July 2012doc.: 18-12/73r2
IEEE P802.18
Radio Regulatory-TAG
Date:September 17, 2012
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
John Notor / Silver Spring Networks
Notor Research / San Jose, CA / 408-799-2738 /
These are the minutes of IEEE 802.18 meeting held at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego, July16-19, 2012.
Monday,July16, 2012, PM1
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 2:20 PM.
- The Vice Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
- The Chair reminded members about the cell phone courtesy policy.
- The Chair reminded members of the anti-trust provisions of IEEE 802.
- The Chair asked the Patent questions per the IEEE requirements.
- The Chair reviewed future IEEE 802 sessions and venues.
- The current agenda is document 18-12/59r0.
- The Chair reviewed the agenda and made a couple of editorial changes.
Motion: To approve the RR-TAG agenda for the July 2012 Meeting, 18-12/59r1.
Move by: John Notor
Second by: Vijay Auluck
Discussion: None
Vote: 2Yes0 No0Abstain
Motion: Passed
- The minutes of the May 2012 Atlantameeting were reviewed and amended. A motion to approve the minutes was made.
Motion: To approve the May 2012 Atlanta meeting minutes, 18-12/46r2.
Move by: John Notor
Second by: Michael Lynch
Discussion: None
Vote: 2Yes0No0 Abstain
Motion: Passed.
- The Chair recessed the meeting to independent study until Tuesday AM1.
Tuesday,July 17, 2012, AM1
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 8:32 PM.
- The Vice Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
- The Chair opened the topic of edits to M.1801. The Vice Chair presented the document.
- The Vice Chair reviewed the state of M.1801 submissions, pointing out that the edited version of M.1801 that was attached to the ITU-R Liaison Report only included edits made by Jim Ragsdale, and did not include Annex 1, which is the annex that discusses IEEE 802.11 technology.
- The Vice Chair suggested that the final document submitted to ITU-R be a cover letter explaining the submissions, and two or more embedded or attached files that contain the edits to the relevant annexes for 802.11 and 802.16 technologies.
- The Vice Chair uploaded the contribution from Peter Ecclesine, Cisco, to Annex 1 as document 18-12/63r0 to IEEE Mentor.
- There was discussion of ITU-R M.1450, Characteristics of Broadband Radio Local Area Networks, and it was agreed that IEEE 802 should submit updates to M.1450 as well. The Vice Chair uploaded a copy of ITU-R M.1450 as 18-12/64r0 to IEEE Mentor.
- Vijay Auluck, Intel, suggested that IEEE 802 should consider submitting inputs to M.1450 covering the draft IEEE 802.11ad standard for 60 GHz WLAN operation. There was considerable discussion of this. The Chair pointed out that the inputs to ITU-R need to be for published, or nearly published, standards.
- There was some additional discussion on these points, but it was agreed that 802.11 needed to provide inputs for 60 GHz.
- The Chair recessed the meeting at 10:00 AM.
Tuesday,July 17, 2012, AM2
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:33AM.
- The Vice Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
- The Chair recessed the meeting to independent study until Tuesday PM1.
Tuesday,July 17, 2012, PM1
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:43 PM.
- The Vice Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
- The Vice Chair explained that he had deleted the previous document 18-12/63r0, and uploaded a new document in its place, Contribution_to_M.1801_Revision.
- The Chair pointed out that Roger Marks, Consensii LLC, uploaded document 18-12/65r0, LIAISON STATEMENT (ITU-T SF 15) - NEW VERSIONS OF THE ACCESS NETWORK TRANSPORT (ANT).
- The Vice Chair reviewed 18-12/65r0 with the group. Then the Vice Chair moved on to review the two documents referred to in 18-12/65r0, namely 18-12/66r0, Access Network Transport Standards Work Plan December 2011 Q 1/15 meeting, and 18-12/67r0, Access Network Transport Standards Overview December 2011 Q 1/15 meeting.
