BUS 100 Introduction to Business
Fall 2016
Instructor: Dana Knott
Phone: 804-561-9305
Walk-in Office Hours: Monday-Friday 11-11:45 and 2:05-2:55
Course Description: This course presents a broad introduction to the functioning of business enterprise within the U.S. economic framework. It introduces economic systems, essential elements of business organization, finance, marketing, production, risk and human resource management.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to do the following:
· LO1: Describe the role business plays in our economy.
· LO2: Discuss the various forms of business organization.
· LO3: Outline the managerial process as it applies to business.
· LO4: Describe the importance of the human asset in a business.
· LO5: Outline the marketing function of business.
· LO6: List, discuss, and evaluate various means for financing business and personal activities.
· LO7: Analyze the role of information in a modern economy.
· LO8: Describe the role of government in American business
Course Text:
Text: Kelley, Marce and Williams, Chuck (2015). BUSN8: Introduction to Business, 2nd Edition +Mindtap®.
Additional References:
Pride, W. M., Hughes, R. J. and Kapoor, J. R. (2016). Foundations of Business, 5th Edition + MindTap® Introduction to Business.
Other Required Resources:
Internet connection for access to Blackboard and email; flash drive, binder with dividers, calculator, and Word Processing Software also necessary.
Attendance Policy:
Students are expected to follow the ACHS attendance policy as outlined in the student handbook. Attendance is essential in this class. It is your responsibility to get the course notes, handouts, and assignments should you miss class, arrive late, or leave early.
Course Withdrawal Policy:
Students who are experiencing academic difficulties may elect to withdraw from class prior to the last day to withdraw without academic penalty (first 60% of the class). The student will receive a grade of "W" for withdrawal. Excessive absences prior to last day to withdraw will result in the instructor withdrawing a student from the course and the recording of a “W” grade. If the attendance policy is violated after last withdrawal date, the student will be awarded a grade of “F.” In case of mitigating circumstances documented by the instructor, a grade of "W" may be awarded.
Course Requirements:
1. Read Student Handbook for ACHS and JTCC.
2. Weekly Readings must be done prior to class. This includes text material and the Power Point lectures.
3. Complete assigned homework, readings, quizzes, tests, videos and assignments.
4. Participate in classroom activities and discussions; discussions are centered on the weekly assigned chapters.
5. Inform the instructor of any problems you experience with the class.
6. Email communication to your instructor must have the course name and student name in the subject line. For example, BUSN 100 Dana Knott. Please sign all emails with your first and last names. It is your responsibility to verify that I have received and responded to your emails in a timely manner. I will respond to emails within 24 hours, except on Saturdays and Sundays.
7. Formatting including, grammar, spelling, timeliness and correct document format are important facets of completing college level work. It is expected that all work submitted will be on time, as well as be free of misspellings and grammatical errors. Assignment grades are negatively affected by problems in this area.
8. Papers & Presentations: The purpose of the papers and presentations is to provide students with the opportunity to think critically about important business concepts. Both cover chapter concepts. A homework assignment packet is provided to students as part of the syllabus as well as linked inside Mrs. Knott’s website through the syllabus. These assignments will be evaluated based upon the grading rubric provided. Students will be successful if they complete the assignments as outlined, following directions accurately and thoroughly, and submitting in a timely manner.
· Papers must be typed, MLS or APA format and in either MS Word or Open Office equivalent unless negotiated with the instructor. College level papers use research to support your ideas or points.
· Presentations must be in MS PowerPoint or Open Office equivalent unless otherwise negotiated with the instructor.
· Both are to be submitted through email in an electronic file.
· Each paper will have a format that will be provided.
6. If you have issues with access to a computer or typewriter, you must notify the instructor in advance of any assignment due date.
Written Assignment Requirements:
1. Complete 1 individual Leadership Style Paper and SWOT Analysis (paper and presentation).
2. Chapter essay assignments (3 sets of essays for the semester).
3. Complete a group paper and presentation on a small business plan.
Make-up Policy:
This course follows the make-up policy for Amelia County Public Schools, as described in the student handbook. Time is constrained in this course and prompt completion of assignments is required. Papers will be accepted no later than 3 days past the due date unless arrangements are made in advance with the instructor. Each day late is -10% or -10 points.
