Teleconference October 19th, 2017
712-775-7031 (l.d. charges apply), passcode 365-007 3 to 4:15 p.m. Eastern
Welcome & Roll Call (Robinson)
- Consideration of September 21st Meeting Notes (Supplement No. 1)
Markesha Henderson, Courtney Spivak, Tray Robinson, AmberFallucca, Leah Kareti, Bryan Hennen, Louise Torgerson, Amy Shopkorn, Bob Gatti
Meeting minutes approved by Courtney and Bryan
Awards Committee (Robinson)
Due to lacking applications, it was recommended we should nominate someone internally who is supportive of our work as means to help get the word out for the award in future years. Members on the call agreed this was a good decision to start. Recommendations for nominations included individuals who participated in the data blitz during NASPA conference in March 2017. These individuals includedRebecca Crandallfrom Ohio State (spirituality and student-athletes), David Weireich UNC-Greensboro (profiling NCAA Innovations grant; presenting on behalf of someone else who had completed the research), Eric Hartung (mental health findings from the NCAA goals study), and Markesha Henderson and Ann Merram (examining student-athlete fitness). Rebecca Crandall’s name was brought forward for consideration. Leah also mentioned potential for NASPA publication contributors. Markesha removed herself from consideration as presented topic was not directly related to her research. Rebecca from Ohio State was selected to be recipient for award this year. Leah brought up that this could be a great way to recruit individuals for data blitz moving forward. Next steps is to find Rebecca’s study information to help share forward. Leah and Amber will look for specific information to share forward.
Education Plan Updates (Henderson and Archibald)
No major updates to report. Markesha forwarded website corrections information and contact information from NASPA office. No communication from James as of yet about the status of the project.
NCAA National Convention Session (Hartung)
Eric was not on the call. Amber relayed that Eric sent email sharing that three panelists are finalized for NCAA convention/NCAA sponsored session. Liz Darger (Brigham Young), Clyde Doughty (Bowie State), and NnennaAkotaobi (Swarthmore).
NASPA Conference Planning Updates (Robinson)
Tray and Amber have begun planning for upcoming NASPA conference. A few agenda items are already in the works and are being asked to provide updates.
- SAKC Sponsored Program Update (Spivak)
Courtney reviewed reviewer comments from sponsored session and submitted three forward to be selected. Committee will be providing program decisions soon.
- Data Blitz Planning (Kareti and Fallucca)
Amber shared that we are waiting to hear proposal updates/acceptances before initiating next steps for data blitz planning. Leah stated we are in a holding pattern but will look to Tray to help make connections with Gender and Sexuality KC to solicit data blitz proposals. Tray agreed to help.
- Leadership Meeting (Fallucca)
Still trying to schedule breakfast meeting for Leadership meeting. Primarily looking at hotel restaurants (convenience and pricing). Continuing to complete research—looking for ideas from leadership team members if they are aware of potential locations in Philly for 7 am on Monday near the convention center. Bob offered to complete outreach with colleagues in area to see what might be available.
- Volunteer Opportunities (Robinson)
Googledoc being sent forward soon to identify individuals planning to attend NASPA and availability for events (Grad Fair, Leadership Meeting, Business Meeting)
Election Nomination Committee (Gatti and Spivak)
Courtney shared there is one nomination so far and they are looking for additional candidates to serve in a co-chair role. Value of having co-chairs was previously expressed by Bob, Tray, and Amber. Deadline is tomorrow for applications. Updated since call: two nominations have been submitted for SAKC co-chair roles.
Other Updates (as pertinent)
- Region Reps
Courtney asked if anyone else was planning to attend the Region 6 conference in Hawaii. She is not attending but was hoping someone else could be present at Knowledge Community tabling event.
- NCAA Staff
Leah from NCAA—no updates. Convention planning is currently taking a priority for NCAA.
- NCAA DI, DII, and DIII Reps
Louise—New book is being published soon titled,“Envisioning Scholar-Practitioner Collaborations: Communities of Practice in Education and Sport.”Louise will send link forward for us to review so that we can consider for professional development.
Amy Shopkorn—notification will be shared soon from NASPA about approvals and scheduling of programs.
- N4A
- Partnerships with other KCs
Tray and Amber discussed how data blitz and research agenda serve as partnership components, including with Gender and Sexuality KC this year and research agenda topics.
Tray and Amber are working on reports for NASPA .
Next Team Meeting scheduled for November 16th