- The Chair sent these documents, 18-12/65r0-67r0, to the EC reflector to solicit inputs from EC members and 802 work groups.
- The Chair recessed the group at 2:44 PM to independent study until Wednesday AM1.
Wednesday,July 18, 2012, AM1
- The Vice Chair called the meeting to order at 8:00 PM.
- The Vice Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
- The Vice Chair reported that he had updated the revision of M.1801 based on corrections noted in an email from Peter Ecclesine, Cisco. The new document is 18-12/63r1.
- The Vice Chair announced that the 802.15.4p Task Group on Positive Train Control wanted to make a presentation to 802.18 on the possible use of DSRC spectrum for positive train control. The presentation is scheduled for Wednesday PM1.
- The Vice Chair recessed the meeting at 8:21 AM until Wednesday PM1.
Wednesday,July 18, 2012, PM1
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:40 PM.
- The Vice Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
- Jon Adams, Lilee Systems, Inc., presented a brief overview of the 802.15.4p Positive Train Control (PTC) Task Group. Jon pointed out that there is wide interest nationally and internationally in PTC technology.
- Jon pointed out that there were a wide range of data rates contemplated, but most applications in the US are narrowband RF signals supporting low data rates. The principal changes to the 802.15.4 standard relate to the mobility features of the PTC application space.
- There were questions and comments from several people in the room.
- The Chair recognized Ibrahim Muftic, Parsons-Brinckerhoff, who then lead a discussion of the possibility of using DSRC in PTC applications. Ibrahim began by introducing some of the currently deployed train control applications. Among others, he mentioned GSM-R, and TETRA based systems.
- Ibrahim pointed out that GSM-R hasn’t been deployed in the US due to FCC regulatory restrictions.
- Ibrahim pointed out that there is a 5 MHz segment in the DSRC band, which is currently reserved, which he would like to see released to be used for PTC. Peter Ecclesine, Cisco, pointed out that there is a study underway by NTIA related to this frequency range.
- The Chair suggested that there would be an opportunity to change the rules, but would require a detailed proposal.
- Karl Khan, added background to the issue of DSRC, 802.11p, and the left over (reserved) spectrum.
- Peter Ecclesine suggested that the 10 MHz version of 802.11 would be replaced by a 40 MHz version.
- There were a variety of other comments.
- Peter Ecclesine reported that the M.1801 contribution from 802.11 needed to add some ackronyms, sent as a separate email.
- The meeting was then turned over to Richard Kennedy, Research in Motion, to discuss 18-12/62r0, Letter to R&TTE CA on 5600 to 5650 MHz Band.
- The central issue of the letter is to say that all interference into European weather radar bands has been due to illegally operated equipment, and that the enforcement arms of European regulatory entities needed to enforce the regulations in place, rather than keep 802.11 equipment out of the band.
- The proposal is that 802.18 create a finalized document to submit to R&TTE CA.
- The Chair recessed the meeting until Wednesday PM2.
Wednesday,July 18, 2012, PM2
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 4:07 PM.
- The Vice Chair reminded the members to record their attendance.
- The Chair turned the meeting over to Richard Kennedy, Research in Motion, who presented the 802.11 Regulatory Standing Committee report authored by Peter Ecclesine, Cisco, not yet posted on the 802.11 section of IEEE Mentor.
- The Chair recessed the meeting at 4:46 PM to independent study until Thursday AM2.
Thursday,July 19, 2012, AM2
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 10:35 AM.
- The Vice Chair reminded members to log in and record their attendance.
- The Chair opened the meeting with a discussion of the M.1801 contribution and the draft cover letter, documents 18-12/63r4 and 18-12/72r0.
- The Vice Chair presented the M.1801 contribution, reviewing the changes and updates.
- The Vice Chair made the following motion.
Motion:To approve 18-12/63r4, Contribution_to_M.1801_Revision, to forward to the EC for review and approval as a contribution to ITU-R WP 5A. The Chair is authorized to make editorial changes as necessary.
