High Cost Drug Funding Request Form – Anti-Dementia Drugs
Note - Please select appropriate drug name:donepezil galantamine ER memantine rivastigmine
Patient Information
/Care Centre
/Date (of form submission)
Patient Code[1] / Date of Birth (YYMMDD)/ / / (YYMMDD)
/ /
Physician Information
Surname FirstNew Renewal NOTE: Funding may or may not be approved by Alberta Health Services, Calgary
Approved for use under the following conditions:
Protocol 1 – Alzheimer’s
Donepezil hydrochloride (5-10 mg po qd), galantamine hydrobromide ER (8 - 24 mg po qd), or rivastigmine tartrate oral(1.5 mg – 6 mg po bid), and rivastigmine transdermal patch (if intolerant to oral form) Refer to algorithm for patch dose/conversionconversionare approved for use under the following conditions:
- The resident must have a diagnosis of Alzheimer Disease or a diagnosis of mixed dementia where Alzheimer Disease is a significant component; AND
- The resident will have a Folstein MMSE score within 12 weeks prior to or following admission of between 10 – 26or a Cognitive Performance Scale (CPS) score between 1 – 4 AND
- Initial reporting of BOTHan ABS (Aggressive Behavior Scale) and ADL Short (Activities of Daily Living) score is required to establish a baseline functional assessment
- Rivastigmine patch may ONLY be supplied if there has been a documented intolerance to oral rivastigmine
Check Condition
For Continuation of Funding- An annual MMSE score or a CPS is required; AND
- Annual reporting of bothan ABS (Aggressive Behavior Scale) and ADL Short (Activities of Daily Living) score
Protocol 2 – Lewy Body Disease
Rivastigmine tartrate (1.5 mg – 6 mg po bid or transdermal patch)Refer to algorithm for patch dose/conversionor donepezil hydrochloride (5-10 mg po qd) are approved for use under the following conditions (galantamine hydrobromide has not demonstrated usefulness for this disorder):
- Trial of therapy for residents with a diagnosis of Lewy Body dementia where other options, such as low-dose atypical neuroleptics, have either not been tolerated or have failed to control symptoms of hallucinations and agitation associated with the disorder. Where symptoms are controlled, therapy will be long-term for ongoing management and will not require either an MMSE or a CPS score for continued funding.
Protocol 3 – Behavioural Disturbance in Alzheimer’s Disease
Donepezil hydrochloride (5-10 mg po qd), galantamine hydrobromide ER (8 – 24 mg po qd), rivastigmine tartrate oral(1.5 mg – 6 mg po bid), and rivastigmine transdermal patch (if intolerant to oral form) Refer to algorithm for patch, or memantine (10 mg po bid) are approved for use under the following conditions:
- Behaviour mapping must be undertaken daily for 2 weeks prior to initiation of the agent and again daily for 2 weeks after initiation of the agent. Following this initial two week period, recording for 1 day every two weeks looking for beneficial effect on target behaviours and for side effects is required for 3 months; AND
- There must be documented intolerance to or failure of at least 2 trials of 2 weeks duration with other agents specifically being used for behavioural management. These may include mood stabilizers or the following atypical anti-psychotics: risperidone, quetiapine, and olanzapine; AND
- There must be a recommendation for use by a specialist in psychiatry, geriatrics or neurology (these will be very challenging individuals and the assumption is that a consultant will already be involved).
- Initial and annual reporting of bothan ABS (Aggressive Behavior Scale) and ADL Short (Activities of Daily Living) score will be required for funding
- Rivastigmine patch may ONLY be supplied if there has been a documented intolerance to oral rivastigmine
Drug Dose: / MMSE:/30
Date: / CPS: -/60/61/62/63/64/65/66/6
Date: / ABS:-/120/121/122/123/124/125/126/127/128/129/1210/1211/1212/12
Date: / ADL Short:-/160/161/162/163/164/165/166/167/168/169/1610/1611/1612/1613/1614/1615/1616/16
Date: / Admission Date:
/ /
Additional Information Relating to Request (i.e. frequency of follow-up with specialist, consult report information, etc.):
Physician’s or Pharmacist’s Name: / Initial Drug Provision Date (YY/MM/DD)
/ / / Processing Instructions: Pharmacy Provider email to Supportive Living and Long Term Careat:
OR Physician fax to: (403)943-0232
To type within each cell, use the TAB key
HCD Funding Request Form: HCD-09Revision: 26/1/2012
[1] Patient Code: First four letters of surname, followed by first two letters of given name