice Bureau – A letter of thanks had been received for the recent grantgiven in support ofthe CAB for 2014. NOTED.

(b) Axe Valley & West Dorset Ring and Ride - A letter of thanks had been received for the recent

grant given in support ofthe Ring and Ride Service for 2014. NOTED.


Members had previously been circulated with a written progress report on all outstanding

issues. NOTED.

Under this heading the Chairman advised that staff and pupils at MountjoySchool were frequently using the path in the Playing Field and had difficulty with pushing wheelchairs over the gravel car park. It was AGREED that the Town Council would rectify this.

The Chairman advised that DCC Highways had agreed to hold a six monthly review of highway

matters with Councillors. The next meeting would be in November/December date to be agreed.

Chris Turner advised that the fingerpost sign work was now complete and he would liaise withDCC regarding the fitting and siting of the post.


Councillor Mrs Baldwin reported that during a recent Allotment Inspection tenants had requested that the Allotment Manager should be elected. Officers would arrange a meeting of

the Allotment Working Party and make a recommendation to Council in due course.


No items were identified.

1124 PUBLIC BODIES (Admission to meeting) Act 1960

Members RESOLVED that, in accordance with the terms of the Act, the public and press

be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that publicity would be prejudicial to the

public interest by reason of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted in

respect of considerations of quotations received and consideration of an existing lease agreement.


Members had previously been circulated with quotations received from three contractors. The

Council AGREED to accept the quotation from contractor B subject to establishing the following:-

  • A start date
  • How long the project would take
  • If the work comes with a guarantee

* Cllrs to note the work would start immediately, and take approximately 3 weeks to complete.

The work would be guaranteed for 5 years.


Cllr Berry reported that members of the Social Club management Committee were to hold a further meeting on Friday 4th July 2014 to discuss the future of the Social Club and he would

report back to the Council once an update had been received.

Cllr Berry had suggested that representatives of the Social Club should arrange an appointment

with the Citizens Advice Bureaux in Bridport, todiscuss the financial options available to them.


The date of the next meeting was NOTED as Monday 28th July 2014.

1128 MEETING- The meeting which started at 7.00pm closed at 8.43pm


28th July 2014


TOWN COUNCIL MEETING – Monday 23rd June 2014



D/DAndrews & Arnold Web Site Fee monthly 6.00

D/DAviva General Insurance, Hall Monthly payment 313.05

D/DUK fuels Tractor fuel monthly 126.82

D/DDCC Wheelie Bins Monthly payment 2 bins 90.00

D/D BT Cowie Room Quarterly line rental/ usage 47.34

D/D Wessex Water Water rates re town hall 103.16

D/DBritish Gas Electric re Hall Quarterly 89.85

D/D British Gas Electric re Hall Quarterly 184.92

D/D British Gas Gas re hall Quarterly 381.85

D/D BT Phone re office Monthly line rental/usage 26.09

103906S Coles Lettering re finger posts 51.00

103907Beaminster Youth Grant 100.00

& Children Centre

103909/10Donovan Atyeo Salaries 5189.50

103911Bugler Machine parts 16.08

103912 David Craner Town Crier 250.00

103913D A P & T C Councillors Update 60.00

103914Larcombes General Supplies 17.64

103915VPW systems Web Site Hosting & E Mail Yearly renewal 84.00

103916 Creeds Design & Print Amendment Yard Barton Map & Card 99.60

103917 A J Supplies Cleaning Materials 86.46

103918Shaun Annetts Final Payment 3,882.91

103919B E G Electrical Ltd replacement lamps toilet office skyrm 82.50

103920B E G Electrical Ltd repairs to damaged cable 44.82

103921R S Crabb Picture rail in Cowie Room 238.65

103922H C Lewis & Co Surfacing repairs in MPF Lane 1,044.00

103923 Yarn Barton Centre Room Hire Beaminster Futures 10.00

Sub Total 12,626.24

All payments include V A T where applicable



Amounts Received between 28th May 2014 and 23rd June 2014

No 2 Account

HSBC Interest 4.53

Sub Total 4.53

No 1 Account

Hall Bookings 03.06.2014 ref 24 230.00

10.06.2014 ref 25 740.00

17.06.2014 ref 26 85.00

King 06.06 35.00

13.06 35.00

20.06 35.00

Beaminster Football Club Rent 100.00

S PearceAllotments 23 24 37.05

Miss D AshmanLicence re MPF 30.00

NSIBInterest 47.77

SUB TOTAL 1339.82

TOTAL 1344.35


The above payments are approved expenditure items within existing contracts and / or the agreed budget framework

Councillors expenses having been vetted and authorised by the Chairman/ Town Clerk or in the case of the Chairman’s expenses, by Vice Chairman.

Receipts are those from expected sources, and within budget projections.

Christine Bright

Responsible Finance Officer