Bruceton Mills, WV 26525

Meeting Description NPAW Monthly Community Meeting

Results Desired Learn About New Equipment in Use at 911 Center

Date _January 24, 2013______Time 7:15PM Location North Preston Senior Center

Scheduled Time / Actual Time
Start / Start / Stop
7:00 p.m. / 7:15 p.m. / 9:00 p.m.
Officers Present: / Guests of Note:
President: James Boreing / Clark “Nick” Nicklow, E-911 Addressing/Mapping Coordinator and
Flood Plain Coordinator
Vice President: Barry Adkins / Justin Wolfe, Deputy Director, E-911 Office of Emergency Management
Secretary: Jeanie Walsh
Treasurer: Margie Boreing
Parliamentarian: Bob Walsh
The January 24, 2013, meeting was called to order at 7:15pm. President Boreing opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by the Lord’s Prayer. He then welcomed guests, Nick Nicklow and Justin Wolfe from the 911 Center as and others in attendance. He announced the next meeting will be held on February 28, 2013. The speakers will be Preston County Sheriff’s Department Investigator Lt. Joe Stiles along with Sheriff Dan Loughrie.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer Margie Boreing reported a current balance of $909.49. There was no activity on the account since last report.
Jeanie Walsh reported that the Law Enforcement Advisory Panel will hold its second meeting at 7:00pm on Thursday, January 31, 2013. The meeting will be conducted by Prosecuting Mel Snyder at the Preston County Commission Room located behind
the Court House Annex in Kingwood. Ample parking is available. The Board of Directors includes Prosecuting Attorney
Mel Snyder, Sheriff Dan Loughrie, WV State Police Commander Sgt. Craig DeBerry, and President of the County Commission
Sheriff Dan Loughrie, WV State Police Commander Sgt. Craig DeBerry, and President of the County Commission Craig
Jennings. The advisory council consists of Police Chiefs/Mayors, Department of Natural Resources, Community Crime
Watch Groups, Preston County schools, DHHR, E-911 and the Probation Office. The objective of this council is to Protect
the Public. The purpose is to provide a county wide public forum for law enforcement activities and to provide information to
provide information to the public about law enforcement/prosecution activities.
New Business: Jeanie Walsh made a motion to donate $100 to the North Preston Senior Center to help with the cost of heating
the center. She stated we are not charged for the use of the center and she said it would be appropriate to make the
donation. Motion passed.
Jeanie Walsh made a motion to purchase a projection screen for use by our guest speakers rather than having to turn around
the quilt on the wall to use as a screen when giving a slide presentation. The cost of a screen would range from $100-$200
or much higher, depending on the size and if it were portable or fixed. It was suggested that we buy a portable one, rather
than one to be installed on the wall. President Boreing recommended A $250 limit to be used for the purchase of a portable
Screen. Motion passed.
Jeanie Walsh made a motion to sponsor an NPAW “Essay Contest” at the Bruceton School, with an emphasis on the illegal use
of drugs in our county. She reported that she had spoken to Dr. David Tupper, Principal at the Bruceton School, who
was receptive to the idea of the contest. He said he would help organize the contest which would get underway during the
month of February, the time of the scheduled writing skills unit in the school curriculum. The contest would have three
age/grade categories. Jeanie also stated that she and husband, Bob would donate $150 to be used as the essay prize money.
The winners of the contest would also be invited to attend a future NPAW meeting to present their essays and receive their
awards. Motion passed. Margie Boreing stated that she would arrange for refreshments to be served at the awards
presentation meeting.
President Boreing then introduced speakers Clark “Nick” Nicklow and Justin Wolfe from the 911 Office of Emergency
Management. Nick is the Address/Mapping Coordinator/Flood Plain Coordinator. Nick reported that all addresses are
current on all up-dated GPS systems. He reported that Sheriff Dan Loughrie visited the 911 Center to ask how he can
help in getting address numbers properly placed on homes and this is necessary in order that you can be found in case of an
emergency and also it is very useful for home deliveries. Install the numbers on your house, mailbox, or if you have a long
driveway, number should be at driveway entrance. Even a vacant home needs a number. According to law, all address
numbers must be visible from the road. It is the law that you have address numbers in place and this law will be enforced.
Nick stated that the cost of a reflective sign to be about $15 and can be purchased at a store like Walmart. He also said that
Randy Spiker at VFD may be able to give us information on how to obtain number signs.
Nick reported on the new Automatic Vehicle Locators (AVL) which is based on the mapping/addressing system and
that it has internet capabilities. The vehicles will be equipped with units that can send information to the 911 center.
It follows the location of each vehicle and then displays on a map monitor showing the exact location of each
vehicle. As the vehicles are in motion, their location is up-dated at 5-second intervals. Knowing where each vehicle
Is located, the deputy closest to the emergency location can be dispatched to that area.
Nick was asked about the thefts in the Hopewell area. He had no information since those thefts were investigated by State Police. Jeanie said she wanted to have the State Police at meeting, but it could not be arranged.
Nick also had high praise and said he was amazed at all the help received from the staff at Camp Dawson National Guard
during the Sandy Storm. He talked about one guy who walked 7 miles to check on Nick’s parents and other families during the storm.
Justin, Deputy Director of the 911 Center, has 9 years of experience at the center. He trained under Nick, who has 17 years
of experience with the center. Justin explained that the best equipment needs quality staff. He has experience with training and quality assurance and said that cross-training of the staff is important.
He thanked Barry Adkins and the Bruceton/Brandonville Ambulance Service for their great work and commended and recognized them as one of the top in the county.
Justin described the new CAD program. This system has every road, every house and surroundings, including driveway, swimming pool, etc. displayed on a screen in the 911 Center showing your exact physical location. He also described that the AVL, Automated Vehicles Locator, which is now being tested will be installed in 12 fire department vehicles and 8 ambulances, as well as deputy cruisers. Locator units will be purchased with grant money and will cost about $600 per unit and a $25 monthly fee. He said that they are easily installed and are connected to an ADL cell. The unit is capable of directing EKG’s straight to the hospital cardiac unit. The CAD system has an extensive database.
Justin also explained the new “special map” which was used showing emergency road closings. He and Nick can search for road obstructions and damage and then display the information on the map. The conditions are displayed by color coding. For instance, if the road were closed, it would be indicated in red, travel with caution, another color, etc. This system was used during the Sandy Storm in October. This is a system Justin and Nick have developed and they continue to improve it. If internet service is interrupted, the information can be printed and can be mailed to the state office.
During the Sandy Storm, Justin reported that the National Guard cleared 450 miles of roads and that the County Commission approved $90K+ for private contractors and logging companies to work to clear debris. Justin described so much devastation by trees cracking and falling everywhere. Men working 12-18 hours until they were so exhausted, they could just not work any longer. The power company crews worked around the clock under difficult conditions to restore service. Justin and Nick expressed gratitude to all who helped during the storm mentioning groups from Moundsville, a church group for Tennessee, and another from Paducah, Ky. They worked hundreds of man hours, plus their travel time. They also told how a Blackhawk helicopter was also used to deliver medicine, food and water, baby formula and diapers.
Jeanie Walsh commended Justin and Nick for the valuable information they provided and acknowledged that Preston County
is very fortunate to have the 911 Center staffed with two dedicated people like Nick and Justin who really care for the
People of Preston County.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.