Move by: John Notor
Second by: Vijay Auluck
Discussion: None
Vote: 2Yes0No0Abstain
Motion: Passed.
- The Vice Chair next presented the draft cover letter for M.1801, 18-12/72r0, for review. After review and changes, the document was uploaded to IEEE Mentor as 18-12/72r1.
- The following motion was made.
Motion:To approve 18-12/72r1, Cover_Letter_M.1801_contribution, to forward to the EC for review and approval as a contribution to ITU-R WP 5A. The Chair is authorized to make editorial changes as necessary.
Move by: Vijay Auluck
Second by: John Notor
Discussion: None
Vote: 2 Yes0 No0 Abstain
Motion: Passed.
- The Chair recessed the meeting at 11:14 AM until Thursday PM1.
Thursday,July 19, 2012, PM1
- The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:39 PM.
- The Vice Chair reminded members to log in and record their attendance.
- The Chair turned the meeting over to Hajime Kanzaki, Hitachi, to present the contributions from 802.16. Hajime first presented 18-12/68r0, Draft contrib to ITU-R WP 5D: Update of WirelessMAN-Advanced RIT of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 (Meeting Y+1).
Motion: To approve 18-12/68r0, Draft contrib to ITU-R WP 5D: Update of WirelessMAN-Advanced RIT of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 (Meeting Y+1), to forward to the EC for review and approval as a contribution to ITU-R WP 5D. The Chair of 802.18 and/or the Chair of 802.16 are authorized to make editorial changes as necessary, but no changes of substance.
Move by: John Notor
Second by: Vijay Auluck
Discussion: None
Vote: 2Yes0No0Abstain
Motion: Passed.
- Hajimethen presented 18-12/70r1, Proposed Contribution to ITU-R WP 5D - Update of Subclause 5.6 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457-11 (Meeting X).
- The following motion was made.
Motion:To approve 18-12/70r1,ProposedContribution to ITU-R WP 5D - Update of Subclause 5.6 of Rec. ITU-R M.1457-11 (Meeting X), to forward to th18-12/71r0, Comments_FCC_WT-12-202_M-LMS_buildout_extension 18 and/or the Chair of 802.16 are authorized to make editorial changes as necessary, but no changes of substance.
Move by: Vijay Auluck
Second by: John Notor
Discussion: None
Vote: 2Yes0No0Abstain
Motion: Passed.
- The Vice Chair then presented 18-12/69r0, FCC WTB Request for Comment on ProgenyLLC_M-LMS Buildout Extension.
- The Vice Chair followed up by presenting 18-12/71r0, Comments_FCC_WT-12-202_M-LMS_buildout_extension. There were some minor edits, and the document was uploaded as 18-12/71r1
- The following motion was made.
Motion:To approve 18-12/71r1, Comments_FCC_WT-12-202_M-LMS_buildout_extension, to forward to the EC for review and approval and submission to the FCC. The Chair is authorized to make editorial changes as necessary.
Move by: John Notor
Second by: Vijay Auluck
Discussion: None
Vote: 2Yes0No0Abstain
Motion: Passed.
- The Chair proposes to grant voting rights to Jay Holcomb, Itron, and Peter Ecclesine, Cisco, in recognition of their contributions to the work of 802.18.
- There were no objections to this proposal, so voting rights are granted effective July 20, 2012.
- The following empowering motion was made.
Motion:To authorize the Chair to call teleconference meetings as needed between the close of the July 2012 IEEE 802 Plenary and the close of the November 2012 IEEE 802 Plenary.
Move by: John Notor
Second by: Vijay Auluck
Discussion: None
Vote: 2Yes0No0Abstain
Motion: Passed.
- The Chair adjourned the meeting at 2:41 PM.
- The next IEEE 802.18 meeting is at the Hyatt Grand Champion, Indian Wells, CA, September 17-20, 2012.
RR-TAG minutes July 2012page 1John Notor