**Any changes to this course and the syllabus will be posted on Mrs. Knott’s website and discussed in class.
Quizzes (12 total; 15-20 questions) =15%
Tests (3 total; 30-50 questions) = 15%
Chapter Essays (due before each test to review material from each chapter)= 10%
Leadership Style Paper= 15%
SWOT Analysis / Presentation= 15%
Group Business Plan and Presentation= 30%
Grading Scale: Grades are posted in PowerSchool weekly and the ACPS Grading Scale applies to this course as follows:
100 - 90 A
89 - 80 B
79 - 70 C
69 - 60 D
59 - 0 F
VCCS Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy:
Failing to earn satisfactory grades in a dual enrollment course can affect your ability to receive financial aid when you go to college. If you are NOT making Satisfactory Academic Progress, be sure to consult with your instructor and consider withdrawing from the class.
Federal regulations require that a student receiving federal financial aid make Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) in accordance with the standards set by the College and the federal government. These limitations include all terms of enrollment, whether or not aid was awarded or received. SAP standards also apply to state aid. Progress is measured throughout the academic program by the student’s cumulative grade point average (qualitative) and by credits earned as a percentage of those attempted (quantitative or pace of completion). In addition, students must complete their programs of study before attempting 150% of the credits required to complete the program. The College Financial Aid Office will evaluate SAP before aid is awarded and after grades are posted for every term, starting with a student’s first term of enrollment. Some career studies certificate programs (i.e., less than 16 credits in total length) are ineligible for student financial aid, but those credits will be counted toward all SAP requirements (GPA, completion rate, maximum timeframe, and developmental maximum) if the student later enrolls in an eligible program. For more information: http://www.jtcc.edu/pay-for-tyler/financial-aid-basics/making-the-grade/
In addition, any student who receives a final grade of F in a dual enrollment course will be automatically withdrawn from the program.
Academic Honesty:
AtJTCC we expect the highest standards of academic honesty. Violations of academic honesty include the following:
· Cheating: This includes seeking or giving unauthorized help on examinations, papers, and other academic assignments.
· Plagiarism: This is defined as using another's words or ideas and representing them as one's own either knowingly or unknowingly. In other words, by not documenting ideas or putting quotations around exact phrasing and documenting the source, one is committing plagiarism. Information on the World Wide Web is not yours for the taking – please citeall quotations appropriately.
· Turnitin: Your professor has access toTurnitin plagiarism softwarewhich aids in detecting improperly cited materials. All of your written work may be submitted to Turnitin for analysis. Your instructor may ask you to upload your documents yourself. If you have concerns about your written work being stored in a database, you should address the issues at the beginning of the academic term.
Misconduct in the area of academic honesty is subject to disciplinary action which can include failure for the assignment, or even failure of the course.
Title IX-Sexual Misconduct (includes dating and domestic violence, stalking, sexual harassment and sexual assault):
John Tyler Community College (JTCC) faculty are committed to supporting students and upholding the College's non-discrimination policy. Under Title IX, discrimination based upon sex and gender is prohibited. If you experience an incident of sex or gender-based discrimination, we encourage you to report it. While you may talk to a faculty member, understand that as a "Responsible Employee" of the College the faculty member MUST report to the college's Title IX Coordinator what you share. If you would like to speak with someone who will afford you confidentiality, there are people who can meet with you. Please visit the JTCC Sexual Misconduct Website at http://www.jtcc.edu/about/title-ix-and-sexual-misconduct/ for additional information. Also, feel free to contact Sandra Kirkland, Title IX Coordinator at or Michelle Spencer, Deputy Title IX Coordinator at .
Students with Disabilities: Under Section 504 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, the College has an obligation to provide reasonable accommodations in order to afford the student an equal opportunity to participate in the college’s programs, courses and activities. JTCC has professional counselors to assist students with disabilities. Students with disabilities are responsible for making the College aware of their needs. Call 706-5165 (Chester) or 594-1561 (Midlothian) for additional information and also visit the JTCC website at http://www.jtcc.edu/services/advising-center/disabilities-support-services/.
Cellular Phones
Cell phones should be turned off before entering classrooms. The use of cell phones also is prohibited in other areas at the institution. These areas are marked. The use of cell phones in classrooms and prohibited areas is a violation of the student conduct code.
Student Conduct
When unruly or otherwise unacceptable behavior occurs in a classroom or laboratory, the instructor may immediately require the student who is responsible for the disruption to leave the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor prior to the next scheduled class meeting. After discussing the problem with the student, the instructor must either permit the student to return to class or forward formal written disciplinary charges against the student to the dean of students.
