
Poole were invited by the DfES to bid for a time limited Parenting Early Intervention Pathfinder Programme by 11 August 06. We heard that we had been successful on 17 August 06, but had to revise our work plan by 22 September 06.

The Programme we have been asked to run is Webster-Stratton. This has a very specific requirement on the group leaders running the Programme to be trained, observe and co-lead groups with existing accredited specified group leaders, which takes time to work through the process.

We were only able to bid for this because we have an accredited trained group leader and co-worker working in Poole for NCH, who currently manage this Programme for parents of younger children under the Children Fund.


The Webster-Stratton programme is very specific and controlled by its creator, Caroline Webster-Stratton . It has to be led by an accredited trained group leader who leads 12-16 week programmes for parents experiencing behaviour problems with their children. It has to be managed by an organisation which understands its specific requirements. There are only two who do this in the region, NCH and Dorset Health Care Trust. I have spoken to the manager of the latter, who has been involved in the development of this bid and she does not want to deliver this. I have also spoken to the Assistant Director for Barnardos, Tim Carter, and he agrees it makes sense for NCH to extend their role, and that Barnardos are not running this programme, so does not want to bid for it.


The DfES expect us to start the work programme now as funding is only until March 08 and we have targets to meet. We need to recruit the additional staff who will be trained and supervised by the accredited group leader, needed to do so. If we don’t we are at real risk of losing the money and depriving parents locally of a service for which they have been asking and which we hope will improve behaviour and reduce exclusions and anti-social behaviour. We have to run sufficient groups to reach a targeted number of parents (90).

NCH were appointed to manage the Children’s Fund from March 03, following advertisement and interview. The existing Webster-Stratton Programme is run from this fund (see para 1 above) and NCH receive £55,563 for 06/07 and £60,000 for 07/08 for this.

They will manage the additional staff required for this Pathfinder Project and receive the following funds to do so all from the DfES bid. Funding will be received imminently.

Year 1 – September 06 – March 07 / - / £63,363
+ 9,504 management cost
Year 2 – April 07 – March 08 / - / £154,003
+ 23,100 management cost
Total for 2 years (including 15% management cost) / = / £249,970

Value For Money

I attach the break down of the funds received from DfES divided into the service commissioned from NCH and provided by the BOP. NCH are able to deliver the service quickly and cost effectively because of their experience in running the programme and their ability to move this forward quickly. We also expect that the training provided will skill up employees who can continue to use these skills after the funding ends, provided their time can be released.

Legal advice is that EU regulations do not apply because this work would fall into Part B of the regulations.

Poole Parent Pathfinder Project (Respect)

Funding Allocation for Life of Project between Borough of Poole and NCH

2006/07 / Borough of Poole / NCH
Staff costs / 48,000
Recruitment costs / 3,000
Sub total / NIL / £51,000
Adaptations to premises/rent / 30,000
Rent – Project Base / 4,600
Storage of Equipment / 500
Venue Hire / 1,000
Heating & Lighting / 1,500
Service Charges
Maintenance & Insurance / 1,150
Sub total / £32,650 / £1,500
Post, Telephone & Fax / 1,500
Printing & Stationery / 2,300 / 200
Travel & Expenses / 1,797 / 2,200
Training Expenses / 27,227
Sub total / £31,324 / £3,900
Backfill - other agency staff / 3,300
Crèche/After School staff / 960
Office Furniture / 5,000
W-S Adult & Child Resources / 6,834
Set Up costs (IT etc.) / 4,000
Equipment Maintenance / 161
Photocopier purchase / 11,500
Needs Analysis / 4,000
Group-work expenses / 1,100
Parent/Child Travel Expenses / 750
Sub total / £30,634 / £6,963
Overall Running Costs 2006/07 / £94,608 / £63,363
15% Management Overheads / £ 14,191 / £ 9,504
TOTAL COSTS 2006/7 / £108,799 / £72,867

Poole Parent Pathfinder Project (Respect)

Funding Allocation for Life of Project between Borough of Poole and NCH

2007/08 / Borough of Poole / NCH
Staff costs / 140,562
Sub total / NIL / £140,562
Rent – Project Base / 7,500
Storage of Equipment / 1,000
Venue Hire / 2,500
Heating & Lighting / 2,500
Service Charges
Maintenance & Insurance / 1,600
Sub total / £11,600 / £3,500
Post, Telephone & Fax / 2,000
Printing & Stationery / 2,150 / 100
Travel & Expenses / 1,628 / 2,800
Training Expenses / 25,563
Sub total / £29,341 / £4,900
Backfill - other agency staff / 13,200
Crèche/After School staff / 2,880
Office Furniture
W-S Adult & Child Resources / 1,666
Set Up costs (IT etc.)
Equipment Maintenance / 161
Photocopier purchase
Needs Analysis / 1,000
Group-work expenses / 1,000
Parent/Child Travel Expenses / 1,000
Sub total / £15,866 / £5,041
Overall Running Costs 2007/08 / £56,807 / £154,003
15% Management Overheads / £ 8,521 / £ 23,100
TOTAL COSTS 2007/08 / £65,328 / £177,103

NCH total funding requirement over 2 years = £249,970