ODIN Aleph Inventory Setup

September, 2006

PERCON Inventory Scanner

1 - Reprogramming the Percon PT2000/Top Gun

Basic steps for reprogramming your Percon scanner are; 1) download the program from the Percon website, 2) install the program on your PC and 3) transfer the program to the scanner. Detailed steps follow.

The Windows application used to program the PT 2000/TopGun is called PERCPROG.EXE. When the PAL (Portable Applications Library) software is installed a Percon (PSC) applications group is created, with an icon for this program. If you cannot find the icon from your Windows 95/98 or higher start button (under Programs), you can search for this file by name using the Windows Find utility. This step needs to be completed regardless of whether or not your scanner is a new one or one previously used for the PalsTac inventory module. You will only need to complete this step the first time you begin using Inventory in Aleph.

1. To install the PAL programs (formerly from the PSC web site) go to the ODIN download page at http://www.odin.nodak.edu/staff/odin_downloads.html. Go to the Percon Scanner section of the page and download the zip file to your computer.

You can "unzip" the file using a standard zip file utility such as Winzip.
Double click on the INSTALL.EXE file. The PAL program will automatically create a C:\PERCON\PAL4 directory and will install the programs to this location.
2. Once the PAL program is downloaded onto your PC, start the PERCPROG.EXE file by double clicking the filename or by selecting Start, Programs, Percon PAL4, Portable Programmer.

To send the Operating System (O/S) files, click Help, About Portable Programmer.
In the About Portable Programmer message box, place the tip of the mouse pointer in the light gray (LCD) screen picture area of the PT2000. Click once with the left mouse button.

The Over-Ride message box will appear. Select System and then click OK to return to the main screen. If an "Error opening PPG application" message appears, disregard it.
From the main screen, click Options and Settings and select a COM Port.
Click OK to return to the main screen.

The Program File message box will appear. In the File Name listing you will see the compiled .hex default programs that can be downloaded to the PT2000. The default program is called PALPRO.HEX. To send the default program, be sure the PT2000 is turned on and connected to your computer using either the docking station or a direct connect cable.
Select the PALPRO .hex program and click OK. The PT2000 will beep and display "downloading / erasing," and a percentage of completed download will display. If this does not happen, verify your COM Port is working correctly and that you have the correct cable(s) for your application.
Once the program is downloaded to the portable, follow the prompts on the PT2000 screen to get to the Main Menu. More information about default programs is available in the User’s Guide: Chapter 2 - Using the PT2000 or TopGun with Palpro

2 – Collecting and Saving Data to the PC

PERCON/PT2000 Scanning Directions

Enter Password – 446

Press Enter

[message shown will be PERCON PALPRO with a date and time]

Press F1


Press F2 to choose INV MGMT

Press F4 to answer NO (don’t use 2 prompts)

Press F4 to answer NO (don’t change prompts)

Press F2 to COLLECT barcodes

Scan barcodes

Be sure to write down the call number of the first item scanned. You will need this information later in the process.

At the end of the scanning, press the F4 function key to end the scan session. Write down the call number of the last item scanned. You will need this information later in the process.

Copy the file in the PERCON to the PC

Place the scanner in the PERCON base.

On PC:

Double-click INVENTORY SAVE icon on desktop

[the PSC Portable File Transfer window pops up]

Click Options from the menu

Choose Settings

[the Communications Settings window pops up]

Make sure Port is correct and click Connect

[a message is shown --- Communications port opened. ---

Click File from the menu

Choose Select a File Name

[a “Select a File Name directory box” will open]

Click the File Name: txt box & enter the name of the inventory file

[use MMDDYY_# format - for subsequent files created on the same day, increment the last digit (for example, the first file created on Sept 20th, 2006 would be named 092006_1.txt, a second would be named 092006_2 and so on)]

IMPORTANT - Check to see the file is set to save to the C:\PSC\PAL471 directory.

Select OK so the filename is created.

Click File from the menu again

Choose Receive

[a message is shown --- Waiting for file “092006_1.TXT”. ---]


Press F3 to access the FILE OPTIONS menu

Press F2 to SEND FILE

Press F2 for Serial [connection]

Message on Scanner is: *Send complete*

Press F4 to EXIT

Either go collect more barcodes by choosing F2


F5 (alpha key then F1) to EXIT

Back to PC:

Message on the PC: --- File “092006_1.TXT” received ---

Click Options from the menu

Choose Connect [which will show a message --- Communications port closed. ---]

Click File from the menu

Choose Exit


Prepared by ODIN Office