Closing and Emergency Procedures:
Information about ACHS’s closing policy can be found in the student handbook and closings will be listed on the school website/ local news outlets.
Course Calendar:
Due dates for all assignments and readings have been posted on the course calendar. Dates and assignments are subject to change. Homework Assignments Packet will also identify due dates. Any change in assignment or quiz dates will be announced in class and posted on Mrs. Knott’s website.
WeekOf: / Topic/ Required Reading / Assigned Homework
& Scheduled Tests
Aug 15-19 / Course Overview & Review Syllabus
Chapter 1 – Business Now: Change is the only Constant and Chapter PowerPoint / 8/19= Quiz Chapter 1 and email due to Mrs. Knott
Email Professor using proper format; state you have read the syllabus & introduce yourself.
Aug 22-26 / Chapter 2 – Economics: The Framework and Chapter PowerPoint / 8/26= Quiz Chapter 2
Aug 29-Sept 2 / Chapter 3 The World Marketplace: Business without Borders and Chapter PowerPoint / 9/2= Quiz Chapter 3
SWOT Assignment explained & examples are reviewed
Sept 5-9 / Chapter 4 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility; Chapter PowerPoint / 9/9= Quiz Chapter 4 and SWOT Rough Draft Due
Reminder: SWOT Analysis Due Sept 12
Sept 12-16 / SWOT Presentations; Unit Test Review / 9/12= SWOT Analysis Due
9/12-9/13= Presentations
9/15= Essay Packet #1 Due
9/16= Unit Test Chapters 1-4
Sept 19-23 / Chapter 6 Business Formation: Choosing the Form that Fits and Chapter PowerPoint / 9/23= Quiz Chapter 6
Sept 26-30 / Chapter 7 Small Businesses and Entrepreneurship; Chapter PowerPoint / 9/29= Quiz Chapter 7
9/30= Essay Packet #2 Due; this is a ½ day!
Oct 3-7 / Chapter 11 Marketing: Building Profitable Customer Connections and Chapter PowerPoint / 10/7= Quiz Chapter 11
Leadership Paper explained
Oct 10-14 / Chapter 12 Product & Promotion and Chapter PowerPoint / 10/13= Quiz Chapter 12
10/14= ½ day!
Oct 17-21 / Unit Test Review
Students will work on the Leadership Papers
Small Business Plan groups/ industry selected / 10/18= Unit Test Chapters 6,7,11, and 12
10/21= Leadership Papers Due
Oct 24-28 / Chapter 13 Distribution and Pricing; Chapter PowerPoint / 10/27= Quiz Chapter 13
10/28= Small Business Plan groups/ industry selected
Oct 31- Nov 4 / Chapter 14 Management, Motivation, and Leadership; Chapter PowerPoint / 11/4= Quiz Chapter 14
Nov 7-11 / Business Plan Group Activities / 11/11= Groups must meet with Mrs. Knott to review business plan progress.
No quiz this week!
Nov 14-18 / Chapter 15 Human Resource Management and Chapter PowerPoint / 11/18= Quiz Chapter 15
Nov 21-22 / Business Plan Group Activities
Thanksgiving Break – Nov 23 (1/2day) – Nov 25, No Classes / No quiz this week!
Nov 28-Dec 2 / Chapter 17 Operations Management and Chapter PowerPoint / 12/2= Quiz Chapter 17
Dec 5-9
Exam Week
Dec 12-14 / This is the last full week of class; 12/7-12/9
Business Plan Group Activities
Final Exam Day will feature group project presentations only / 12/5= Essay Packet #3 Due
12/6= Unit Test Chapters 13, 14, 15, and 17
12/9= Business Plan Paper/ PowerPoint Due
Final Exam Date: TBD
Dec. 12-14
Paper Assignment Requirements:
These assignments must be completed in word processing software (MS Word preferred) and are to be submitted through email to Mrs. Knott on or before the expected due date. Each paper will have a format that will be provided.
· College level papers use research to support your ideas or points. Given that many students at ACHS use MLA format, this will also be accepted. However, papers in this course at JTCC are expected to use the American Psychological Association (APA) for writing. A good resource to use for APA formatting is Purdue University’s OWL, found on the internet at https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/