Level 1 Checklist for 1.CS.1 (Listening Skills)

Demonstrate understanding of oral French messages

Name / Responds to a greeting or farewell
In various ways / Responds to Quel âge as-tu? in various ways / Locates day of the week or number on a calendar / Responds to Comment t’appelles-
tu? / Responds to Comment ça va? In various ways. / Responds to Quel temps fait-il? In various ways. / Matches spoken words to illustrations and gestures / Responds to directions with actions / Uses gestures for words in songs, rhymes, etc.

4 – Meets expectations

3 – Meets expectations most of the time

2 – Sometimes meets expectations

1 – Does not meet expectations


Level 1 Checklist for 1.CS.2 (Speaking Skills)

Provide basic information supported by prompting.

Name / Says French word for theme related objects / Names colours / Answers routine question with modeled sentences / Expresses feelings with modeled sentences / Explains preferences with short modeled sentences / Uses culturally appropriate words for greetings and farewells / Indicates thanks with merci and response de rien. / Participates in oral language game

4 – Meets expectations

3 – Meets expectations most of the time

2 – Sometimes meets expectations

1 – Does not meet expectations


Level 1 Checklist for 1.CS.4 (Writing Skills)

Reproduce, with extensive prompting and support, a single word in print.

Name / Labels illustrations, photos or icons by copying single words / Makes labeled illustrations for a class book / Labels graphics on a whiteboard.

4 – Meets expectations

3 – Meets expectations most of the time

2 – Sometimes meets expectations

1 – Does not meet expectations


Level 1 Checklist for 1.LK.3 (Language Knowledge)

Demonstrate acquisition of French language concepts related to themes.

Name / Counts to ten / Names number of objects up to ten / Identifies any number up to ten / Gives different responses to a question and a sentence / Shows knowledge of key vocabulary words and phrases in themes

4 – Meets expectations

3 – Meets expectations at most times

2 – Sometimes meets expectations

1 – Does not meet expectations

Level 1 Checklist for 1.C.1 (Culture)

Compare elements of Francophone, First Nations and Metis cultures with prompting.

Name: / Says a rhyme (comptine) or sings a song / Uses French forms of address / Locates cultural artifacts in classroom / Sings Happy Birthday in French / Names dimanche as the first day of the week on a French calendar / Names traditional transportation / Names traditional items of winter clothing / Participates in cultural activities

4 – Meets expectations

3 – Meets expectations most of the time

2 – Sometimes meets expectations

1 – Does not meet expectations


Level 1 Self-Evaluation for Listening/Viewing

Name: ______Date: ______

Listening/Viewing in French / Ratings
I can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Say hello and good-bye.
Answer questions in different ways.
Find calendar days and dates up to ten.
Show that I know what French words and sentences mean in a lot of different ways.
Complete an action when I hear instructions.
Use gestures when I hear certain words.

4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.

3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.

2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.

1 – I cannot do this.

Goals for next time:

Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)

Level 1 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Speaking

Name: ______Date: ______

Speaking in French / Ratings
I can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Say the French word for objects, animals, people, and colours.
Make a short sentence when I am asked a question.
Say thank you and you’re welcome.
Express my feelings.
Explain my preferences for things.
Say greetings and farewells to others.
Participate in an oral language game.

4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.

3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it..

2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.

1 – I cannot do this.

Goals for next time:

Level 1 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Culture

Name: ______Date: ______

Cultural Knowledge / Ratings
I can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Say a French rhyme or comptine.
Sing the Happy Birthday song in French.
Locate French things in the classroom.
Tell which day is the first day of the week on a French calendar.
Name traditional transportation items in French
Name traditional clothing items in French.
Evaluate my participation in cultural activities.

4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.

3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.

2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.

1 – I cannot do this.

Goals for next time:

Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)